Saturday, January 14, 2012


Rachel i am sorry that you quilt got wet. it was nice of them to get to dry cleaned and to give you a discount. My day has been almost. About 2 o'clock I started filling nauseated. I think I have to 24 hour flu so I should fill better tomorrow. Other than that it has been a quiet day. I hope that you guys had fun at the car show. Did Isaac enjoy the cars? Well have a good Sunday everyone.

Friday, January 13, 2012


Well I guess isaac is right handed. I am glad we don't have to mock him for being a south paw. :) I'm sorry about your quilt rachel but that is nice it is 50 percent off. Well my day was chill. Looked for more jobs. no calls for jobs. and that was fun. Then we went and saw kyle and julie at the hospital we had good time. I made some greek cheese cake thingers. it was strange but they are chilling now for a delectable treat tomorrow. have a fantastic saturday!



The quilt store I took my sea urchin quilt to flooded on Monday. We went in today to pick up the next mystery quilt and they said that's my quilt had been affected by the flood. The dry cleaned and.I looked at it, it seemed to be alright. They are going to give us 50% off the quilting so that will be nice. I also finished quilting a quilt today, it looks good. It is always fun to finish them, I don't know why I put it off. I have one more batting so I am going to do another one next week. Also in Isaac news he fed himself a couple of times yesterday and today with his RIGHT hand. He puts his spoon in the food and then his mouth. He doesn't do it a lot but it is cute. Well that is all my news Casey made it home. We will be down tomorrow. We will probably leave around 9.


Thursday, January 12, 2012


We had a quiet night. I just did laundry and dad watched war movies and worked for Harold. I made fajitas with no meat and they were really good. It is nice to have clean clothes. I need to iron them next but I was too tired tonight. I am excited for the car show also. I hope Isaac likes it. A huge room full of cars he can sit in. Should be fun. Not much else to report. Work was busy and I am racing to keep up. That is good. Have a great friday.


Part one done

I am sorry Karen, I think that it is weird and I don't think that they would be good to work for if they can't follow through. Well we haven't heard about Casey's job yet either, I hope that he hears tomorrow. I am excited for the car shop this We weekend, it will be fun. We had a good day, we were walking around outside and Isaac wanted to go in the backyard. I noticed that we didn't really have a lot of snow so I set his swing back up. He loved it, it was fun. I took him to the mall to play for a while but it was super busy. At first it was mostly little kids so we stayed but them bigger kids came and we left. I finished this weeks part of the mystery quilt. I used the printable embroidery sheets and when they dissolve off it looked dirty around the letter. I think that it is from the printer ink. So I used a tooth brush and scrubbed laundry detergent into it. It looks a lot better. Here is a picture before I cleaned it. It wasn't too bad it just bothered me. I am picking up my next part tomorrow, I am going again with Jenn Cox.

No word

Well that company never called me today. Oh well i guess telling them that I couldn't make it the first day they proposed took me out of the running. Oh well. My day was good. I stayed busy so it went pretty fast. It was chilly today though. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I am ready for the weekend. it is also payday which is nice too. Well I hope that everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. BYE

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

other side

I'm on the other side of things. Job searching sucks and if they are going to pay you more I would do it. But I'm done with the job looking game it sucks. but Anyway my day was good just chilled and looked for more jobs. hope everyone has a great thursday


You are good

We had a nice time tonight. We went grocery shopping at Target and I had a good time. I like walking around Target. Karen, if that is the kind of company they are you don't want to work for them anyway. You barely started looking, just keep your eyes open and you will find something. Work was busy and we got a new printer and that took a lot of time trying understant it. They are coming tomorrow for training. That will be fun. Have a great Thursday. It was really cold today.

Good Evening

Karen, you didn't do anything wrong. I wouldn't do it on Friday now if they haven't called you back. They should consider where you live. I wouldn't bend over backwards for them, they need to do that for you. Today was good. We didn't do anything to special. Isaac seems to be feeling better. Well I am going to work on my mystery quilt. It is a lot of embroidery. :)


Well the week is half over. Yeah! Well they said that they would call me either this afternoon or tomorrow. So since I didn't hear from them this afternoon I hope that they cal tomorrow. Maybe I blew by telling them I couldn't make it to an interview tomorrow and if they could do it Friday. Other than that work was good. I made some progress today. They are redueing core training for everyone so I had to sit though a training meeting on that today for an hour. It was boring but I made it thru. Well i hope that everyone had a great day. BYE

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

another day

today was good just helped out on a film shoot nothing to crazy just powedered faces. then I came home and relaxed pretty simple. hope your job works out karen



We had a work party tonight and it was nice. My boss took us all out for dinner at Vintos. It was really good. We need to go there sometime. Rachel don't stress. If you don't want to come down we can come up. It was just an idea. It isn't like we can't do it another time. We can work on the room if that is better. I am up for anything. Good luck Karen. That was really quick. I hope it is a good place and congratulations Casey. I hope that works out for you also. Lots of changes going on. I went to the dentist this morning and I have a ton of cavaties so we are going to fill them and then pull that tooth that the crown fell off. They are going to make me a new partial to put a tooth in there. Have a great night LOVE MOM


Today was good. Casey's interview went well so now we just wait. I think that he has a good chance. That is awesome Karen about your interview, you have mad skills. I am excited. Casey had his interview this morning. He came home and made us lunch which was really nice. He was able to take a nap also. Then we went and visited his Grandma Anderson and it was really depressing. I was having a hard time just going to a nursing home, it made me sad, and then she was having a hard time. She wanted to go home and got agitated after a while so I got the nurse and we left. It was time to feed Isaac anyway. On a positive note my slice case came in the mail today and it is awesome. I love it. It is nice to have everything in one spot. I was thinking about it and I need to be up here on Friday so I can pick up my next mystery quilt so I think that we are just going to come down Saturday morning. I am not sure how else to work it, I could call the quilt store and see if I can pick it up earlier. I will keep everyone updated. Well everyone have a good night and sleep tight.



Well today was good. I found a job on ksl that looked good so I sent my resume off last night. So when I got home at work there was a message from them. So I am going to call tomorrow. Wish me luck. I hope that Casey's interview went well. Work was good today. I stayed busy so it went by pretty quick. I hope that every one had a good Tuesday. BYE

Monday, January 9, 2012


well today was good just stayed home and was lazy and made cookies. nothing else to exciting. I am working on a film tomorrow for a friend and then that is it. well have a great one


I am a slacker

I am sorry I didn't email last night. I am not sure why, I have not excuse. I just am a slacker. I am glad you a feeling better RAchel and good luck Casey. We are praying for you. I had a good day. I am really behind right now and need to focus. I have a dentist appointment in the morning. Wish me luck on that one. It is for a consult so he can tell me what he wants to do. I think he is hoping for his new boat on this. I think I know what I want to do we will see if we can find a good solution. LOVE MOM

You are not alone

Sorry, I forgot to blog last night. I am feeling better today. Casey got up with the baby this morning and I got to sleep in, it was really nice. I also got some sewing done. I finished the twisting quilt and I finished sewing the mystery quilt, I just need to do the embroidery. Today felt like a Saturday with Casey home, it was nice. We just relaxed and then we went over to Casey's Dad's. The quilt store had a pipe break so we weren't able to make it over. We went to La Tormenta for dinner and it tasted good. I am excited for Casey's interview tomorrow, I hope that it goes well. Well everyone have a good night.


Lone blogger

Well I guess I am the lone blogger. Rachel I am sorry that you are not feeling well. I hope that you feel better soon. I alos hope that Casey does well at his interview tomorrow. I will keep my fingers crossed for him. Work was busy today. There was a new proposal so that took most of the day. Well I hope that everyone had a good Monday. BYE

Sunday, January 8, 2012


Well my primary class was good. I brought the buzzer and we played boys against girls. The girls said I could be on their team but I told them that since I made the questions and knew all the answers that probably wouldn't be fair. I like going to church ealier. 2 o'clock just seems really late for church. Oh well I will probably make it until the change it next year. Well I hope that everyone had a great Sunday. BYE


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...