Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Today was good. Casey's interview went well so now we just wait. I think that he has a good chance. That is awesome Karen about your interview, you have mad skills. I am excited. Casey had his interview this morning. He came home and made us lunch which was really nice. He was able to take a nap also. Then we went and visited his Grandma Anderson and it was really depressing. I was having a hard time just going to a nursing home, it made me sad, and then she was having a hard time. She wanted to go home and got agitated after a while so I got the nurse and we left. It was time to feed Isaac anyway. On a positive note my slice case came in the mail today and it is awesome. I love it. It is nice to have everything in one spot. I was thinking about it and I need to be up here on Friday so I can pick up my next mystery quilt so I think that we are just going to come down Saturday morning. I am not sure how else to work it, I could call the quilt store and see if I can pick it up earlier. I will keep everyone updated. Well everyone have a good night and sleep tight.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...