Saturday, February 4, 2012

You will love it

Karen you will love direct deposit. You won't have anything to do on Saturdays except hang with us. That is neat. We had a nice day. Rachel and Casey went to the movies and we babysat. Isaac took a lot of walks between us all by himself. It was fun to watch. I am excited to come down on Tuesday. WE will pack it all up in two days. YOu will be surprised how fast we can pack a house. We are machines. Have a great sunday. Good luck with your Primary class.



Well I have had a good Saturday. I got a little more packed. So that was a good thing. I hope that you guys had a fun Saturday in SLC. Good news though. I went thru the paperwork Whit Knight sent and they do have direct deposit. Well have a good one. BYE

Friday, February 3, 2012


I am excited for this weekend and to play with Isaac. It seems like forever since I have seen him. I hope that couple rents your apartment Karen. Just when you think you have it all glued together. I am excited to come down on Tuesday. I think we will have you packed and ready to go in no time at all. Have a fun weekend and don't work to hard. Good luck with your boats.



Congratulations Robin, I am excited for you. Well today was good. Isaac was happy and we had a fun day. It was really really windy though, so we didn't go outside. Well I am excited to come down tomorrow. It should be a fun weekend.


Thursday, February 2, 2012


Well today the place called me for a second interview ;) yeah I'm excited. I worked on making hats today, I am doing a photoshoot in a few weeks all my creation so of course I go crazy. well not to much happening have a great friday :)


6 more weeks

Well the groundhog saw his shadow. Six more weeks of winter. I am excited for you to come down Rachel. If you change your mind let me know and we will come up. Not much else going on with me. I was really busy at work today and got a lot done. Tomorrow will be a quiet day, I hope. Karen the last friday. WAy to go on the packing. The hall closet is a big one. WEll have a great friday. I am excited to come down to St. George.



Today was good. We went to the fun park after Isaac's nap and that was fun. It was nice to walk around for a while. There were only a couple of kids there, it was perfect. Tonight I was feeding him some apple for a before bed time snack and he stood up and walked to me for more apple. It really surprised me, it was so good. Only this morning I was doing dishes and he was kind of standing by the dish washes and he took one step to put his bottle in. I think he will start doing it more and more now. Well I am excited to come down this weekend. It will be fun to see everyone, it has been a while. I am going to bring my sewing machine. I think that it will be fun.

Almost Friday

Well I have almost made it to Friday. I have packed a few more boxes. I have packed my hall closet. Yeah for me. I am glad that your interview went well Robin. And yeah for Isaac. Three whole steps that is awesome. We will be running after him for now on. Well I hope that everyone has a great Friday.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


my interview went well I hope it turns out. Its a technical sewing job for a printing company. they do signs for businesses. They said I will start between 12-15 dollars and hours, and its a swing shift. but we will see how it goes she said my 2nd interview will be sometime next week. Me and mom went to joanns to get some things for a photoshoot. well not to much else going on have a great one


down here from here

Way to go on the packing Karen. I will just have to play when I get down there. Does it seem bare yet? It starts feeling not like home. It is a strange feeling. I was busy today and got a lot done. I think it will be crazy busy for a while. I went with Robin to Joanns and it was fun to walk around. It was starting to snow. I am glad you had a good day Rachel. I have a file of Isaac's pictures at work and I was amazed how much he has grown. LOVE MOM

Started packing

Well I started packing tonight. I got all my pretties packes and all my DVDs. I have 6 boxes of DVDs. SO I feel like I made some progress. I hope that your interview went well Robin. I will keep my fingers crossed for you. Hey Rachel do you want my washer and dryer? The apartment I am moving into has one in the apartment already and it would cost more to store them then they are worth. So it you want them you can have them. Well have a great Thursday everyone.

Old people shopping

Today was good. We went to sams club this morning and there was two old couple shopping. The guy in the first couple was yelling at the lady from the second. I couldn't hear what she said but he was like "You want me to eat something sour", then they were walking away and he kept yelling how crazy she was. The old lady just kept shopping and didn't look fazed. It was so funny, it reminded me of Grandpa. I have been laughing over it all day. I went to costa vida for lunch and Isaac really liked the rice and beans, he enjoyed it. I had an enrichment meeting tonight and that was nice. Isaac was really good, I was impressed. He is so cute now he tries to put the books away after we read them, it is really cute. Well that is all my news. I am glad that your interview went well Robin. I hope that packing is going alright Karen. I am so glad that you have a kindle now and we don't have to move all your books. That will save my back, thank you kindle for once again saving the day.


Tuesday, January 31, 2012


well tomorrow is my interview I really don't know to much about the job so we will see how it goes. I didn't do much else today. have a great wensday



Can I just say how much I hate getting ready for taxes. Every year at this time I swear I will be organized and then I am not. I think I burned up my shredder tonight. I am hoping it is just overheated. I had a busy day at work. It is going to be that way for awhile. I love the pictures of Isaac. He is getting so big. Good Luck Robin on your interview and I am so glad you got your apartment rented. YEAH. Is it Wednesday tomorrow. I sure hope so.


Good Moods

Congratulations Karen, that makes me feel better. All your loose ends are tied up. Good luck tomorrow Robin, I hope that it is an awesome job. Isaac was in a good mood today, it was really nice. He was being silly, he thinks he is funny when he shuts his eyes and looks away, I put a picture on the bottom. Also sometimes when he stands he throws his arms back, it cracks me up. Today was good. I got together with Jen and finished sewing the mystery quilt. I just need to quilt it now. We are going to continue sewing together each week, it will be fun. This evening we went to petsmart to look around and to Old navy, I got Isaac a couple of shirts. They have cute clothes there. We weren't able to see the baby today, they needed to rest Kelly said we will try again tomorrow. They named him Gabriel, he weighed 6 pounds 2 ounces and was 20 inches long. Well everyone have a good night, the weather has been so nice. I love it.

One week to go

Well I have someone to take my apartment. Yeah! So I am all ready to go. Other than that it is just the same old same old at work. My visiting teacher are coming over tonight. Good luck with your interview tomorrow Robin. Well have a great rest of the week everyone.

Monday, January 30, 2012


today was good. I got a job interview so hopefully it turns into a good thing. mom got me some t.v trays that are really pretty. well there is not to much else going on here. I like those pictures the one on the slide is super cute. well have a great tuesday


Monday Monday

Karen has signed up for the new apartment buildings outside of town. It will be a shorter communte in the morning and I might add a right hand turn :). The pictures of Isaac are so cute. He is standing so well. Me and Robin went shopping tonight and found him a whole bunch of shirts for cheap. That was fun. I thought for sure the baby would be here by now. Good luck. I hope all goes well. I had a busy day at work and it went fast. I am excited to come to St. George next week. THat will be fun to move you closer to us. Have a great tuesday. LOVE MOM


Well there is no baby yet. Casey is going to go over to the hospital when he gets home and wait with everyone. We had a good day. We made a roast yesterday so I ate that today and it was good. We tried to play at the mall today but the kids were big and mean so we just walked around. Karen, have you found anyone for your apartment yet? I hope that someone works out. Here are some pictures of Isaac just because.



Well I am ready for a nap. I think that I will make it though. My Monday has been pretty good though. I really don't have too much to report I hope that everyone had a great Monday. BYE

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Safe and Sound

Karen I am glad that you made it safe and sound back to St. George. One more week for Casey and 2 for Karen. WOW. I am getting dad's cold so I just kind of laid around all day. We watched Soap. It is funny. I took airborne so hopefully I will kick it in a couple of days. Dad's is just about over. So one week should be it. That is good because I want to go see Isaac on Saturday and I don't want him to get my cold. Have a great day. Only two more days of January. LOVE MOM


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...