Monday, December 11, 2017


Isaac was still not feeling great but I sent him to school.  I did walk in with him and talk with his teacher and told her that he wasn't feeling a hundred percent.  He made it all day and did alright.  We went and got cookies after school and then stayed in the rest of the night.  He did eat dinner and have a bed time snack which is more than he has eaten all week.  Today was pretty good.  I babysat this morning which went well.  Oliver had to bring something that starts with a N to school so we made a necklace.  Oliver had fun at school and Ruthie took a good nap.  I finished quilting the strawberry quilt.  That baptist fan is a hard one for my machine.  I have figured out how to do it so the thread doesn't break.  Good luck with all of your jobs, you guys have been busy.  Good luck at the high school Karen, that sounds fun.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...