Thursday, February 19, 2015

Fizzling Fireboxes

Oliver didn't nap yesterday and didn't sleep well last night so he was tired today.  He took a 3 hour nap this morning and a two hour nap in the afternoon.  I hope that helps him.  He didn't fever today but has a runny nose still.  My visiting teachers came this morning.  Then Casey and Isaac decorated the cake and I sewed, it was nice.  The cake turned out really nice.  Casey does a good job.  After lunch we played in the backyard.  I cleaned up all the raspberries and blackberries and Casey was able to work on his car for a while.  Oliver went to sleep again and me and Isaac watched Thomas and I slept though it, that was also nice.  Everyone drive safe tomorrow and we will have a fun party Saturday.


Happy Chinese New Year

Robin, I am glad you had a nice day.  Karen is coming down after work tomorrow and we are going to dinner and then going to Logan and spending the night.  We are coming home Saturday after the party.  Do you want to come with us?  It was a good day.  Nothing exciting and I like that one.  I am excited for Oliver's birthday.  I can't believe it has been a whole year.  I hope he gets feeling better.  Have a great Friday.  LOVE MOM


Well my day was good also. Work is still staying busy, but the end of the shipping is Friday so that means it should calm down after that. I am planning on coming up to Logan with mom and dad tomorrow. Hopefully the weather will be nice. The weatherman said there is a chance of snow all weekend. I hope that Oliver is feeling better. It would suck being sick on your birthday. Well I hope everyone has a great Friday. Bye

Chinese new year

Today is officaly chinese new year we had a pot luck to eat all day and we wore red. If you said a chinese saying you got a red envelope with money inside. I got 5 dollars. I guess it's a tradition. The me and Walter had such crazy schedules, we haven't seen each other. So he took me out for lunch to chinese food. Then I'm working at scheels tonight. Yesterday my jeans got a hole in the butt so I am going Jean shopping tomorrow. Good times. Have a great Friday see you all Saturday


Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Busy Busy

I had a busy day today also.  It wasn't anything unusual just seemed to be running all the time.  I did get my yearly evaluation and it was a good one so that was nice.  Dad got the right antibiotic.  They had samples of the drug that our insurance wouldn't approve so they gave them to us.  I looked it up and it is 1600.00 for 60 pills and they gave us 12 so I figure that was hundreds of dollars, I thought that was really nice of them.  I took trax home so dad could go pick the meds up and then we had cub scouts and then we went to Walmart to get lunches.  Karen, I hope you get feeling better and I hope Oliver and Isaac get feeling better also.  There is so much junk going around.  Primary's is really busy right now.  Have a great Thursday.  LOVE MOM


Karen, the boys have a cold too.  I thought with the weather being warmer we would be over it but I guess not.  Oliver had a fever again this morning but it went away pretty fast.  I had to visiting teaching so I took the boys with me and they had fun.  They like to get out.  Then we came home in time for lunch and then Isaac went off to school.  Oliver was napping so I went and got some decorations for the party Saturday so that is all done.  I am getting excited.  We picked Isaac up and went to Micheal's and got a train mold for the cake so Casey didn't have to come up with it from scratch.  He is making it tonight and decorating it tomorrow.  Not much else is going on.  I hope that everyone has a great day tomorrow.  I didn't take any pictures yesterday or today, epic fail.



Well I think I might be getting a cold. I have felt a little blah today. Hopefully it isn't a cold. Other than that my day was good. Work is staying busy so it is going by fast. This week is considered the end of the month according to the new schedule. So everyone is getting as much stuff out as they can this week. I hope that your work isn't too slow with the Chinese New Year, Robin. Well I hope everyone had a great Wednesday. Bye

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Made it through

I love the picture Robin.  She is very pretty.  I am glad you are doing makeup.  Karen, I am glad you went to Walmart.  Not much going on with me.  Dad worked late so I drove Trax home.  I filled out my cubscout junk and took the test so I can be an official leader now.  The guy came and got the stuff so he was happy.  Rachel, I am glad you got some sleep. You really needed that.  The world will look a lot better with sleep.  You even sew better :)  I am excited for this weekend also.  I don't have a lot of news.  LOVE MOM

Kill'em with kindness

Today was ok. It was national  random act of kindness day. Weird holiday. I decided to buy everyone bagels because we had to pick out papers and mine was give high 5 fives and I thought bagels were nicer. It was fun for the first half of the day but the second half I was so over it. then I worked at scheels. I actually had enough work for all night so that made time go by fast. The photographer guy posted a photo from the red riding hood shoot. Have a good wednesday.

Mardi Gras

Robin, I like your towels.  Good job, I love your machine.  Today was pretty good.  Oliver woke up with a fever but we gave him some medicine and he seemed better.  Poor guy.  Isaac wanted to watch Thomas so we did and Oliver fell asleep so I put him down in his crib and I fell asleep also.  It was nice.  Our neighbor was catering a mardi gras lunch at a dermatologist so we went.  It was really good food.  One sauce had alligator in it, I liked it.  Then I sewed with Jenn which was fun.  The last three blocks I made were crappy but the three I made today looked good so that felt nice.  I was discouraged last week.  Casey made bread afterwards and then he had scouts.  I made the fajitas for dinner and they tasted really good.  Thanks Mom.  This week is going really fast.  I can't believe tomorrow is Wed.  Everyone sleep well.



My day has been good. I got drafted to help in assembly this morning so that made it go by fast. I am excited for Oliver's birthday on Saturday. I went and got some awesome wrapping paper after work. Robin I am impressed with your towels. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, February 16, 2015

Home again

I made it home safe and sound.  I sure had a fun holiday weekend.  Movies, Logan, Pictures, and no cooking.  It was a really good time.  I am going to have a hard time getting back to the real world tomorrow.  Robin, I am so glad your car is working good.  Do you get pictures from the guy you did the photo shoot for?  I always enjoy seeing them.  I love the tea towels.  I am excited for the big birthday party next weekend.  Everyone have a great day.  Thanks for the fun time.  LOVE MOM


We had a fun day with Mom, thanks for coming up.  Oliver didn't sleep well and Mom helped and it was so nice, thanks Mom.  We did the photo shoot and Oliver wasn't too happy.  I think all 1 year old photo's are like that.  We got a couple good ones of Oliver and a lot of Isaac.  We had sushi for lunch and then we decided to do yard work in the afternoon.  So we went to Lowes and then Casey and Mom dug up all the plants in the front and put in rocks.  It looks so nice, I don't think the picture I attached does it justice.  Casey made hamburgers for dinner that tasted really good.  We were sad to see Mom leave.  The birthday party is next Saturday at 5:30.  We are going to have tacos.  It should be fun.


Start of holidays

It was so nice driving to work today. Everybody had Monday off so traffic was awesome. Then work was good. We are wrapping up the last of the shipments that are from the factories. We are starting to gear up for next season. Then I came home and worked on everyone's monthly towels the clovers take forever but it's all the machine so I can't complain. The pictures are cute Rachel, Oliver made me laugh. He did not hide his emotions on the one photo. Have a good one



Well things are going good here. The snow storm they were predicting never appeared. It was actually a pretty day, a little chilly but nice. Work was good. It was a little bit of a slow day, but I made it thru. I think it was a little slow because a lot of people had the day off. Rachel I think that is funny that Isaac's teacher had to ask you what his name was. I was beginning to wonder myself last time we were together. I am excited for Oliver's birthday. Do we have a plan for that yet? Well I hope everyone has a great Tuesday tomorrow. Bye

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Grandma is here

Mom made it safely and we have had a lot of fun with her. We let Oliver take his nap and she stayed home and watched him while me and Isaac went to church.  It was really nice.  Isaac's teachers asked me what he name really is after church, I guess he was pretty insistent and being called Thomas.  He makes me laugh. We went to dinner at el torjo and it was really good.  They boys are loving having her here.  Tomorrow we are doing pictures.  Wish us luck.



I had a photoshoot today. We did the makeup at a studio then drove up to the canyons. It was a red riding hood shoot. It was cold and ther were small patches of snow. But I made it alive. Then I went to Walters parents house for dinner. Everyone is doing good. Then I decided I wanted to work on a fun project so I am working on everyone's monthly towels and watching movies, hope everyone has a great Monday


Spring clean 2

Well I washed my sheets today. I also cleaned up my kitchen. I felt very productive. I guess I was inspired by mom's spring cleaning. I hope that everyone had a great day. I also hope that mom made it up to Logan safe and sound. I also hope that Thomas (Isaac) and crew had a fun time in Logan today. Well I hope everyone has a great Monday tomorrow. I wish I had the day off like mom does. Well have a good one.


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...