Friday, January 4, 2019

Out for the count

I had a headache also and feel sound asleep and never woke back up.  I hope we aren't getting sick.  I am not leaving early so I won't be able to be there by dinner.  Sorry about that one guys.  I am sorry about Stanley.  That was so weird because he was looking so good.  Everyone drive safe.  I am excited for us to get together.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Happy Birthday Ruthie

Thanks guys for coming up tomorrow you are so sweet.  Noodles and company sounds great Karen, you are so awesome.  Stanley passed away last night which was sad.  We are just not going to have a pet for a while but we kept all his stuff in case we change our minds.  Ruthie had a good birthday.  We picked up Casey and went to chick fil for lunch.  It kind of was a disaster though.  Ruthie fell off her chair and took everything with her and ended up with barbecue sauce all over her hair.  We got her cleaned up and then Oliver fell and cut his lip on the playground.  You would have thought he lost an arm by the way he was screaming, it was crazy.  After we dropped Casey off we went to the post office and Ruthie walked into the van door and hit her head.  We just took it easy the rest of the afternoon.  They have a new dropped off and pick up at Isaac's school so I volunteered to help direct traffic.  Isaac thought that was the worst because he had to wait for me to finish but I thought it was a good thing to do.  We took Ruthie to Sam's club for dinner and she saw someone getting pink cupcakes and she wanted to buy some.  So we got some cupcakes and came home and ate them.  It was a fun night.  I skipped book group so I could be there for her birthday.  Love you guys and thanks again for coming up.



I woke up feeling a little off. But I made it to work and that was good. I just came home and slept I had a headache. I am like Karen I'm going to try and leave early. But I will have to see how the day goes. I will text when I leave. See you all tomorrow.



I decided to leave work early tomorrow. So I will be in Logan in time for dinner so I will take you guts out to noodles for dinner if that is okay with you Rachel . I also found my sqitch controller. I looked all over and found it on my charger. Who would have thought to look there. It was warmer today also so that was nice . We actually got up to freezing. Work went good. It is still on the quiet side. I hope everyone had a great day .Bye

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

fun times

I am glad that Ruth had a fun birthday.  I sure had a fun time.  I hope she is feeling better.  I ordered a meat and cheese plate for Saturday for lunch from Lee's.  I think that will be fun.  Work was good.  I got a lot done and my emails went to 29 today that is the lowest it has been in months.  That is a good thing.  We went to Winco after work and went grocery shopping.  I think we are all going to drive up separately so we can leave when we want to.  I am glad you got the kids shoes.  Good job.  we are going to fit dad with a heart monitor in the morning.  He hasn't had one for several years and they thought it would be a good idea to see what is going on.  They want to do that ablation surgery. It worries me but we will see how the monitor goes.  Have a nice Thursday.  It sure was cold today.  It is suppose to warm up a bit so that is nice.  LOVE MOM


Today was good, I made it out alive. It was hard to work today. I came home.planning on being productive but I ended up taking a nap. I did sew for a bit but I didn't get much done. I'm ready for another vacation lol.


It felt like a Monday when I got up this morning. It was also super cold. It was -8 when I left for work. Other than that my day was good . I hope everyone had a great day .Bye

Thank you

Thank you guys again for coming all the way up and giving Ruthie a fun birthday party.  You are the best.  She loved all the presents and it was fun to play with them today.  Today was good.  Isaac went back to school and he had a good day.  I worked out this morning and Oliver cut his finger when he jumped off the bleachers.  I got him a band-aid from the office because it was bleeding a bit but it isn't bad.  He was pretty upset at bedtime when I took off his band-aid, heaven help him if he every really gets hurt.  After school we went and bought some church shoes for the kids.  They did really well going and we had a good time.  The boys were cute trying to find Ruthie some shoes.  Casey worked late so we just played just dance.  It was fun.  Love you guys and have a good night.


Monday, December 31, 2018

Happy New Years

I got up early and went to work and worked until 10.  We went to the mall and walked around and then just vegged.  I don't think Jenkins is that old.  I bet he is more like 6 or 7.  He moves really well.  Heart murmurs are bad.  He just will move slow sometimes.  I am glad you took him in.  Did they give you any suggestions on how to take care of him?  I am excited to go to Logan tomorrow.  Everyone drive safe.  It is really windy here tonight.  LOVE MOM

Happy New Year

The boys slept at Randy's and stayed until about 3 so it was me and Ruthie for most of the day.  We had a good time.  We went to Walmart and just played at home.  The boys had fun and went sledding which they love.  For dinner Casey made salmon and we got the fancy cups out and were giving toasts.  It was fun.  The little kids didn't like the salmon so since it is new years we got them a pizza.  Oliver was a lot happier after he ate which was good.  Thanks for coming up tomorrow, it will be a fun day.  Love you guys.



My day was good. I had about 2 inches last night. So I had to shovel this morning. It was cold. Then I went to work . Work went good, it was quite. It is cold here now as well. It is down to -1 right now. I will see everyone next year as well. Bye

Goodbye 2018

I hope everyone has a good new years eve. I will see you next year ;) ha ha I'm funny. I took Jenkins to the vet today. I had a coupon for a free wellness check. She said he has a heart murmur and thinks he more around 9 years old. But everything else looks good. I sewed and relaxed today it was nice. Last night Jenkins had a crazy sneeze that came out of nowhere and it scared me. I looked down and he was grinning he thought he was pretty funny. Lol it made me laugh. Love you.

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Quiet day

We had a quiet day also.  We slept in and took naps.  I started my bead picture that Rachel gave me for Christmas and I like doing it.  It is fun.  Rachel, I love the quilt.  That is a wild one.  I think we might come up Friday night so we don't have to leave too early on Saturday for the baptism if that is OK.  I am excited for him.  I am going to work really early tomorrow and just work a few hours.  I thought we would get up early on Tuesday and be up there before Lunch.  Ruthie can pick where she wants to go to lunch.  I am sorry she has the stomach flu.  That is miserable.  I hope she gets feeling better soon.  That is fun the boys get to stay with Randy.  That will be fun for them.  Jenkins is such a character.  He will diffently keep you life interesting.  Have a nice Monday.  It sucks that I have to go to work.  LOVE MOM


Isaac's baptism is going to be Saturday at 9 am.  Isaac and Casey need to be their at 8:30 to be ready.  We met with the bishop this afternoon and we have Isaac's white suite so we are ready to go.  We went to church this morning but when we were getting in the car Ruthie threw up so she stayed home with Casey.  Casey stayed home from work also.  I took the boys to church and that went well, it is the last 3 hour church.  Randy took the kids to spend the night.  We thought it wouldn't be good to have Ruthie go with her stomach upset but she wanted to.  So Casey went with them and they went sledding.  Then me and Casey went to dinner then picked up Ruthie and took her home.  The boys are sleeping their and will have a fun time.  While they were sledding I finished the top of my quilt.  I on;y had two rows left to put on so it was nice to finish that.  Love you guys.  I can't believe it is the end of the year.


Hide and seek

Today was chill so that was nice. I went up to sew a bit. I came down to take a break. I couldn't find Jenkins anywhere. So I called out his name and all my blankets started to move. He nestled his way in lol it was funny. I've been working on my quilt. It's slow but steady. It's been fun to work on.



Sorry I didn't blog last night I forgot. My day has been good. I did get a nap so that was good. It did start snowing here around 3. So far there is about an inch on the ground. I hope everyone had a great Sunday. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...