Thursday, December 14, 2017


Poor Isaac is still having a hard time at night, he threw up two times and didn't get much sleep.  We all decided he should go to school, it was hard but he had a good day and felt fine.  This morning Casey watched the little kids and I ran some errands which was good.  Oliver had school and had a fun time.  I had quilt group and it was fun.  I brought the long time gone quilt and everyone really liked it.  Ruthie did really well and it was a fun time.  It was a really pretty day and we were able to play outside for a while but it was still cold.  Isaac has been struggling with the timed math test and last night we did flash cards and he passed it today so after he did the make up homework we worked on that some more.  Love you guys and have a good Friday.


Ruth put a new garbage sack in and was really proud and wouldn't let us help her.

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...