Friday, December 15, 2017

Sound asleep

I am with Robin, I feel sound asleep and I never woke back up.  I did make it to bed but I was out.  We are going to Logan after work today.  We will see you up there for the big party.  I am pretty excited.  I am so glad it is Friday.  This has been a long week.  I am excited for the holidays to come.  I am taking the whole week off between Christmas and New Years.  Everyone have a great Friday.  LOVE MOM

Thursday, December 14, 2017


I hope Isaac starts feeling better soon. I hate throwing up. I am doing good. I didn't realize how much it snowed last night so when I went out to leave this morning I had an inch of snow on my walks. I didn't have time to shovel so I just left it. I was lucky and it melted before I got home so that was nice. Work is still moving along and the class I am teaching is going good. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday and I hope everyone has a great one. Bye


Poor Isaac is still having a hard time at night, he threw up two times and didn't get much sleep.  We all decided he should go to school, it was hard but he had a good day and felt fine.  This morning Casey watched the little kids and I ran some errands which was good.  Oliver had school and had a fun time.  I had quilt group and it was fun.  I brought the long time gone quilt and everyone really liked it.  Ruthie did really well and it was a fun time.  It was a really pretty day and we were able to play outside for a while but it was still cold.  Isaac has been struggling with the timed math test and last night we did flash cards and he passed it today so after he did the make up homework we worked on that some more.  Love you guys and have a good Friday.


Ruth put a new garbage sack in and was really proud and wouldn't let us help her.

One more

Sorry I didn't blog last night I was watching Netflix and the next thing I know it's 2am. I just fell asleep with out warning. Today was good, it went by fast. I'm really glad tomorrow is Friday. Next week is the last week before christmas. It will be nice to have some time off. Hope everyone had a good day


Wednesday, December 13, 2017


Isaac threw up again last night, poor thing.  We sent him to school anyway and he says his stomach is feeling better.  I volunteered at school and at lunch with him.  He was doing good and had a good day.  He has a ton of make up work so we did half of that tonight and will finish it tomorrow.  The little kids are doing good.  Oliver made Ruth and Isaac pearler beads for their Christmas presents so I only have to have Ruth think of something now.  Ruth took a good nap which was nice.  I took the kids to the pizza pie cafe for dinner, Isaac got a free dinner for doing his reading.  Then we walked around Shopko and got some birthday wrapping paper.  Ruth pooped in the middle of the store so we didn't stay long.  They are so unorganized at your work Mom, I guess it is good that they announced everything.



And the week moves on. I thought today should have been Thursday as well. The class I am teach is every day. It starts at 740 and goes til 850. I am also teaching it for about a month or until I think they have the basics of soludworks down. I do get to leave a bit early since I am starting earlier though so that is nice. My day was good. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Hump day

Well today felt like Thursday all day so the rest of the week might seem long.  I did go to work early so I am a little bit over my time.  I think I can slip out a little early on Friday.  We were suppose to have our big meeting Friday afternoon but it got moved to today so it is official and everyone knows I am staying at Primaries.  They are all going to stay working in their offices except Bart he is moving to LDS hospital.  I came home and put a turkey in the oven.  I thought that would be fun to have the meat for this weekend.  I hope it turns out.  It was fun to talk with Isaac tonight.  LOVE MOM

Tuesday, December 12, 2017


Today was busy so the day went by fast. The president of the company wanted a meeting with me today. It was about a process I do for design. Our design team is dropping the ball and he wants me to make a report that he can follow. We have a new girl starting tomorrow so we have 3 new girls asking lots of questions so I will be busy jumping desk to desk helping everyone. I'm glad your class is going well Karen that is fun. I'm glad Isaacs "shot"made him feel better. I'm glad it's just a stomach bug. They hold strong. I hope work is going well mom. I'm glad you are staying in the same building.
Karen i am a failure and the vinyl was struggle bus for the towels. It kept cutting crazy and the letters wouldn't stick to the type of towels that i bought. I think they were cursed. So I made a design in Photoshop and ironed on the design. I hope they will be ok. It went so fast and I have all 10 done. I will bring them Saturday



We went to Sam's club to look at that Robot for Isaac's birthday.  Dad thought it would be too hard for him so we went to Target and got a little bit easier robot that you can still program but it also has buttons to push.  I think it will be easier to put together as well.  That was our exciting news.  Man is it smoggy here.  The trees were pretty this morning but you couldn't see very far all day.  We had an administration Christmas party today.  When we went shopping with Robin I bought a mini bowling alley.  It was a hot item.  That made my day.  Robin when do you get your camera?  I was hoping it was coming soon.  Everyone have a great hump day.  LOVE MOM


I am glad that your class went good Karen.  How long is it, an hour?  How often do you go,once a week?  How many kids?  Isaac had a bad night and was throwing up and couldn't sleep.  So I made a doctors appointment for him and Casey took him this morning.  It is just the stomach flu, he doesn't have a bad appendix and he doesn't have diabetes.  They checked his blood sugar and he thought it was a shot and all day he kept saying that shot made him feel so much better.  He was acting a lot better this evening.  I babysat this morning while they were at the doctors.  Oliver had preschool and I was supposed to go visiting teaching but the lady canceled because she had a migraine so it worked out.  After dinner we went and got some ice cream, Isaac said it sounded good.  I skipped young women's because it is hard without Casey to go.  We also walked Joann's and they had a solar system panel and we are going to use it for pin the planet game, it should be fun.  Everyone have a great night.



My day was good. I got to the school and taught my class. It went good. Now I just have to keep going until they know it. Then I went to work and went to my meeting.  Ir made my day go by fast. I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, December 11, 2017


Isaac was still not feeling great but I sent him to school.  I did walk in with him and talk with his teacher and told her that he wasn't feeling a hundred percent.  He made it all day and did alright.  We went and got cookies after school and then stayed in the rest of the night.  He did eat dinner and have a bed time snack which is more than he has eaten all week.  Today was pretty good.  I babysat this morning which went well.  Oliver had to bring something that starts with a N to school so we made a necklace.  Oliver had fun at school and Ruthie took a good nap.  I finished quilting the strawberry quilt.  That baptist fan is a hard one for my machine.  I have figured out how to do it so the thread doesn't break.  Good luck with all of your jobs, you guys have been busy.  Good luck at the high school Karen, that sounds fun.


Why Not?

I am with Robin.  I would love to just hibernate.  My boss brought me into his office and wanted to talk before they made everything official tomorrow.  I am not going to stay in Continuous Improvement and am going to stay at Primaries and work in Administration.  I am not sure what the means other than I am staying and working for the hospital.  More details to follow.  They will now have 5 administrative assistants.  That seems like a lot of help to me.  They aren't even sure the administrators will have jobs so I guess it is still a crap shoot.  I will just have to see how things work out.  Doug for sure won't be my boss anymore.  I don't know if knowing is better or not.  Oh well enough of that.  I got pop rocks today for the science fair party.  Rachel you need to let everyone know where and when you want us.  I am going to come up on Friday night.  It was so smoggy all day.  I couldn't see very far out of my window.  We really need a big storm to come and take all that crap out of the air.  Karen good luck teaching tomorrow.  You are going to be great.  LOVE MOM


Today was busy. The more I work the more I get behind. At least I am one day down. I am tired again for sleeping all weekend. I think I'm a bear and just need to hibernate the rest of winter. Have a good night



Well I made it thru Monday.  It went pretty good. I volunteered to teach solidworks to high school kids and I start that tomorrow.  So wish me luck. After work I came home and wrapped presents. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, December 10, 2017

R and r

This weekend I just slept and enjoyed some time off. I worked on projects and relaxed.


All set

Well I am all set for Christmas now. Thanks mom and dad for the decorating help. It was fun hanging out thus weekend. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


Poor Isaac, that is really hanging on.  I hope he gets feeling better soon.  That worries me.  I am glad you tried out the science experiments.  I got candy for the test tubes today.  We went and saw grandma today.  The triplets are so dang cute.  They are rolling around.  Grandma said that Vickie got accepted to two PHD programs.  I thought you would be interested in that gossip.  Rachel you will have to get details.  We did go to Winco visiting and spent my 10 dollars off 50 dollars.  That was fun.  Everyone have a nice week.  Robin, I hope you got some rest.  Karen thanks again for the fun time.  It was so nice to get out and walk around.  LOVE MOM

The weekend

Isaac still doesn't feel well and has been just laying on the couch all weekend.  I hope he is over it soon.  Yesterday after lunch Casey took Oliver over and they fixed some bikes for sub for Santa.  They came back and picked up Isaac and went to shopko to get some cleaning stuff for the bikes, they ended up getting Isaac some new pj's which he needed.  Isaac wasn't feeling good so they dropped him off and their was a nice dog in the front yard.  So Casey and Oliver took him to the pound but they only could tell them the dogs address so they drove the dog home.  They went back and finished up with the bikes and brought home Thai food for dinner which tasted good.  Today I took Oliver to church with me and they took him in to sunbeams for a little bit.  He is excited for his new class.  I am not going to go to young women's this week, it is combined and it is hard to leave the kids.  After church we tried some of the science experiments for the party.  I am glad that we did.  The bouncy ball didn't work but the elephant toothpaste was fun.  I think we have a good plan now.  Love you guys and I hope that you have a good Monday.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...