Thursday, April 18, 2013
fun time
I met Kay and Julie for dinner tonight it was fun to meet up with them. We went to Kohl's afterwards. It was nice to walk the around. I am excited for everyone to come down tomorrow. It is be nice. Robin is going to come over for dinner. Not much else going on with me. I had another bad headache today. Those are getting really old. Drive safe tomorrow Rachel and Isaac and Karen. LOVE MOM
add on
well today was good. work was work then I just chilled all night, I am tired. I did start working on making an apron for pioneer. we have dresser aprons for holding pins and crap and I am going to make my own now I can patter things ok. I did have another photoshoot added on to saturday. sabatoge. so I guess I will join the group when i get done with makeup. well not to much else have a great night
Sweet that will be fun to have you come down Friday Rachel. I am excited for the weekend. I just hope that it doesn't rain all day. Just think sunny thoughts. My day was good. Nothing too exciting to report. Tomorrow is trash day so I have been putting the sticks from the bush in there as i have extra room. I am starting to make a dent so that is good. I got my dishes all done tonight. I also got my laundry done last night. So I have been feeling productive. Well i hope that everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. BYE
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
I would love for you to come down Friday. That would be so much fun. Do you want me to take some time off? If you want to come down early I can take some time off. That would be fun. I will take you for as long as you want to stay. Robin I am glad you are doing both photo shoots, I that will be good for you and we can play when you are done. My headache is feeling better, I just feel like I have been run over by a truck. That happens after I have a bad one. I am glad that Casey is getting his tooth fixed. I hope it is an easy fix also. I hate teeth. Karen I am so glad your eye's checked out. That is a good thing for the day. Not much else to report. Can I say that I am tired of the cold weather. I am really ready for some warm temperatures. I was watching the weather and it is up to 40 percent rain for Saturday. I hope that they change that and make it warm and sunny. LOVE MOM
Karen that is a good idea about coming down on Friday, good job thinking outside the box. I talked to Casey and we will do it if that is alright with Mom. That is will be fun. It was really cold up here today but it didn't snow. Isaac still rode his bike a lot and we went and feed the ducks. Isaac has a bit of a cold so I was worried about him being outside but he wouldn't come in. We also went to playgroup in the morning. Tomorrow I am going visiting teaching so I hope that goes well. Casey has a dentist appointment for tomorrow morning. I hope that it is a easy fix and they can just glue it back on. Today Isaac starting cleaning the car, it was cute. I attached a picture. He is so funny he knows what car everyone drive. He was talking about the little girl next door that is in the playgroup on Sunday and he said Imogene drives in the Jeep. When ever we talk about someone it is in reference to what they drive. Well everyone have a good night and I am excited for the tulips.
no songs
today was busy, I went to work and then I had a meeting for pioneer at night. I think it will be fun. Then I came home and I thought of every little thing I had to get done so I am trying to knock things off my list. I think I got bills paid, I have to order more contacts. but I'm sure I will find things I need to do as I go along. tis is life. well have a great wensday
Got more snow
Well it snowed again this afternoon, but it was after I got back from my eye doctor appointment so it wasn't too bad. The eye doctor said my eyes look good. I didn't even need to change my prescription so that was nice. I got my state tax refund in the mail today. That was nice. It would have been nicer if I hadn't had to pay federal but I will take what I can get. Mom, I am going to come down to SLC on Friday night if that is alright. We can have dinner and play. Rachel since you are driving separate you should come down Friday also and we all can play. Just a suggestion. I am glad that the weekend is almost here. I hope that everyone had a great Wednesday. BYE
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Ok you talked me into it I am going to both shoots one at 11 and one at 1. if you want to go in the day I can meet up. sorry... anyway today was good. Work dragged on and on. I feel like i keep getting behind and more behind. well i guess its better then looking for things to do. I am glad tomorrow is wensday. I do have a meeting at pioneer though. so that will be good. have a good night
It looks like you gave Isaac a hair cut. He is so cute. That is fun you gave him the spoon to lick. That is always the best part. I am glad you had a good time at bears. If it gets too much we can just not get together this weekend and do something next weekend. It really isn't a major thing. It might rain on Saturday so we will have to watch the weather anyway. I have been doing laundry tonight. I understand Rachel how life gets to busy. It doesn't seem like a few things will be that much but it sure can change things around. Not much else going on with us. It is so cold. I rode trax home tonight and fell sound asleep. Maybe that is why I like to ride trax. I get a nap. Well have a great hump day. Good luck Karen with the eye doctor. I hope he is a good one. Drive safe to Heber City. LOVE MOM
Life just gets to be bus sometimes. It is funny how adding a few things really takes up time. I guess that is life. Robin you could do both shoots and then we could go in the evening, that would work out. I guess I have a meeting Sunday morning and Casey has the bike class so he isn't coming down until later on Saturday so the plan I have come up with is me and Isaac will drive down separately Saturday. Casey will come down later and spend the night and come home on Sunday. I am excited to go to tulip days. I am glad that you took half a day off Karen to get your eyes checked. Casey has a dentist appointment for Thursday to get his teeth fixed. It hasn't been bothering him so that has been good. We went to story time today and then we came home and I made treats for pack meeting tonight. Isaac fell asleep while I was doing it and he took a long nap so I was able to sew with Jenn the whole time. It was nice. Casey and Isaac went up to Randys while I was gone and picked up the tiller. Pack meeting went good, I have a lot of treats left. We made these cute bird nest treats. I let Isaac lick the bowl, I attached a picture, he fell asleep after this. Everyone have a good night.
More snow
Well there was more snow this morning, again. It is also suppose to be snowy tomorrow also. I am taking a half day off tomorrow because I am going to the eye doctor. So I didn't want to go back to work and stare at a bright computer screen after getting my eye dilated. Other than the snow my day has been good. It was a little quiet at work, but that is nice to have every once in a while. Well I hope that everyone had a great day. BYE
Monday, April 15, 2013
Do both shoots
Robin you can do both shoots. The festival is open until 8 at night. We can give Isaac a nap and then meet for dinner and go. That way you can work all day and play all night. Lucky you. I will buy you a coke to keep you going. If you want to do that we are good with that.
Today was good, work was work the new thing is its not your fault but your problem. So that is a fun game for me. I don't think I signed up for that. but what can you do. Then I went to class. BUT a problem has popped up. On saturday a photographer wanted to shoot with me at rich's studio. problem its at 11 and 1. So I told him I could only do the 11am one then I thought I could meet up with you guys for lunch at least at tulip days. sorry its the best of both worlds that I could come up with. but If that is ok I think that is the best senario for everyone.??? anyway have a great night
Cute picture
That is such a cute picture. He remembers all of us using shovels to move the dirt. I thought it turned out really nice. I had a nice time this weekend. Work was crazy but I made it threw. I used that Mango sauce we shared Robin for dinner tonight. I put it on chicken. Dad ate the whole thing. It was a little to spicy for me but just right for him. I bet Casey would love it. I used all mine up. We might have to buy it again. Just cook a little bit without it for me the weakling. It is going to be a quiet week for me. Not weird hours this week. Just a normal shift. Have a nice Tuesday be careful in the snow.
The right tools for the job
We were lazy yesterday also, we just stayed in our pajamas until church which was nice. Church went pretty good. Isaac was grouchy in sacrament so we just went out in the hall. He did good in nursery but he wanted more water and no one was paying attention so he walked over and started carrying the pitcher over and it spilled. It was cute but messy. Today was pretty good. It was cold and it only snowed a little bit. We met Casey for lunch at McDonald's and they had a play land, Isaac loved it. It took him a minute to be comfortable and then he was off. We stayed for a while. I was sweeping the driveway and Isaac got his snow shovel and started shoveling the dirt, it was cute. I attached a picture. Thank you for all your help with the bricks, it looks really nice. Casey is going to drive the truck to work tomorrow and pick up a load of compost. I have pack meeting tomorrow and I have to make some snacks, I hope that they turn out alright. Well everyone have a good night. Robin I hope that you get a lot of sleep.
Well I was just lazy yesterday as well. Work seemed a little slow, but that is usual for Mondays. It had snowed when I got up and then it snowed this afternoon. It is suppose to get nasty again tonight. I just hope I don't have to shovel. Well I hope that everyone had a great Monday. BYE
Sunday, April 14, 2013
lazy again
well today was nice to sleep and relax. I did manage to talk myself into doing laundry. so that was a bonus. I just did the bare minumim for my class on monday so that means next week I will be busy. o well it was nice to relax today. well not to much else going on have a great monday
Quiet day
WE had a nice day. WE went to sacrament meeting and then we went out and saw Grandma Bodily. She wasn't feeling a hundred percent but she wanted to go to Sizzler. We came home and I took a 3 hour nap. That felt so nice. We have just been watching Jericho the rest of the night. I did make split pea soup and I used your carrots Rachel. Thanks they were delicious. Not much else to report. There is the Salt Lake Marathon next Saturday. I will look into the route. That might effect travel around the city. Have a nice week. Thanks for the fun time yesterday. It was fun to play. LOVE MOM
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...