Saturday, April 15, 2023


 Sorry I have been sucky at blogging. My day was busy. Me, mom, and dad went to the uhaul this morning and got boxes and then went up to Kamas and packed some stuff. Then we went to the dump and dropped off a load. Then we went to Robin's and they cooked us hamburgers. It was really good. I hope that everyone had a great Saturday. Bye


 We had a fun day. We got up and went to uhaul to get boxes and then drove to Kamas. We packed stuff up and got a lot done. We went to park city for lunch and then went back to Kamas and took trash to the dump. We don't have to stag the house anymore so there are boxes everywhere. We went h9me by way of kamas. Robin and jeramy made hamburgers on the grill. They tasted good. We went to all a dollar to get stuff for robins fairy garden. It looks so cute. Rachel I am excited to hook up tomorrow. Love mom

Friday, April 14, 2023


 I got shampoo in my eye this morning and it really hurt. I was a baby. I was over my hours so I just went in late and left early. That was nice. It snowed during lunch. We went to firehouse subs for dinner and then went to the play. Pirates of penzantes. It was really good. They do a good job. We are going to Kamas to.pack up stuff and get organized. If all goes right Karen will sign and close on the 5th of May. I am going  to lagoon on Sunday. Dad went for a.walk at Murray Park and they took down all the bridges down over the river. Getting ready for high waters. Rachel that is fun you went to the movies. I am glad it was good. Love mom


 Today was busy but it was a good day.  Work was good.  I left for an hour to watch Isaac play at his school assembly.  They had the orchestra play to get the other kids to join.  He did a good job.  Oliver lost his coat and we were trying to find it.  Casey walked all over the playground and couldn't find it.  I took the kids home and worked for another hour.  I can home and we headed to ambassadors.  Me and the little kids brought some crafts and did them while we listened.  It was nice.  Oliver really want to see the super Mario movie.  Casey got tickets in Providence since the small was sold out.  So we just stayed down there and had dinner.  The movie was great.  I really liked it.  It was neat how they incorporated all the old games and it was pretty funny.  I liked it.  Everyone have a good Saturday.

Love Rachel


I finally made it to Friday. It was a long day but made it out alive. Luna woke up at 5:30 and didn't want to go back to bed. So I am tired. Hopefully she sleeps good tonight. 

Thursday, April 13, 2023


 Work has been busy. They did give me 2 hours for dinner last night as a team meeting so I left early. We met the gumm gang for dinner at jeramys favorite Mexican resturant by Walmart. It was fun. We went to Costco afterwards. It snowed here all morning and it is cold. I am excited for Karen. I am glad she gets her stuff back soon. I am glad tomorrow is Friday. I am leaving early tomorrow also. Karen bought tickets for tomorrow night. That will be fun love mom


 I am happy for you Karen.  That is exciting everything is working out.  Today it snowing so much, it is so crazy.  This afternoon it all cleared out and was a nice day.  We were playing in the backyard and we saw Andy.  It was good to talk with him.  I feel so bad that Cher passed.  Work was good and went pretty fast.  I did step by step photos and it wasn't too bad.  I dread doing them.  Thursdays are busy.  Isaac had orchestra and the the little kids had piano lessons.  We had a quick dinner and then Ruth had tumbling.  I took the boys to the store so Isaac could get some ingredients.  Everyone have a good Friday.

Love Rachel 


I'm glad tomorrow is Friday. Its felt like a long week and I even had Monday off. Jenkins stomach is still a mess. He didn't wake up as much last night but I'm still tired. It was really cold today and I didn't like it. I'm glad you have an offer on your house Karen . I can take time off in may if you need me to help move

Wednesday, April 12, 2023


 I had book group tonight so I am late blogging.  Book group was a lot of and it was good to talk.  We read the Midnight Library which was a good book.  Casey had meetings this morning so Randy took the kids again to school.  Isaac forgot his backpack so I ran it over to him.  Work was good.  I just sewed today.  Isaac had an extra orchestra practice because they are doing an assembly on Friday so I took the little kids to Walmart and got them a sandwich.  We got nerf bullets so activity days.  They had a nerf gun war.  Oliver was so so excited to go and he had fun.   I took Isaac to get a sandwich while they were gone.  I messed up the time for young men's so he missed it.  Then I head to book group.  

Love Rachel 


 Today I got an email saying it was my 23 years at intermountain. That is a long time. Work was busy and I am with Robin. It is hard to focus. I went to dinner with my work team tonight and we went to this fancy Italian place. The food was amazing. It was expensive but work paid for it. Our waiter cute he even sang when he made some of our food. He has a nice voice. It was fun. Karen bought us tickets to go to a play on Friday. That will be fun. It is suppose to rain tomorrow. Love mom


They did an active shooter training at work today. They had two "gunman" run around the building with loud guns pretending to shoot people. We knew it was coming so when we heard the bangs we did our exit plan then waited for like an hour outso. We had all the cops fire department and emts show up. They wanted them to get use to the buildings. So that kinda made the day a wash. My motivation to work has been depleted. I just am ready to be outside. Jenkins stomach has been upset. Whatever they gave him at the doggie hotel messed him up. He wakes up every hour and needs to go out. So I'm tired. Hopefully he sleeps more tonight. Luna is good we just play outside all night. It's nice to be outdoors


Tuesday, April 11, 2023


I made it back to work today. Jeramy called out because he didn't feel good. He's congested. Work was good but I didn't want to be there. Lol after work we had dinner and me and Luna went to Costco to pick up Jeramys pills. She ran right to the cookies then to the registers. So I had to buy the cookies before I went to the pharmacy. Then we played outside for the rest of the night. It's nice to run around. We weed wacked and sweeped our back area.



 I am glad you have a deck again Rachel. That has to feel nice. Such a nice deck. We need a logan day to finish the tree house when the snow melts. I was thinking of renting a cherry picker to finish the roof. Work was.good. they fixed the air conditioner around 10 so that was nice. I made beef stroganoff for dinner. I haven't made that in a long time. It tasted good. Robin I love your gnome garden that is fun. Have a nice hump day. Mom


Casey had some early meetings so Randy took the kids to school which was really nice.  Work was good.  I was on the new team today and went fine.  I kept getting big knots on the back and that was time consuming to fix.  Isaac had orchestra after school.  He is going to be in the talent show and play the violin.  He asked his friend to play with him but he said no because he was scared so Isaac is going to do a solo.  He was so excited.  The kids helped me get all the laundry put away.  We had a late dinner and I didn't make it to exercise class.  We did clean up the backyard a bit since the snow had started to melt.  Casey shoveled off the deck and that feels nice.  
Love Rachel 

Monday, April 10, 2023


 I like you garden Robin.  Ruth really wants to make one now also.  Today was good.  I worked all day on the events team and then switched all my stuff over to the quilts team and will be there now.  Change is hard.  I left work for a bit and took Oliver to the doctor for a wellness check.  He is doing great.  Isaac had violin lessons after school.  I told Oliver I owed him because he had to get his finger pricked and a shot so he choose to go to sabores for dinner.  I think his choice was heavily influenced by Isaac.  After dinner I went to exercise class.  It was strength training tonight.  Here are a million pictures.

Love Rachel


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...