Saturday, May 4, 2013
I had a really nice day. I drove up to Kamas and helped Karen today. We got a lot done. There is a lot of debris left from our day today. Thanks Karen for letting me help. It was nice to be outside. Rachel I hope you had a good time at Lava Hot Springs. It was such a pretty day. Robin I am glad that you are doing good. Rest and Rest again tomorrow. You will need to do that on your Sundays to survive. You made it one week. Karen's bridge looks really nice painted. You will have to post a picture. Have a great Sunday. LOVE MOM
Well my day has been good. While I was waiting for mom to get here this morning I painted the bridge over the fountain. It looks a lot better. Then when mom got here we cut down 4 pine trees and trimmed the tress in the backyard. It looks really nice. We also went to Walmart cause I needed to go grocery shopping, I also got some herbs to plant in my yard and mom got me a hanging flower basket to hang on me patio. It is really pretty. Thanks for all your help mom. I also have done laundry. I was so productive. Well hope that Rachel and crew had a fun time at lava hot springs. I hope that Robin's show went well today also. Well I have to go fold socks. Have a great Sunday tomorrow everyone. BYE
Friday, May 3, 2013
Rachel that quilt is huge. That is amazing. It sure is beautiful. I love the new swim suit. That is so cute. That is perfect for him. I am glad you found that one. He has grown so much. It is amazing how fast they grow. I had a good day. I didn't get the sewing machine put up but I am going to do that this weekend. I just decided to go grocery shopping instead. I bought a turkey breast and put it in the crock pot and I thought I would take some over to Robin on Sunday so she could have a cooked meal. I will call you and see what is a good time. I am planning on coming to Kamas in the morning Karen. It is suppose to be just cloudy. I will call when I am ready to come up. It should be around 9:00. I am excited for this weekend. Have a great time in Lava Hot Springs. I am excited for you. Rachel, I love humus also. They have little packages of them at Sam's. WE should share that next time we go. LOVE MOM
Relaxing Springs
Today was a good day. We had playgroup in the morning and she did a cinco de mayo party. It was fun. I finished my quilt today and it is too big for the bed. I am going to unpick the last row and just throw on the back. I think that it will look good. I bought Isaac a swimming suite today. I attached a picture since it is so cute. I pulled out his old one and it was so small, it is amazing how much he has grown in a year. Casey's Dad invited us over for dinner so we went and had pizza with them. It was fun, Kimy and Max were there and I haven't seen them in a long time. We are going to leave tomorrow morning and go up to Lava Hot Springs. I think that we will probably stay the night there. It should be a nice vacation. I am excited for the quilt show. We are going to come down on Friday so we can maximize our quilt show time. It will be fun.
Well my day was good. Since it might rain this weekend I decided to weed and feed my yard. So I went to Ace after work and got stuff and fertilized. So hopefully it will rain here at least a little bit. I hope that Rachel and Casey have a great anniversary weekend. Well have a good one. Bye
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Humus Train
They have been serving humus as a snack at playgroup and Isaac doesn't eat it so I have been eating it and I love it. I bought some today and I ate the whole thing. I have always not really liked it but now I can't get enough, it is so good. We had good day today. A girl at playgroup told us about this nature center toddler group so we went today and it was a lot of fun. They read a book about seed and sang a song. Then they did coloring and we planted seeds. I didn't think Isaac got much out of it but later today he was talking about seeds and what you need to grow them. Then he was showing me where we planted the seeds. It was really cute. Casey's work had a meeting today and they are moving the technicians over to the production building and maybe changing there hours to four tens. Casey is happy that they aren't loosing there jobs. It is a good thing. Well I am glad that everyone had fun last night. Hang in there Robin, that is a tough schedule that you have.
Back on line
Dad called century link again and they got the modem problem all worked out so we are back on line. WE called the other day and they said they put the credit on and not to pay it and then yesterday they stop our internet. I thought that was really rude. They said they put the credit on again so hopefully we are good.
I really loved the play. They did a really good job. Thanks Robin for letting us go. Rachel, I love your skirt. It is so cute. I am excited that it turned out. Work was good. I am training the new girl and she is nice. Tomorrow I have a quiet day so that will be good. I think I will get all caught back up. It was such a pretty day today. It was the first time I came home without a jacket. It felt so nice not to have to wear one. Rachel thanks for doing the fence. It looks so nice. Not much else to report. We finished the series Awake and it was good. I am glad it is Friday also. I am over 1/2 hour so I get to leave a little early. Have a nice Friday. Rachel when are you taking off for Lava Hot Springs? LOVE MOM
I really loved the play. They did a really good job. Thanks Robin for letting us go. Rachel, I love your skirt. It is so cute. I am excited that it turned out. Work was good. I am training the new girl and she is nice. Tomorrow I have a quiet day so that will be good. I think I will get all caught back up. It was such a pretty day today. It was the first time I came home without a jacket. It felt so nice not to have to wear one. Rachel thanks for doing the fence. It looks so nice. Not much else to report. We finished the series Awake and it was good. I am glad it is Friday also. I am over 1/2 hour so I get to leave a little early. Have a nice Friday. Rachel when are you taking off for Lava Hot Springs? LOVE MOM
Robin I did like the play. It was good. Me and mom had a great time. Work was good. I am really glad that tomorrow is Friday though. I don't have much to report so I am going to sign off. have a good one. bye
That is a cute skirt rachel good job! I hope you like the play mom and Karen. Work went well. I am starting to feel the lack of sleep today. But so close to the end of the week. :) well not to much else with me have a great one
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Today I bit the bullet and made one of the skirts. Isaac didn't take a nap but he was in his room a while pooping so I worked on it then. It turned out cute, I like it. It fits but I think that next time I would make it a size smaller, I will have to have you look at it Mom to make sure. I used the surger and it worked really good. The only mistake I made was I put the zipper on the wrong side. I attached a picture of the skirt and of the finished fence. I forgot to take one of the before. I think I am going to do the shirt next. I am really nervous about it but I am just going to jump in. I hope that everyone has a good time tonight. That sounds like a lot of fun. I hope that you are getting enough sleep Robin.
on my own
Last night was good for dressing we are starting to calm down the crazy. Tonight is final dress. I heard there are a lot if people coming so arrive early yo get good seats :) I'm glad everyone is doing well. It snowed this morning. It better be summer soon! Well have a great one. Have fun at the show mom and karen . Have a relaxing night rachel.
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Today went so fast for some reason. We had story time in the morning, i sewed with jenn and had bears in the afternoon. We did fingerprinting and it was pretty fun. i was going to take isaac with me since we had the dentist appointments yesterday and casey was going to make up time. But Isaac hadn't woken up when i needed to go so casey came home. I was able to finish both of my library books in time. i rrally liked odd thomas and I checked out the next one in the series. I liked the last wheel of time book but it was really long winded. I skimmed through most of the battle stuff. Everyone have fun tomorrow. That sounds like a nice evening.
Nice day
Today was a really busy day, I was training the new girl all day. I got home and helped a lady I use to work with find a job and then we have be watching Awake. It is turning out to be a really good series. There are only 13 episodes but it is really good. WE only have two left. Thanks Robin for getting us tickets. I am excited to see the show tomorrow. It is the dress rehearsal. I didn't think it was suppose to be bad weather just cold. Have a great Wednesday. I am excited Rachel that you are going to Lava hot springs. That is always a good place for you. LOVE MOM
I am excited for the show tomorrow. Thanks for getting us tickets Robin. My day was good. Nothing too exciting. It looks like it might storm tonight. I just hope that it won't snow. I hope that everyone had a great day. BYE
Well things went well for the dress rehearsal. The songs go by a lot faster when you are running around backstage. It will be fast paced that's for sure! I'm glad everyone is doing well. I got the tickets for wensday I will text mom when I figure out a good time for drop off :)
Monday, April 29, 2013
Way to go
Everyone is doing good. Congratulations on the dentist. For not going for awhile you did really well. Karen I think that is funny you are counting the change. If you win how will that look? Robin I hope Pioneer went well. The offer is still here to help in any way I can. I had a good day. It was quiet and nice and then dad took me out to dinner and we went and got juice at the store. I bought this green juice and it is really good. We are going to drink it in the morning and try to get more fruits and veggies into our diet. I also bought some carrot and orange juice combined. It is really good also. It is that Bothswell juice that Robin likes. I think going to the hot springs for your anniversary is wonderful and Isaac is going to love it. It is suppose to be really good this weekend. I am happy for you guys. Congratulations on 7 years. There is going to be a lot of time for us to babysit. Well have a great Tuesday. It is suppose to be cold in the morning. Wear a jacket Karen if you walk. Thanks so much for doing the fence. That is a lot of work. We appreciate it.
We finished fixing the fence today. It looks so much better. It isn't falling over anymore. It is nice to be done. Me and Casey went to the dentist today to get our teeth cleaned. We haven't been in a while so it was good to go and we are going to be better about going more consistently. I have gum disease so the put some anitbodics in my gums and some prescription tooth paste. Fun stuff. Good luck Robin with Pioneer I hope that it goes well. Karen, I am excited about your lawn mower. Is it self propelled? I hope that it mows the lawn well. I am so excited for the quilt fair in TWO weeks. It will be really fun. Oh I talked to Casey about what to do on our anniversary and we are going to go to Lava Hot Springs on Saturday and we are going to take Isaac. Thanks everyone for being there to watch Isaac. We will have to have you watch him another time. Thanks so much.
Well my day was good. The morning was pretty busy and then in the afternoon I helped count the change they have been collecting for a charity. The is a lot of change. They had two glass jugs full. We only got about half of it counted, so I may help again tomorrow. It is really windy here right now. But it was really pretty this morning. Well I hope that everyone had a great Monday. I hope pioneer went well for you Robin. Bye
P.S Here is the picture I took of Isaac on the train. :)
P.S Here is the picture I took of Isaac on the train. :)
Sunday, April 28, 2013
so it begins
Today I got alot accomplished. I am not done with everything but I think that is ok. i can only do so much. I tried to sleep in to so I am starting well rested. Tomorrow I start at pioneer. HOpefully it all runs smooth. well not to much else with me have agreat night
Good Luck Robin
We made it to church also today and stayed the whole time. It felt nice to go. It was so hot in our apartment this afternoon. It got up to 85 this afternoon so I turned the airconditioner on this evening. It feels a lot better. Might be a hot summer for us. I am hoping not. I took a long nap and just rested today. We started a new series that I am liking it is call Awake. Interesting. Good luck Robin over the next 6 weeks. If you need anything please let me know. I can run errands. Cook Food. Anything that will help you make it through Pioneer. Not much going on with me this week. Should be a quiet one. Two more weeks and it is the quilt fair. Just thought I would get us all excited. I think that will be a lot of fun. Have a great week. LOVE MOM
Well things are good here in Kamas. I did go to church today. It seems like a nice ward. I even made it thru the whole thing. Impressive I know. I sat by a 6 year old during sacrament so I had fun but I didn't get a lot out of the talks. Then I took a nap. I love nap time. Well I hope that everyone had a good Sunday. BYE
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...