Saturday, December 1, 2018


Rachel, I am so glad that Leona is going with Carla. She will be happy there. I will
Miss here. Dad and Karen said I was way sick
Last night and I needed to go to instacare.  We got up and we’re there early. I have a double ear infection. They gave me an antibiotic so hopefully I will start hearing again. Robin I hope you had a good day. We did get Christmas all decorated. It looks so wonderful. Have a nice Sunday. Love ya mom


An update with Leona is that they aren't going to do the surgery because she isn't a good candidate for it.  They are probably going to discharge her on Monday.  She is going to move in with Carla so tomorrow Casey is going to pack up Pioneer Lodge and store it at our house until they move it down.  Casey said Leona is really happy to be leaving with Carla.  Casey is on his way home now.  We were able to open the Lego countdown calendars this morning and they kids loved that, thanks Karen.  They liked the chocolate also Mom.  Then we ran errands much to Isaac's dismay but he survived.  The bathtub knob was broken so we couldn't turn on the water so I fixed it today.  I finished the binding on Karen's quilt.  Next time I am going to do a zig zag stitch.  The lady online said to do that but I didn't want to switch machines, oh well next time.  It is a really beautiful quilt.  After lunch we packed a bag of Leona's things and met Casey in Odgen at the train museum so he could take them to her.  We walked around and it was nice, the kids love that place.  We got pizza when we came back to Logan and the car ahead of us paid $5 of our bill which was really nice.  Then when I was giving the kids a bath someone dropped off a bag full of presents that you open one a day.  Today's was a bar of chocolate.  It was really sweet and the kids loved it.  Everyone have a good Sunday, today was a long day.


Friday, November 30, 2018

Crazy moon

We are under a crazy moon. I am sorry Leona is so sick. Poor thing. I told Karen I would take the quilt and she said it was all hers it it amazing. Robin I love the pictures. Good job. I am glad you got to do that. You are so gifted. I am still sick we are going to insta care to have them look at my ears. Rachel if you want to come down. We can take the kids for you. We are going to decorate the house. Love mom


Good job on your makeup Robin, those pictures are really good.  I hope that everyone feels better soon.  Leona was in a lot of pain last night but she didn't want to go in so Casey dropped by before work and she was ready to go to the doctor.  They sent them to the ER and then an ambulance took her to the U in Salt Lake.  She has Abdominal aortic aneurysm.  It is blocking the blood supply to her kidneys.  They are going to get her hydrated and rested then in the morning do a CT to see how to proceed.  Casey is down with her and is spending the night.  I worked out this morning, after school we went to the library and got some new books.  I took the kids to the bounce and slide and that was fun.  I am almost done with Karen's quilt.  I ran out of thread.  I love it a lot, it is going to be a really really fancy blanket for you.  The binding is harder than I thought so I would do it a different way next time.  I will keep everyone updated.  It has been an emotional day.  Love you guys.



Today was ok. I didn't feel great but I made it through the day. I came home and just slept and rested. I took Jenkins out but that was the only thing I did lol. Sorry to hear leona isn't feeling great. Let me know if you need anything. I got the pictures from the makeup I did the other day.


Thursday, November 29, 2018


It did start snowing here around 2. Last I looked there was around an inch or two outside. I have my alarm set for ealier tomorrow so I can shovel snow before heading to the high school. That way i won't be late no matter how much snow there is. My day was good. The chili tasted good. I think next time I am going to put fewer beans in because i like the sauce the best. Thsnks for thr recipe Rachel. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye


We got a inch of snow which is fun, it looked pretty snowing today.  Isaac made it to school and had fun playing in the snow.  The kids all looked good in their snow gear.  Oliver had school and he had a fun time.  While he was gone me and Ruth ran some errands.  We just played in the basement the rest of the afternoon and we made some ornaments for the tree.  Isaac had a play date with Collin after school and they had a fun time.  Casey's grandma was in a lot of pain so Casey went and helped her.  We aren't sure what is wrong but I hope she feels better soon.  Love you guys and I hope that you have a good Friday.


Long week

It has been a long week and I am ready for the weekend.  I watched KSL and you would think Karen wouldn't be able to find her house by Saturday.  Then I watched and they said maybe an inch or two.  We will have to see who is right.  Work was OK.  I didn't get much done.  My attitude is bad right now.  I am using my cold as the excuse.  Robin thanks for posting the pictures of Jenkins.  He is a cute done.  He has had a lot of adventures lately on the weekend.  He is probably ready to go.  That is what we do.  Rachel, I hope that Leona is OK.  Let me know if you need any help.  We are heading to Kamas to get Christmas decorations up.  I can't believe how fast time is going.  It is going to be here before we know it.  Have a nice Friday.  LOVE MOM

One more

Today was alright. I was tired so it went by slow. I'm glad tomorrow is Friday. I think I'm resting all week the cold is creeping up. Jenkins is doing well I think he had cabin fever so I might take him on a walk this weekend to burn some energy lol


Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Hump day

I had the chills so bad last night I just decided to work half day and go home and rest.  I slept the whole afternoon.  I didn't think I was that tired but I was out.  I always worry about Casey and his coughs.  He has such a hard time with that.  I guess I relate to that.  Karen, I hope your chili turned out.  I love chili.  Rachels did taste really good.  I am glad that Isaac wasn't too sick.  I can't believe he is old enough to babysit.  He is getting at the age where a few minutes alone won't hurt him.  I am not sure I am ready for that one.  Robin, I hope that Jenkins did better today with his potty training.  I think he is still marking his space.  I was thinking of putting those pads all over your house except one place and then maybe he would go there.  Put the green pad there and see if that works.  I can get more pads if you need them.  He is such a character.  Rachel that is so nice of you to make that quilt.  It is beautiful.  I love Bernia fabric.  Have a nice Thursday.  It is suppose to be rainy/snowy tomorrow and Friday.  We are going to Kamas this weekend and decorate for Christmas.  I was wondering what type of food would sound good.  LOVE MOM


Work was good. It went by fast. I came home and relaxed. I feel good then I get feel crummy so it's a wave affect I'm trying to just rest. Stay safe in this storm system



Good luck with the chili Karen.  I forgot to tell you I added meat, it wasn't in the recipe.   I started working on your quilt Karen and I am about half way done, it is fast.  The fabric is so beautiful and she cut it so perfect.  I hope that I can do the fabric justice, it is so pretty.   Isaac threw up this morning when he woke up.  He said he didn't feel well so we kept him home from school.  He is fine, he ate well all day and had tons of energy.  It was actually really nice to have him home.  I miss him.  I snowed a bit today but nothing major.  It was pretty.  Oliver had school and when I picked him up Ruthie and Isaac didn't want to go.  So Isaac babysat Ruthie and he loved that.  He was so cute.  We just played a lot of games this afternoon.  Casey had scouts so he was later getting home.  He still has a cough and is struggling to get better.  We finally got Isaac's tooth out.  They ended up tying it to a door and shutting it.  I am glad that it is out.  Love you guys and have a good night.



Well it just started snowing here. I thought I was going to have to shovel when I woke up so it was a nice surprise when I didn't have to. I don't think I will be as lucky tomorrow though. Work was good. I am making some headway on my to do list so that is nice. Rachel you chili sounded good so i went to food town and got stuff to make it. I hope it turns out as good as yours does. I hope everyone had a great day.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018


I am sorry that everyone getting sick.  Oliver was feeling better today but still had a little cough.  I gave him cough medicine and that has really helped.  He went to school and seemed better.  Casey went to work but still have a cough.  He said he was feeling a little better today.  When Oliver was at school and and Ruth played play dough and then went to story time.  She wasn't as mad as last week and was cute when she did all the actions to the songs.  We walked to pick up Isaac, it was cold but felt nice to get out of the basement.  Not too much going on.  Good luck with Stanley, I hope that catches on quick.  That was nice of your work Karen to send flowers, that is really sweet.  Good luck on your new job Mom, I am excited for you.


Ruthie hasn't been sleeping well and usually ends up in our bed


My day was good, busy. I think I am getting that cold as well. I hope it won't be a bad one. My class is going good. Work was busy but i made it thru. When I got home flowers were delivered. They were from work. It was nice of them. I hope everyone has a great Wednesday tomorrow. Bye


Well Jenkins is fitting in to our family.  He is one stubborn dog.  I think if we got a bigger playpen he might be OK.  We can hook up and see what Walmart has.  I have a cold and so does dad.  We were suppose to have our carpet cleans today and no one showed up.  That made me mad.  We cleaned everthing up and now we have to do it again.  I will call them in the morning.  I applied for that job.  Wish me luck.  I hope that Casey and Oliver are feeling better.  Everyone have a nice hump day.  It is suppose to snow the until Friday.  LOVE MOM

Jenkins-1 potty training-0

Today was good. Nothing to wild. I put Jenkins in the cage and he didn't pee at all. He held it and almost died (or so he thought) so I am not sure if its worth it. I am.going to leave the cage up and let him roam. And get him use to the cage being there. He was traumatized and we had to go on 2 walks. Lol have a good one


Monday, November 26, 2018


Today was busy. I didn't get much done but that is ok. I have a small sore throat so I think I'm on the path of sickness. I'm trying to vitamin up to not have it so bad. I started to clean my place and noticed Jenkins had peed. It's so hard to tell so I'm doing the cage potty training. I set up the cage tonight and cleaned really well. Hopefully it doesn't take him to long to figure it out. But I'm going to put him in while I'm at work. It's kinda small but he will live. Have a good one


Monday, Monday

We made it to work this morning.  it was hard to go back to the real world.  The job is already to post so I think I should be applying for it over the next couple of days.  They are just trying to transfer me over so that would be even easier.  I felt so much better today than I did last week.  Thanksgiving holiday must have been good for me.  We came home and had a really quiet evening.  They are coming to clean our carpets tomorrow so we moved things in the living room so they could clean that.  I hate carpet.  That cage is so much bigger for Stanley.  I am so glad you got that for him.  He can move around a little bit.  I am glad you got to see Randy.  Robin, I hope Jenkins survived you going back to work.  He was probably lonely for you all day or maybe just glad he didn't have to share the couch with you.  Karen, I am glad your class is going well.  We got a package also today.  Casey's present showed up and I bought me a new shirt.  I was hoping it was the jumping cars but I am sure they will show up soon.  LOVE MOM


My day has been good. I made it thru work and class. It was busy today, but I made progress at least. I am glad that you had a good mail day Rachel. I love package days. I hope Oliver and Casey feel better soon. Have a good one. Bye

Freedom for Stanley

Casey and Oliver were still sick today so they stayed home.  Casey didn't sleep well last night.  I left the kids with Casey this morning and worked out which was really nice.  Casey fixed the vacuum for me so I was able to vacuum and that was really nice.  I went grocery shopping this after lunch and then picked up Isaac.  It was a good mail day the tablets, Stanley's cage, Robins birthday and Isaac birthday presents came.  Stanley loves his cage.  It is so much bigger and I love it so much.  I thought he would be nervous in a new cage but he was so happy and loved it.  Thank you Mom.  It is really nice.  It is so much easier to play with him too.  He came over and me and Oliver petted him.  It is going to be really nice for him.  Randy came over and visited for a while this evening and it was good to see him.  Love you guys and have a good night.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...