Friday, September 9, 2022


 Work was good. I didn't get done as.much as I thought I would but that is OK. We came home and Karen got a gift card for her birthday at red Robin so we went there for dinner. It was good. We walked the mall and then to the play. I really enjoyed it. They did a good job of hamlet. Drive safe tomorrow. excited to play.


 Today was good.  Their are fires nearby and the whole valley is fill with smoke.  It is awful.  The kids had to stay in from recess because of the air quality.  They walked home from school and said it was hard on the toxic air.  Work was good but slower today.   I sewed a wreath which took forever and then we edited instructions.  The kids haven't been able to play video games this week so they got extra time today.  We met Casey for dinner which was fun.  Ruth got a huge taco.  Then me and Casey went to Smithfield recreation and I signed up for a membership.  I have just been buying day passes.  So I am going to try to go more and I think it will be good.  We will see everyone tomorrow.  We will be down at lunch time.

Love Rachel

Thursday, September 8, 2022


 Happy anniversary, I am glad you went out to dinner.  That sounds fun.  Today was another busy day.  Work is good.  I had two meetings this morning.  My Bernina machine has been having tension problems but I think I got it working better this afternoon so I hope it keeps working ok.  They have these Christmas houses that come in a monthly box starting next year and I made one today.  It was fun.  They are pretty cute.  We needed more hand soap so after I picked up the kids we went to the mall and got pretzels for a snack.  Then we went and got some soap.  Ruth sprayed some body spray in Oliver's eye on accident and he dropped.his lemonade all over the place.  We did homework for a long time again.  Casey worked late and we were late with dinner.  We walked down and got some corn from the Jensen's.  It tasted really good.   Isaac rode his bike and I was going to take a picture of him holding corn funny but he bike slipped and scratched his leg, poor guy. Their is a song on tick tock that is called corn.  It is funny and we were playing it all night which drove Isaac crazy.  It was funny. 

Love Rachel

  Here is a link to the song. Corn song


 Work was good. Nothing excited for me as well. Traffic was bad going to work. We went to the spaghetti factory for dinner. It has good memories. Lots of fun times. Dads foot was.sore we came home and rested it. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. Grovers in a weired spot. Karen thanks for getting us tickets. I am excited. It is suppose to be cooler. That is nice. Love mom


Work went well nothing too wild. Jeramy is training and it's stressful but he says it's going well. The queen pass away today. She was 96. That is a long time, it will be crazy to see how everything plays out now. I guess the Grovers are going to have their baby tomorrow. So that kinda makes things wild. We went over tonight to help move some things. Then Saturday we are doing the big move still. So they are living a wild time. Luna was so tired tonight so we took it slow once we got home. I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday



 Happy Anniversary mom and dad. I hope your day was awesome. My day was good. Work is just the usual. Then I got tickets to see the trans siberian orchestra for me, mom, and dad. It isn't until November but I am excited. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Wednesday, September 7, 2022


 Today was good.  I had meetings this morning at work.  We had a potluck for lunch which was fun.  I brought a pasta salad.  It was fun to talk to everyone.  I finished a 18" pillow and it turned out pretty good.  I am figuring it out more.  Then I started working on a wreath.  The kids had a good day at school.  Oliver got a hundred in his spelling test and is doing better at writing his letters the right way.  We did homework forever and Isaac cooked dinner for us.  He is doing a good job.  I had book group tonight and we read the Cleopatra book.  I really liked it and it was good to talk to everyone.  Everyone have a night.

Love Rachel 


 Work was so busy. I couldn't keep up. I came home and we just went slow. Dad is struggling with his allergies. It is so hot. I hope that the hurricane moisture comes to utah. I am jeramy in Lehi. That saves hours. Love you all


It was hot today. Jeramy had a good day he was able to work in Lehi so the drive wasn't bad. Luna is wild and screams when she is happy or excited so the decilble level has gone up in our house. She didn't want to wake up today but she was so cute it was hard to wake her up. 



 I am glad that it is supposed to start cooling off tomorrow. Work is still moving along nothing too wild and crazy there. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, September 6, 2022


 Where was your interview at Karen?  Was it the third interview?  I am glad that they confirmed the blood disorder.  That gives you some information now when talking with all the doctors.  I am so glad that you had the test done.  We made it back to school and work and everyone had a better day than they thought they would.  It is so hot and the school doesn't have ac so they are giving the kids popsicles and ice water in the afternoon.  Work was good.  I had two meetings and sewed the rest of the day.  I am almost done making a table topper.  It was fun to do.  Ruth had tumbling which is a rush to get to.  My music leaders wrote the primary program so I went over to her house and went over it with them.  We are having a potluck at work so I ran to the store to get stuff to make a pasta salad.  We had dinner and folded laundry.  Someone left cookies for us that said I love you.  We told Isaac a girl left them for him and he was embarrassed.  We were just teasing.  Me and Casey went on a walk which was nice.  

Love Rachel


Jeramy had a good first day. I guess everyone training is from Lehi so they are moving the rest of the training from salt lake to Lehi. So that will be nice. Luna didn't eat very much an dshe looked so tired. We ran out of Tylenol. So we went to Walgreens then McDonald's so she could play on the play place and eat chicken nuggets she loved it. But was going down a step and fell on her face pretty hard. So we came home and got ready for bed and relaxed till bed time. 



 I worked from home today. It was nice. I worked early and left early. We got dads blood tests back and it did confirm his blood disorder. The doctor wasn't much help on next steps but at least we have confirmation. Good luck with your job interview. Third time the charm. Robin I hope Jeramy's first day went well and Luna is feeling better. Rachel I hope everyone made it back to the real world. I am glad tomorrow is Wednesday. It is so hot. Where is fall? The doctor said on the meeting that everyone that came to the er this weekend were wheezing. Even the kids with broken arms. Allergies are alive and well. Love mom


 My day was good. My interview went well. I will have to see if I get it. Other than that it was just the usual here. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, September 5, 2022


 It feels like Sunday to me. We stayed the night in Kamas and had lunch in park city. There were so many trailers coming down the canyon. We did stop at sprouts and get preobiotic in salt lake where traffic was normal. I am working from home tomorrow because I have a 7 meeting to take.minutes for. We are going to get dad's blood results at 4. Help us figure out next steps. Robin I am sorry your crew is sick. Hope Jeremy's first day goes well. Rachel that tree house looks really nice. I am happy for you guys. If you need dad to watch Luna give us a call. Love mom


 It was nice to have today off.  We slept in which was nice.  We all cleaned the house this morning and did laundry.  It was so hot we decided to hold off on the tree house and ran errands.  We went to a million stores but I think we got everything.  Ruth has been making lemonade and loves doing it.  Isaac makes dinner every night and is getting really good at it.  We got the railings boards all up on the tree house and it looks really nice.  Good luck tomorrow.

Love Rachel


We just had a really chill day. Jeramy wasn't feeling good and Luna had a croupy cough. So we just took it easy. We took naps when Luna went down. Then we had steaks for dinner..



 I had a fun weekend. I hung out with mom and dad.  They left after lunch today.  Before they left we got the bush trimmed and the trees by the fountain area. I also filled my fountain up because there was a mom and baby deer trying to drink from it and mom was worried about them. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, September 4, 2022


 We had a quiet day today. We played games and dad slept most of the.morning. then we had  lunch and me and Karen took.naps. we did get her window painted. Rachel.that is a fun day you had. I love that. Good.luck on the tree house. I am sorry we aren't making it up.  I am excited to see it all done. It is so neat looking. Robin  I hope Jeremy is feeling  better. Love mom


 We had a fun day.  We went to church which went well.  We came home and had lunch then took off to hike.  We went to Tony's grove because it is so high up it is cooler.  We parked a mile away and then went above Tony's grove pretty high looking for the polygamist cave.  We found a small cave that we couldn't go in.  Then Ruth got a ton of burs in her pants and lost it.  So we took a break and then started to find a way down.  It is took steep around the lake so we walked north and around.  It was fun to talk and walk all day.  I love doing that.  We had snack but we were hungry when we got home.  We promised Ruth a milkshake if she didn't cry so we went to Culver's.  Oliver was cold because he got wet in the lake so we just came home and ate.  Tomorrow we are going to work on the tree house.  Sorry we didn't make it down.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...