Tuesday, December 12, 2017


Today was busy so the day went by fast. The president of the company wanted a meeting with me today. It was about a process I do for design. Our design team is dropping the ball and he wants me to make a report that he can follow. We have a new girl starting tomorrow so we have 3 new girls asking lots of questions so I will be busy jumping desk to desk helping everyone. I'm glad your class is going well Karen that is fun. I'm glad Isaacs "shot"made him feel better. I'm glad it's just a stomach bug. They hold strong. I hope work is going well mom. I'm glad you are staying in the same building.
Karen i am a failure and the vinyl was struggle bus for the towels. It kept cutting crazy and the letters wouldn't stick to the type of towels that i bought. I think they were cursed. So I made a design in Photoshop and ironed on the design. I hope they will be ok. It went so fast and I have all 10 done. I will bring them Saturday


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