Saturday, February 8, 2025


 They had a Taylor Swift party at exercise class this morning and it was a lot of fun.  They gave everyone bracelets.  We worked on Valentine's today.  We got all the card done and worked on making their boxes.  Oliver has a ton of makeup work to do so we did that for a lot of the day.  Casey made dinner which was really nice.  It snowed up here also which was really nice 

Love Rachel 


 We went to Costco this morning. I got some easy dinners. It felt so good. We had chicken noodle soup tonight for dinner that they make. It was good. Karen got us bunny wobbles and we did those tonight. They were fun i am getting better at them. Julie made it safe and sound. It snowed all evening. Kind of a shocker. My cough is getting better. I am trying hard to get up and move. I did have a long nap this afternoon. I am sorry Luna has the bad cough. Dad is still fevering off and on but I think he is getting better. We see kay tomorrow for a.little bit. Rachel have a fun super bowl party. Love mom

Friday, February 7, 2025


Luna was up all night coughing. So I worked from home and kept her from school. We just stayed in my bed all day and watched movies while I worked. She did great. Then she took a long nap which I think helped her alot. She wasnt coughing as much. Then we just relaxed the rest of the night. I started crocheting an elephant for Luna. She is so excited and holds my thread to help me make him faster.



 Today was good.  Oliver's teacher talked to me this morning and he is still struggling.  I had a full day of classes and it is a lot of work but I think it went okay.  I was trying to spend time with the kids after school so we made cake pops and it didn't turn out great but we tried.  Isaac had dungeon and dragons at the library tonight and had a fun time.  Me, Ruth and Oliver went to the USU gymnastics meet and Ruth performed at the end.  Casey picked up Isaac and watched Ruth.  She did really well but was so nervous to do it.  I wasn't sure she would even perform but she did and we are proud of her.  The gymnastics meet was really fun to watch and we had a fun evening.

Love Rachel 


 Karen had today off and that was nice. We went shooting guns for awhile and then we walked the mall. It felt good to get out of the house. I talked with Jen and kay is on hospice and they found a new place for her. It is really close to where she is now. I am not 100 percent but getting better. Dad has it now. Poor guy. Karen made this puzzle out.of pictures of us. It has been fun to do. Have a great Saturday. Love mom

Thursday, February 6, 2025


 It was a crazy day but I made it through. I took tomorrow off so I am excited to sleep in. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye


 Last night I was so stupid and clicked on a spam email from work so I changed my password but I did it wrong somehow and was locked out.  So called tech support this morning and it took forever but we finally got back in.  It was upsetting and I felt dumb.  School went really well today.  It has been going better lately.  It was the music teachers last day so we got her a present.  I am a member of the social club and we got sodas today which was fun.  I hosted bookgroup tonight so we went to Costco to get a cake and eat the samples.  The kids love it there.  We cleaned the house to get ready.  Book group was really fun and it was so good laugh and talk.  It was a fun night.

Love Rachel 


 Mt cough was a little better but my nose was out of control. Dad got molds of his teeth today and they are going to pull them on the 26th. Not much else to just took it easy. We did work on the puzzle tonight it is.cute. have a nice Friday. Love mom


Tomorrow is Friday. Yeah!! It's been the longest week. Lunas daycare said they were doing a reading family event at 4 so I left work early. It ended up not being anything. So I just picked up Luna and went home. It was nice though because traffic was horrible. So we made it home around the normal time anyway. After work angel food cake sounded so good. I went to Smith's with Luna. The one I got didn't taste great and was a bust. We got strawberries and blueberries. They were so expensive. I have to sell my liver on the black market. It was crazy how much blue berries were. 


Wednesday, February 5, 2025


 Oliver was supposed to go snowshoing with his class but their wasn't enough snow so they cancelled it.  Casey was going to go with them so he had the day off.  He went cross country skiing and had a good day.  I programmed not very successfully today and got a lot of help from Dad so we made progress.  Oliver has orchestra and Casey got home about the same time.  We went and got supplies to make their Valentine's boxes.  Casey helped make them.  We had dinner and did homework and then it was time for bed.  I talked with Dad for a bit and I really his help. 

Love Rachel 


 I made a major decision. I have a cold. My cough is bad. I just took it easy all day. I think i slept the day away. I did call Jeff and he has a cough also. Julie wrote me and she is coming home on Saturday and then going back with Austin. I think on the 17th but I am not sure of the date. Jen said kay just slept most of the day. She says that talking is hard for her. Dad is getting a mold for his mouth tomorrow. Dentures here he comes. Boy did it rain today. Have a nice Thursday. Love mom


Today was good. Nothing too wild. We just took it easy tonight. Luna was on edge and Jeramys back was hurting from squishing in the tower all night last night. 


Tuesday, February 4, 2025


 My day was good. Your dog is cute Robin. You are a great crocheter. Work is still busy. After work we had dinner and worked on the puzzle for a bit. I hope everyone has a great Wednesday tomorrow. Bye


 I did the rest of the laundry and made pork chasu for Ramen noodle soup. The soup tasted so good. I have a bad cough all day. I think it is the cashews I bought yesterday. Who knows. Jen said kay had a bad day and slept most of the day. They did hire a social worker to help them. She is going to get all the medical records and put her on hospice. Scott and Jen are looking for a new place on Friday. Karen bought me the cutest puzzle. It is 6 pictures of us. I am excited to put it together. Thanks Robin for getting the tulip festival that will be so much fun. I always want to see it but it is so expensive. Rachel have a nice day off tomorrow. Love mom


It feels like work is taking forever. It's just long days and time creeps by. After work we worked a bit on the shed. Then we just took it easy. Last night I finished crocheting a puppy. He's tiny. I bought a large elephant to try out next. It's been fun to do at nights while I'm waiting for Luna to go down 



 I am sorry that your visit with Karen was hard.  It is heartbreaking.  Today I substituted for the librarian.  We decided to just have the kids come to computers and do typing lessons.  Then I let them play blooket.  It went pretty well, some vocal kids don't like to type though.  One kid in fourth grade needed some help on a program he was making and he said he didn't like programming until I came which was sweet of him.  It was crazy busy after school.  Isaac has violin lessons, Ruth had tumbling and Isaac had young men's.  I went to exercise class and we did circuits which are hard.  Thanks for getting tickets to the tulip festival.  I have always wanted to go.

Love Rachel 

Monday, February 3, 2025


 I picked up Jeff and we went and saw kay. She was comatose most of the time. We were upset. When I got home Jen showed me videos of kay doing physical therapy and riding a stationary bike. Go figure. I ran errands and then did some house work. It was so windy. Rachel I am glad you had a good day. Robin. I know how to tape and mud. Let me know if you need help. If Luna needs grandma to pick her up one day let me know. Dad went to work today. Have a nice Tuesday. Love mom


 Today was good.  Work went well today and all my classes went really well.  The 5th grade switch to python and they liked doing something different.  Isaac and Oliver have orchestra so I am driving all over the place.  I went to exercise class which was up eat barr, I like it.  

Love Rachel 


It was warm to which was nice. Luna had a hard drop off, I think we all felt sad to go back to work/school. After work we ate then worked up in the tower. We added the last dry wall piece upstairs. We have a few ghetto areas Jeramy is going to try and fix. Then we have a thousand hours of mudding and Sanding. We also need to finish downstairs. Luna is very into Moana. She was watching the first one on the drive home on her tablet. The little coconut dudes came on. She screamed out loud and said mom I have coconuts on my iPad. It was so funny. 


Sunday, February 2, 2025


 I am glad you went to see Kay and got to visit with everyone.  Thanks for having us yesterday.  We went to church and I didn't play well, I got nervous.  We went and got lunch and then went to Costco to get samples and Isaac was out of food.  I programmed for a bit.  Then we went to Randy's for the evening and had dinner.  Casey made it back and had a good day working.

Love Rachel 


 Thanks so much for the fun day yesterday. I had a good time. We took it easy this morning. Andrea and sean called and i gave them the update on kay. We did go to Arby's for lunch. They had their fish sandwich back and I like them. We went and bought the floor at lowes afterwards. I am super excited to see how it looks when the room is all done. Jen texted me and said kay had a hard morning and was throwing up. She had to go to church so I went out to visit. She was so flushed when I got there. I took her to the bathroom and she started having a lot of pain. They have no pain meds prescribed for her. I think it was gas but I don't really know. It lasted about 90 minutes. Angela and Alyssa came and we facebooked julie. We all visited for a long time. It was nice. I started getting hungry so I left around 6. Jenn said she had a great night. I am going to take Jeff to see her in the morning. Have a nice week. Love you all mom


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...