Saturday, December 17, 2022


 I am glad you guys had a good day.  It sounds fun.  I went to exercise class this morning.  It was good to go.  This afternoon the kids went and played with Emily and her brothers.  They went sledding and had a fun time.  I took Isaac Christmas shopping this evening and he found some good things.  He made stir fry for dinner and made a cake.  He was busy cooking all evening.  We are skipping church tomorrow.  I probably could go but I am taking today off.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel 


Mom dad and Karen came down and we went to Costco. Then after they left Luna took a nap. When she went down I made a pen for Jeramys boss for Christmas. She has a unique name so I tried engraving it on my glowforge after to see if it would work. It didn't come out as sharp as I wanted but it will work. Then Luna woke up and we chased her around all night. We were playing with stickers and I had some emoji ones..they had a poop one so I put it on her bum to be funny. After that she kept putting stickers on her butt. It was so funny I think I need to get out more :) She is getting really good at dancing to the wiggles. 



 I had a nice day. Bless Karen's heart she brought down all the Christmas stuff. I had bought Luna a table and chairs and swing and the boxes were big and heavy. We decided to take them to Lehi so we wouldn't have to carry them up the stairs. We had to go to Costco so Robin and Luna went with us. We went to red Rock for.lunch. Karen was craving bruschetta. The mall was busy. We got Oliver his big box for Christmas and then dropped dad off. Karen had 40 dollars to WInco. We got stuff for the board. We went to home depot and she found the smoker she wanted. It was cheaper on Amazon so she ordered that. I was one t shirt short she we went to joanns. We had a big busy day. It was fun. Hope everyone had a nice day. It will be a busy week. Love mom


 My day was good. I went and met up with mom and dad. I also took down the Santa stuff to mom's so she could get organized. Then we went down to Robin's to drop some stuff off and go to Costco. Then we went to red rock for lunch. Then we went shopping for random stuff. I bought a smoker from Amazon so that is exciting. It isn't coming until the 5th but that isn't too far away. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Friday, December 16, 2022


Todaybwas Jeramys work party and we watched avatar 2. I thought it was really sad and didn't love it. But I like cheesy musicals so my standards might be skud. I'm so glad today was Friday though I'm hoping for a relaxing weekend. Thanks again mom and dad for watching Luna. 



 I.had a hard time sleeping last night. I took the day off and.slept in and then got my hair cut. It felt so good. Rachel I am glad you used geub hub. What did you order? I love modern technology. You don't even have to leave your house. I am so glad casey n is doing well. We babysat Luna and she is so cute. She let me rock her to sleep. She li es to use her stove you gave her Rachel. Karen drive safe tomorrow. I am excited


 Today was good and nothing too exciting happened.  The kids all made it to school.  Me and Casey walked around the antique store and then surplus store.  We used Karen's gift card to grub hub and ordered dinner.  Then we just watched a show.  I hope your company Christmas party was fun Robin.

Love Rachel 

Thursday, December 15, 2022


 I woke up and just couldn't go to work so I just worked for a couple of hours going through emails and then took a nap. It felt nice. Me and dad went cHristmas shopping. Mostly for wrapping paper and boxes. I am going to take it easy tomorrow also. We are going to go play with Luna also. I am so glad casey is doing so well. He is a rock star. Love mom


It was so snowy this morning. I made it safe to work and traffic want bad. Jeramys sister needed an injection in her back. Jeramy had today off so he ran down and took her to SLC to get the injection. When he got home he noticed he left his phone in her car. Luckily he had his watch. So at lunch I ran to Provo and picked up his phone. After work we just our usual chase after Luna. She is getting better at going to sleep but it still takes 30 minutes to process the sleep time. I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday. Jeramy has a work party so mom and dad are coming down to watch Luna and we are going to see avatar 2


 It was a good day.  The kids were so tired this morning but they all made it to school.  Me and Casey watched a movie and I fell asleep.  Casey needed some deodorant so we went to Lee's.  He did really well.  Then we walked to crumb brother and had lunch.  It was really nice to have lunch with him.  The physical therapist came over and said that Casey doesn't qualify for home health because he is so strong and doing so well.  The dog lady paid us the last of the restitution money so we got a new toaster.  The kids have been wanting one for a while.  Our old one we got when we were first married.  I took Oliver and he went Christmas shopping.  Love you guys.  I like the plan for Christmas and appreciate everyone being flexible.

Love Rachel 


 Well my day was good. It was cold and snowy here all day. I am glad that it is suppose to stop snowing tomorrow. Work was good. It was our Christmas party today. It was a little lame but what can you do. I am glad that Casey is doing good. I hope everyone had a great Thursday. Bye 

Wednesday, December 14, 2022


Nothing to wild tonight. Jeramys work is having a Christmas party and they are showing avatar 2 so we stayed up late tonight watching the first one so I was caught back up. Love you



 It is hard for me to place a day. It seems like Sunday. We had a nice day in Logan. Casey is doing better. We took Issac to the concert and then we came home. It is nice to be home but i miss the kids like crazy. I am going into work for a little while tomorrow and Friday. Karen I am glad you tooth is fixed. Rachel you truly have some great friends. Love mom


 It was good to be home today with Casey.  He doing pretty good.  He doesn't feel great still.  He did go to the bank and sign a paper to move some money and he did really well.  I walked the dog this afternoon.  We have gotten a lot of snow this year. I forgot about an orchestra party so Mom picked up some treats and took them over.  Mom and Dad took Isaac to orchestra.  He was pretty stressed and had been so busy.  I am glad the concerts are done.  The concert went good.  I sat up front by a friend and that was nice.  My old exercise class out together a really sweet basket and my friend brought it over tonight.  It was really nice of them.  Everyone is so kind and generous I don't know how to thank everyone.

Love Rachel


 My day was good. I went to work and stayed busy so it went by fast. I did go to the dentist and got my permanent crown. It went pretty quick so that was nice. I really don't have anything exciting to report. I hope everyone had a great day. bye

Tuesday, December 13, 2022


 It was nice to have Rachel and Casey home. We did go shopping and that was nice. It snowed here all day and night. I was.glad you didn't come.karen. the roads were slippery. I think we are going home tomorrow. They are doing so good and rachel doesn't have to work. I love Luna she is getting big. Love mom

I'm back

 I am sorry I have been MIA.  I just couldn't bring myself to blog bad thing, sorry.  Thank you guys so much for everything.  I can never thank you enough guys, love you.  It was really good to be back home today.  Me and Mom went Christmas shopping.  We got Casey a smart watch to track his heart beat and oxygen.  I took Tony for a walk and that was really nice.  My boss came over and said not to come back until January.  My work raised a ton of money for us which was so kind and generous.  Isaac's concert went really well and he did so good.  He looked very handsome and happy.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel


I feel like it should be Friday so it's lame its only Tuesday. I think I'm excited to have some days off soon. Jeramy worked from home and cleaned the when house. It looked so nice. Around 7:30 a magic silly fairy sprinkled dust all over Luna and she is wild. I've been trying to read books to calm her down but she is a wild monkey. We will get there, but change in routine is hard so hopefully we get in a good zen rythm soon lol


 Well it snowed here all day. So i decided not to go to Logan. Sorry i missed the concert. Work was good. It was meeting day so it went by pretty quickly. My watch battery hasn't been holding a charge as well as it used to. So tonight I replaced the battery. So far it is working good so yeah I did it right. I hope everyone had a great Tuesday. Bye 

Monday, December 12, 2022


 I kept Ruth home from school. She threw up a couple of times. She just watches TV most of the day. Isaac had his first concert today and that went nice. He had to go so early but he was done by 8. Casey is home and looking good. He is a trooper. We are staying for sure through Wednesday. See how it goes. Karen drive safe. If the weather is bad don't push it. Love you all mom


It was nice it didn't snow alot. Today went by fast which was nice. Luna was getting sleepy eyed around 6 so we had some ice cream and that did the trick she was flying off the walls. She loves to steal the remote then run as fast as possible. She thinks she's so funny. Jeramy worked from home today. He likes to do that. I'm glad Casey and Rachel made it back safely. Hopefully the recovery road is smooth sailing. Let me know if you need anything


 My day was good. We only ended up getting about an inch of snow so they really under predicted that storm. Work was good. It was just the usual for a Monday. As long as the weather isn't too bad I am planning on going up to Logan tomorrow to see Isaac's concert. I hope everyone had a great Monday and I am glad Casey is home. Bye

Sunday, December 11, 2022


 We made it logan around 1 today. Sardine was snowy but the roads were just wet. We just took it easy today. We watched that Christmas movie with Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn on Disney. I enjoyed it. Not a classic but it was cute. I fell asleep after that watching dumb Disney series. The kids thought that was funny. We message ra hel and Casey and that was nice. I am keeping Ruth home from school tomorrow she had a fever to night. Be careful driving tomorrow. Love mom


I hope Casey is doing good out of ICU. I also hope the kids are feeling ok. Today was ok. I was tired. Luna is doing good she is connecting to things so it's fun. She loves Mac and cheese. And Iade cookies tonight and she was crying in front of the oven because she wanted one. It hasn't snowed here yet just rain to melt the snow. Hope everyone has a good Monday



 I got all my Christmas presents wrapped last night, so that felt nice. Today, I got my laundry done. It is nice to have finished. Other than that I just took it easy. I had a headache today so it was nice to take it slow. I am glad that Casey is out of the icu. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...