Saturday, March 26, 2011

its been a bit

well sorry I haven't blogged in a bit I keep forgetting. things are going well. orientation went well and the play ran smoothly. I am really tired thought. Grandma didn't go out with everyone I came home for a bit and she was not going to budge. we tried. But tomorrow I am here in the morning till 4 so I think we have things covered. anyway I am going to head for bed.



Mom, I am glad that you are having a good time. Do you need me to go over and sit with Grandma for a while? I didn't do anything today I should of called her. Casey is still not feeling good so he slept all day. Me and Isaac just hang out together. It was still cold outside so we didn't go on a walk. I am making a roast tomorrow and that will be fun. Let me know what I can do to help.


Nice Day

We are having a good time in St. George. It snowed from Cedar City to St. George but other than that the ride was good. We went to Best Buy and walked around and then we went to the garden store and bought Karen a potted garden. She will post a picture of it. We are just going to veg I thing the rest of the night. Grandma is really struggling with me not there. She wouldn't go with Kay today. I am really worried about her. We will be back tomorrow. We will leave after church Karen decided to add it to my blog it is sideways. Well have a great night. LOVE MOM

They're here

Mom and dad had it St. George. It has been pouring rain here all morning. It is just barely starting to slack off. It did impede dad's plans of going for a hike though. It seems like anytime anyone comes down to visit it is cool and rainy here. Oh well. Well I hope that everyone has a great Saturday. BYE

Friday, March 25, 2011

Off to St George

We are for sure leaving in the morning for St George. I think that will be fun. We went to get Angela's shower present. THat was fun. It is nice to have that done. I will blog from Karen's brand new computer. I hope Casey gets feeling better. I am glad you took him the Nyquil. Isaac is so dang cute. He is just a joy. Kay is taking grandma for the day She is excited about that one. Rachel I would like to go to Target some time next week and check out wedding shower stuff there. Deb from Logan wants to go to Dinner on Wednesday. Maybe you and Isaac could come.



Casey is still not feeling good. He took the nyquil and went to sleep. I was tired today but it was a good day. Isaac is doing good and is a go getter. We were going to prune grandma bodilys trees but it was bad weather again. I called her and she was going to dinner with jani so we didn't visit her. Well have a safe trip Mom and Dad and have a good time at orenitation Robin.

Made it

Well I made it thru Friday. It had rained off and on today and it is really windy now. Work was good. Nothing too exciting just the same old same old. I am glad that the weekend is here. Robin you should just tell those people that your shirt is retro. You could totally bring the look back be a trend setter. Well i hope that you guys didn't get snowed in too badly. Have a great one. BYE

Thursday, March 24, 2011

80's day

today was good. nothing to crazy. I worked in the morning. I bought a new skirt and wore it everyone thought I looked 80's. I guess I like the retro look. then rachel came over and we went to dinner and we sewed. I am sewing a dress and sewed it backwords. so now I have to unpick everything. I am so glad tomorrow is friday. its closing week at the egyptian. so no I will have some more time. have a great friday


Nice evening

It was a nice night tonight. I got to hold Isaac and rock him. He is such a good baby. We are so blessed. I had to cover at administration again because everyone has the cold. It is going around big time. I am glad that tomorrow is friday. It seems like such a fast week. I guess taking a day off does that the week. Next week is the last week in March. I need to do my taxes. I didn't do them last night. I flamed out.


Good thing

Rachel I am glad that you got sleep. 7 hours must be a record for sleep since Isaac was born. My day was good. I had a meeting that took most of the morning so it was easy to stay busy most of the day. I am waiting for my visiting teachers to show up. I think that I have everything ready for my talk and my lesson, so I should be all set for Sunday. Well i hope that everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. BYE

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I'm Glad

I am glad that you are going to St George Mom, that will be fun. I am excited for you. Good luck with your talk Karen. That sounds like a good lesson. I sing that song to Isaac because I know the signs that go with it. Isaac was exhausted today. Last night he slept for 7 hours and then he slept most of today. We wore him out yesterday. It was so nice being able to get some sleep last night. I had energy today and that was nice. I am planning on sewing tomorrow if that is alright. If you need time to get ready to go we can skip it.

Back to work

Well I went back to work today. I really had a good time yesterday. It was hard to go back. Me and Gary have decided to go to St. George on Saturday and hear Karen's talk. I thought that would be fun. I think it will be fun. Kay is going to take Grandma on Saturday. I think that will be fun We will be back for Sunday. I am going to go work on taxes tonight.


What a day

Well at work today we had a proposal that I had to go over. We had made something similar so I had to go thru the prints and see what matched and what did. We had drawn some of the prints and put different numbers on them. Also the prints I was comparing one was in mm and inches was in inches. It was a long annoying process. But I got it all figured out and organized. But it took awhile. Other than that it was a pretty good day. I sat outside during break and the wind was blowing so it made me sneeze. I am excited for primary because I have a fun activity. The lesson is on the wise man building his house on rocks and the foolish man building on sand. So i am going to give a demo of it. Instead of sand though I am going to use tang. i figures it would work better if I used something that will dissolve in water. So with my tang, rocks, and monopoly house I am going to cause a flood and shown which house is better. It should be great if it works. Well I hope that everyone had a great day.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

le shop

well today i went to work and had so much energy. then I went shopping for some new shoes, I found a skirt I liked that was pink and thought I could be crafty and die it black so I can wear it for tech stuff. It didn't turn black. Its now a shade of purple but its better then the pink so I guess I came out ahead. :) well nothing much else I 'm glad everyone was safe in there endeavors have a great night



I had a great day in Logan also. It was fun to just hang out. The doctors were fast today and that was good. That was amazing. It was good go to Sam's and just hang out. Thanks Rachel for coming with us. It made my day. Isaac was such a good boy. That was a long day. Nothing else to report. I am needing another day off but I have a real busy day tomorrow so it should go fast. I even get lunch tomorrow for a meeting I am going to. They are getting SkoolLunch. I haven't had that for a long time.


Logan is still amazing

We had a fun day. Thank you Mom and Dad for taking me along. It was really nice to get out. When we got there Mom dropped us off at the house while she went to the doctors. Then we went to lunch at the OG which was good and went shoppiing at Sams. Then they dropped me and Isaac off at the mall while everyone went to the docotors. It was fun to walk around and look at everything. Then just as Isaac was getting hungry we were picked up and went to the house to feed him. We didn't stay long because Grandma was cold. Then we got dinner and headed home. Isaac had a breif meltdown in the car but he eventually fell asleep. He was really good all day. It is good to know we can travel with him. Thanks for the fun day.


Well my day was good. Work was slow in the morning, but it picked up in the afternoon. I worked on my talk last night I hope I do good on it. I am going to read over my lesson tonight and see what I am going to do for that. I am trying to get prepared for things early instead of at the last minute. I will have to see how that goes. I hope that everyone had a good trip to Logan. I bet it was cold there. It was chilly here today. We just barely broke 60. Burr! I got the invitation for Anglea's shower today. Well i hope that everyone has a great rest of the week.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Off to Logan

It must have been laundry day because that is what I did also. I did ironing also and then did bills. It was nice to get some things done. I need to straighten up the house but that has to wait. Taxes is next. That will get done this week. Tomorrow is Logan and Doctor's Rachel and Isaac are coming so that will be fun. LOVE MOM


Today we were supposed to go and prune Grandma Bodily's tree's but the weather was bad so we rescheduled for Friday. Casey need to do Julie's also I need to give her a call. I moved the play and pack into the living room today so I can start transitioning Isaac into it, instead of sleeping in the swing. I did laundry today also but I haven't folded anything yet so it is sitting in a pile. I will do it Wednesday. It will be fun to go to Logan tomorrow, thanks for taking me.


here is the post

well today was good. I finished laundry which is a big bonus. I was so far behind. I also washed all my makeup brushes. It needed to be done for a while and I finally got it done. Its nice to just work one job a day, I tend to get more done. Not much else have a great tuesday...


Blown Away

Well it has been really windy here today. It has rained a little bit but not a whole lot. Work was good. I hope that you got your laundry done mom. I also hope that you, Rachel, and grandma have a great trip to Logan. Hope the weather isn't too bad for your drive. Well i hope that everyone had a great Monday. BYE

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The weekend is over

Well the weekend is over. The show ran well today nothing crazy happening. I work tomorrow in the morning. I am hoping to get laundry done tomorrow but I will see how that goes. It usually ends up at the end of the list. well I am glad everyone is doing well have a great week.


He's Growing

I can't believe how fast Isaac is growing, it is crazy. I put him in a 3-6 month outfit today and it looked really cute, but he did get too hot in it. We had to strip him down for a while for him to cool off. It was cute. When I got home from dinner I went through the drawer I kept his bigger clothes and pulled out all the 3-6 month stuff and put away all the 0-3 month things. He has a a lot of cute clothes. We had a good day. We were lazy this morning and then went to church. Casey wanted to work on his car so me and Isaac went to dinner with Mom and Dad. It was a really nice evening. Then when we got home we gave Isaac a bath. That is fun that your kids miss you Karen when you are gone. You are a good teacher.

Quiet day

I got to sleep in again. Boy that feels nice. I still feel really tired but it doesn't seem overwhelmning. That is good. I made garlic chicken tonight. It tasted good. I haven't had that for a long time. I am glad you had a nice day Karen. We went out to see Grandma Bodily and she went to Boise with Sharon this week. I was glad she went. Well have a great day.



Well my day has been good. I went to church and it was nice to get to go to Relief Society. I saw one of the kids in the primary class I teach and he asked where I was. So I guess the other teacher must not have shown up. I wish they would have let me know I would have taught for them. Oh well. It has been cloudy all day here, but it only rained enough to spot my windshield during church. Well I hope that everyone had a good Sunday. BYE


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...