We had a nice day as well. We went and got stamps and then we worked on some harry potter magic containers. I think they will be cool when we are done. Karen was craving Mexican food so we went to El matador in bountiful. They have the best salsa. We brought some home. We went to a car wash and washed and vacuumed karens car. It really needed it. We met tom and got our taxes. All of us get money back. I am so relieved. We came home and took naps and then went to the play. It was an intense play but the actors were excellent. We are hooking up with Robin tomorrow to give her her taxes. Rachel i am so glad you had a nice day. The weather is so nice. Love you all mom
Saturday, April 13, 2024
We had a really nice day. I went to exercise class this morning. Then we all rode our bikes to Ruth's soccer game. She did pretty good and had a fun time. Oliver wanted to ride our bikes to Lee's and get doughnuts and eat them by the pond. So we rode down to Lee's. Isaac was hungry so we ate at Panda for lunch. We got the doughnuts but the pond was torn up because they were putting cement retaining wall but it will still nice. We spend the rest of the day working in the yard until the sun went down. We got a lot done and we are all sunburnt. It was really a fun day. I love that we can all ride our bikes together.
Love Rachel
Friday, April 12, 2024
We had our yearly eye appts so that took all morning. Dad is on the fence for cardarac surgery and my eyes were good. He was hesitant to do dad's eyes yet. He said dad would know when to do them. We came home and slept off the eye dilation. We did hook up with karen for dinner. She wanted to celebrate getting her bonus so she took us to Texas roadhouse. It tasted good. We are hoping to meet up with tom tomorrow to get our taxes and then we have tickets to go see of mice and men. It is a play at parker theater. Wish Ruth luck on her game. We will have to plan to come see one of her games. Isaac was busy. He has done some amazing things. I was looking at the calendar you made and he has changed so much in a year. Oliver is getting so big. He looks good on that lawn mower. Have a nice Saturday. Love mom
Isaac didn't have school today because it is mid term. He had a nice day off. He was sweet and unloaded the dishwasher and did his laundry. I only had one class today but the day went really fast. It was nice to have a week that was slow. The second grade sang some songs at the assembly to present next months trait we are focusing on. Ruth did a really good job. Isaac had the tab closing meeting today. They had pasta dinner at a fancy table and talked about leadership. They gave them all gift bags. We stayed at the library for a bit a got some books. Ruth wanted to try the new Italian ice place so we went there. Oliver was jumping over a cornhole game and hurt his knee. I went to pick up Isaac but there weren't done so I went home and tried again but they still weren't done. He had dungeons and dragons afterwards so he just stayed. He had fun at that also and it was also the last meeting until September. At home we worked in the backyard. Oliver mowed the lawn. He was giving Ruth a joy ride and they ran into the tulip tree and damaged the tree which was sad. Ruth had her first soccer game tomorrow and that will be fun.
Love Rachel
Thursday, April 11, 2024
Today was good. We rode bikes again and I love it. It is so fun. Me and Isaac ride down to pick up Oliver from after school. Today at work was about the same just a couple of classes. I am just trying to enjoy it because it gets busier. The little kids had piano lessons and this will be their last month, we are going to stop lessons for the summer. I went to exercise class which was upbeat barr, I really like it. The teacher is really funny.
Love Rachel
Dad went into work at seer today. I cleaned and cleaned. I put all the dvds in the black hutch. I did laundry also. The bookcases still need l brackets but once that is done I can finish organizing the sewing room. I am going to get my sewing table next. Does anyone want my old desktop computer. It is a touch screen. It is running really slow but if we clean it up it can handle a few programs. Let me know. Tom called last night and has been working on Karen's taxes. I think he has it worked out so she doesn't have to pay a lot. Whew. That has been stressing me out. They will be ready on Saturday. We have eye appts in the morning. That should take all morning. The weather is so pretty. Love mom
Wednesday, April 10, 2024
The principal sent out a sign up schedule for the computer lab and I had some classes come in today for testing. I still had a bunch of time to program which is nice. We rode bikes to school and that was really fun. Ruth is getting a lot better at it. Oliver wanted us to ride home with him so me and Isaac rode our bikes and rode home with him. Oliver and Casey had activity days and the boys were really wild. I thought Ruth had tumbling but no one was there when we went in. Isaac had young men's. I had book group and we read Mr Buncles Book, I was really cute. Book group is so fun and we laugh a lot. Love you guys.
Love Rachel
We got the book cases all put together. We just have to anchor them to the wall now. We will do that tomorrow. We hooked up with the gumm gang. Kay owes 30 thousand in taxes for sale of her house. I was so upset. Julie is putting in her papers to go on a year mission. I was excited for her. We did make it to the gym tonight. That felt good. Boy allergies are so bad right now. I am hoping to get taxes tomorrow. I guess that is all my news. I am loving this weather. I am excited for the quilt show and family pictures. Thank you. Hope all is well. Love mom
Tuesday, April 9, 2024
I am not quite sure what is going on at work and the principal was out at meetings all day. So I cleaned and programmed. The day went fast but it stressful not knowing exactly what to do. Ruth had her first soccer practice today so we went and got shin guards and shoes for her. She has a fun time and has lots friends. She is so athletic she is going to kill it. Casey is making bird feeders so activity days tomorrow so he got the stuff for it tonight. The other leader brought Oliver over a Easter present which was nice. I went to exercise class which was kickboxing. I love that class and it was tough tonight which felt good at the end. Love you guys.
Love Rachel
I over slept today. I kind of had a headache. We did put my book cases together and I broke a cam. We went to lowes but they didn't have one so we ordered it on amazon. I made chicken carribean salad. It tasted so good. We are meeting the gumm gang for lunch tomorrow. Robin I read that evermore is closing. That was sad. I hope Luna starts feeling better. Rachel I hope your testing went well. Have a nice hump day. Love mom
Monday, April 8, 2024
I got up and went grocery shopping. I like just walking around winco. I came home and got a bee in my bonnet. I made home made round up with vinegar and sprayed that parking spot where dad use to park. I found some round up I had bought so I got that out and sprayed the back yard and the parking spot. Those weeds better be dead. We went to sprouts after lunch to get dad some drugs. It was right when the eclipse was happening and it did get dark. Dad noticed. I didn't get my book cases put together but I thought I would work on that tomorrow. I am sorry jeramy is sick. We have had our far share this spring. I hope Luna gets better also. We can make Oliver's friend a dinosaur. Karen made them. It is suppose to be a beautiful week. We are picking up the taxes on Thursday. Kind of cutting that one close. They were selling little dinosaurs eggs at the mall just like those ones for 35 dollars. Karen's looked a lot neater. Have a nice Tuesday. Love mom
Oliver gave his friend the 3D printed egg and he loves it. Oliver also brought his dinosaur to school and everyone wants one now. I didn't work today and worked on making visualizations, I sewed and took Tony on a walk to pick up Ruth. Isaac had violin lessons and he picked the song he is playing for the recital so I can practice it. I went to exercise class and the teacher just got certified in this class and the microphone wouldn't work so we started late and ran late so the other class was setting up around us. It was a strength training class and I liked it. Everyone have a good night.
Love Rachel
My day was good. Nothing too wild and crazy at work so that was nice. Mondays always seem like long days though. After work I came home and dusted the ceiling fan in my room. It was pretty dusty. Then I was just lazy the rest of the night. I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye
Sunday, April 7, 2024
I like your Godzilla Karen, thanks for the picture. Today was good. We cleaned, did crafts and worked in the yard. Casey and Isaac made black beans and rice which were amazing. We went to Randy's for root beer floats for the kids. We are back at it tomorrow. I am not sure what I am doing with testing starting so I need to figure that out.
Love Rachel
We had a nice day. We slept in and then we were going to meet Robin at ikea and Karen said the mall was better. So we met them at the mall. We tried the potbelly sandwich place and it was really good. We did go to ikea and got my book cases. I am super excited put them together. We will come and get the rest of the books Rachel. The weather was nice but still cold. It is suppose to warm up this week. Make sure you were eye protection if you look at the eclipse tomorrow. Love mom
We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...