Tuesday, December 12, 2017


I am glad that your class went good Karen.  How long is it, an hour?  How often do you go,once a week?  How many kids?  Isaac had a bad night and was throwing up and couldn't sleep.  So I made a doctors appointment for him and Casey took him this morning.  It is just the stomach flu, he doesn't have a bad appendix and he doesn't have diabetes.  They checked his blood sugar and he thought it was a shot and all day he kept saying that shot made him feel so much better.  He was acting a lot better this evening.  I babysat this morning while they were at the doctors.  Oliver had preschool and I was supposed to go visiting teaching but the lady canceled because she had a migraine so it worked out.  After dinner we went and got some ice cream, Isaac said it sounded good.  I skipped young women's because it is hard without Casey to go.  We also walked Joann's and they had a solar system panel and we are going to use it for pin the planet game, it should be fun.  Everyone have a great night.


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