Tuesday, April 16, 2013


It looks like you gave Isaac a hair cut.  He is so cute.  That is fun you gave him the spoon to lick.  That is always the best part.  I am glad you had a good time at bears.  If it gets too much we can just not get together this weekend and do something next weekend.  It really isn't a major thing.  It might rain on Saturday so we will have to watch the weather anyway.  I have been doing laundry tonight.  I understand Rachel how life gets to busy. It doesn't seem like a few things will be that much but it sure can change things around.  Not much else going on with us.  It is so cold.  I rode trax home tonight and fell sound asleep.  Maybe that is why I like to ride trax.  I get a nap.  Well have a great hump day.  Good luck Karen with the eye doctor.  I hope he is a good one.  Drive safe to Heber City.  LOVE MOM

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