Monday, November 26, 2018

Freedom for Stanley

Casey and Oliver were still sick today so they stayed home.  Casey didn't sleep well last night.  I left the kids with Casey this morning and worked out which was really nice.  Casey fixed the vacuum for me so I was able to vacuum and that was really nice.  I went grocery shopping this after lunch and then picked up Isaac.  It was a good mail day the tablets, Stanley's cage, Robins birthday and Isaac birthday presents came.  Stanley loves his cage.  It is so much bigger and I love it so much.  I thought he would be nervous in a new cage but he was so happy and loved it.  Thank you Mom.  It is really nice.  It is so much easier to play with him too.  He came over and me and Oliver petted him.  It is going to be really nice for him.  Randy came over and visited for a while this evening and it was good to see him.  Love you guys and have a good night.


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