Thursday, December 22, 2022


 I went to work.and that is good. They had a white elephant party and it was fun. I got a.kfc bucket warmer. funny. I thought jeramy would think it was funny. We went and got drugs and then just watched TV. We are going to Lehi tomorrow for Robin's birthday. That is cute about the freezer. Oliver and have all.his frozen pizzas. Love mom

day off

I had the day off. It was nice. I still took Luna into daycare. I was going to have a craft day but I didn't do a great job. I tried my sublimation printer but I was trying the materials that don't work great. There are two people having babies so I thought I would try sublimation on the blankets. I tried a test piece since everything else failed. And it turned out ok. Now I just need to make the blankets. I also got a pedicure because I wanted to sit in a massager chair and be pampered :). I picked Luna up early. She was in a good mood so we basically chased her around all night. She did stay in her play and pack for a bit and watched muana. But it was just a breather ha ha. 


 Today was good and not too exciting.  Me and the kids walked the dog and that was fun.  The kids love the freezer box and have been making plans for it.  Isaac worked all day on making the Christmas pudding.  He did it all by himself this year.  Isaac wanted an amibo for the switch so we went to best buy but they didn't have it so we went to the mall.  We just watched movies this evening.  Have a fun day tomorrow and a fun birthday Robin.

Love Rachel

Wednesday, December 21, 2022


 We had a good day.  Casey wasn't feeling great today though.  Me and the kids ran a lot of errands.  We got out hair cut and we all look great.  We picked up a prescription for Casey.  Isaac wants to make the Christmas pudding again so we went and got ingredients for that.  I finished making all the pillows for Christmas but I needed some inserts so we went to the hobby lobby but they were out.  They also didn't have a bag for tie dyeing so I will keep looking.  My book group bought us a freezer and it came today.  It was very nice of them. My primary presidency brought us dinner which was really nice.  We went to the all and walked around.  Oliver found this Indian wolf ponchos that he wanted so we bought it.  He loves it and is so cute in it.  We went to the used video store to find the burbs but they didn't have it.  Ruth threw up in the parking lot.  I don't know what was happening with her.  I went to exercise class and it was so much fun.  It was high low so we didn't do burpees and they played Christmas songs.  Klesis and her husband came over while I was gone and visited with Casey.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel


 I made it to work today. It is quiet. I have a lot of presents everyone gave me. We hooked up with the gumm gang for dinner. It was nice to visit and see what they are doing for Christmas. Robin I am glad you get a couple.of days off. That is fun. I get Friday off. I was so glad it didn't snow. That was nice. Karen I am excited for your smoker. Rachel I hope you had a nice family day. Love mom


Today was my Friday I was so excited to be off the rest of the week. Work was good. Luna is growing and wild. I think more teeth are popping through she keeps chewing on her hands. 


 I only have to work one more day this week so that is exciting. It snowed a little bit here today but it wasn't even enough to shovel. My cover for my smoker came today along with some wood pellets. Now i just need the smoker. It is going to be delivered 2 weeks from tomorrow. My day was good but it was quiet at work. It gets quieter the closer to the holiday it gets. I hope everyone had a great Wednesday. Bye 

Tuesday, December 20, 2022


Work was so long. Tomorrow is my Friday I .ready for some time off. Nothing too wild went on. Just work and chasing Luna. 


 I slept in and then we drove to Logan. It was nice to visit with Rachel and Casey. He is looking better. His checkup went well.  We went to El torro for.lunch and it tasted good. I went over to the kids Christmas parties and I had a really fun time. The activities went really well. We went to the book table to get some fun music for Isaac to play and then went to Hu hot for dinner. It is fun to watch Isaac eat. He can pack it away. We came home and just vegged. There were a million semis on the road. Trying to get everything delivered for Christmas. I can't believe how close it is. Be careful in the storm tomorrow. Love mom


 My day was good. I went and got my allergy shot this morning. Then I went to work. It was meeting day so it went by pretty fast. Then after work I was tired so I just was lazy. I hope everyone had a great Tuesday. Bye 

Monday, December 19, 2022


 I worked a full shift. the first one in a month. It kind.of felt weird. I came home and we just vegged. We are going to Logan tomorrow for school parties. Casey is looking better. I can't believe he won 200 dollars. I have been up there a lot with my mom and dad and never won. I am sorry about jeramys cousin. Let us know if you need anything. Love mom


Work went by slow today. I think it's because I know I have time off coming. After work we drove to Provo. Jeramys cousin pass away Sunday so we went and visited with his aunt. It was good to chat for a while and I think Jeramy needed to be around family. They bought Luna a christmas present. It was sweet of them. They are going to have the funeral on the 26th. Then we came home and got Luna ready for bed. She kept being so funny it was hard to get her down. 


 Thanks for playing with Oliver Karen, he was so excited.  We had a fun day.  Me and Casey drove to Idaho and bought lottery tickets.  We did some scratchers and Casey won $200.  It was fun.  We walked around some thrift store and went to lunch.  We went and got Casey some new running shoes with his winnings.  Ron and Wendy brought dinner for us tonight and it was really good.  It was nice to visit with them also.  Tiffany got a gift card for the people who saved Casey so we went and picked it up.  We also got Ruth a new tablet because hers broke when Casey was in the hospital.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel


 My day was good. It went pretty fast for a Monday so that was nice. I took the cannons dad made to work with m&ms for ammo. They all really liked them. Then after work I played my occulus with Oliver. Then i had dinner. I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye

Sunday, December 18, 2022


 I slept in as well. It felt nice. The neighbor brought over a ham she had opened and then another one unopened. It is good ham. We went to target and finished up shopping. The only thing I am missing is Casey's present it is suppose to be delivered Christmas eve. I am cutting it close. I might get a back up one. Robin I thought for sure you wouldn't open your present until Friday. I tho k that is fun you got to use it. Well I am going back to work. I haven't been in the office since the Monday before Thanksgiving. I hope I don't forget how to do things. Love mom


 Today was good.  We just stayed home.  We all slept in.  After lunch me and the kids cleaned the house.  It feels really nice to get that all done.  We walked the mall and got the kids picture with Santa.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel 


Today was good. When Jeramy woke up I took a nap. Then when Luna took a nap I set up by sublimation printer. I cought the clean up bug. So I re arranged my craft room. I finally got my printer on board. We got this bedside table when the Grovers moved and it has a lamp. I put a Deadpool on the lampshade. I think it was an awkward shape because it has metal poles to hold the lamp shade open. So it didn't heat up right. I think that is why the colors are not as vibrant. I am going to try on other things but it was fun to do. I picked up groceries and we had little Caesars for dinner. Luna took of her sweater so I thought she was hot so I put a shirt on her. She kept taking it off and running around the house with half of it on her head. I finally gave up and she was half naked till night time


 My day was good. I got my dishes done and went grocery shopping. Oliver called and wanted to play the occulus with me but I had to update and it took forever so we are going to play tomorrow instead. I hope everyone had a great Sunday. Bye 


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...