Saturday, August 4, 2012

Nice Day also

I had a nice day also.  I sewed a lot and got most of the costumes done.  I just need to do the elastic on the hats and then I am done.  I thought I would make some belts for the costumes.  I am going to do that after I finish the hats.  I went to Joanns to get some material and then I went to the hospital to see Kyle.  He looked good.  We sat and talked for a long time.  It was nice.  Casey called and said he wanted to take us to dinner so I came back and we went to dinner.  I didn't have much ambition after than so I just read and played farmville.  Dad has worked all day.  Poor guy.  He is going to be one tired man.  I hope they getting working soon.  Well have a nice Sunday.  I am going to try and go to church.  It was nice to have a quiet day.  LOVE MOM


I had a fun time at the gun class also. It was an easy class. You didn't even have to take a test or anything. Now I will have to be on the look out for a cool gun that I can get to conceal. Maybe that can be the next random purchase. I really didn't do too much after the class. I did try calling the police station here to see if I could get my finger prints done for the licence but the office wasn't open so I will have to call Monday and check. Well I hope that everyone had a great Saturday. BYE

Lazy Day

Today was good.  I tried to wear my glasses all day but my nose got sweaty and I couldn't handle it.  I rode my bike to the bike and let Isaac push it around, he has been wanting to do that.  We went to the mall and Sams club this afternoon and that was nice.  This evening was really nice outside.  I was going to go to the zoo but ended up just playing outside.  Isaac got his pants muddy and I didn't want to change his clothes again.  Casey had a good time at the gun class, thanks Karen.  Casey's sister Kim got engaged.  I am happy for her, I like Max.  That is all my gossip have a good night.


Friday, August 3, 2012


that is super nice about your company karen I am glad that there are people watching out for you up there. Isaac is getting big I like the shoes he was wearing. I bought a table today :) its so cute, black of course. I forgot to take a picture and its out in dads car so I will have to snag one when we move it in. I have to work tomorrow and then sunday. and I have to do laundry some time that is a must. well have a great night robin

Nice Company

I am sure you have all heard by now that my work was super nice to me. Since my prescriptions were so much on this insurance they are giving 1200 dollars to cover it until my deductible kicks in. I was super socked when they told me. I thought that was super nice. I have never heard of a company doing that before. I am excited for my concealed weapons class tomorrow also. Don't worry about us shooting people mom, i think that the class is more about not shoot people. We also had our monthly work party today. It was fun and there was a ton of food as usual. Well I hope that everyone has a great weekend. BYE


I went two whole days with out sugar and you know it made a big difference.  I had lots of sugar today and I am a lot more nervous.  I am going to have to try and watch my sugar intake.  I have been trying to eat an orange or something like that instead of M& M for snack time and today I had M&M.  I think I am going to try and cut way back on the sugar.  That is going to be really hard for me.  I will see how I do.  I am not going to give it up but I have way too much of it.  Not much else going on with me.  I went shopping with Robin and she bought me Zuppa's for dinner. It tasted really good.  I hope you all have a good weekend.  I am looking forward to having a quiet one.  Isaac looks so big in his pictures.  I think he has grown a foot.  Good luck with the concealed weapons class tomorrow.  Remember not to shoot anyone.


Thanks everyone for all your support.  We are doing good.  Karen that is awesome about your work.  I think that is amazing.  You work for a wonderful company.  I have never heard of such a good company.  Today was good.  We just did the normal stuff.  Isaac was a little on edge but nothing too bad.  Well Casey is excited for tomorrow and is driving down in the morning.  He will meet you at your work Karen.  Thanks. Here are some pictures of Isaac.


Thursday, August 2, 2012

stupid money

that sucks about your taxes rachel, i hate money sometimes. today was good for me only worked at sugar house so that was nice. I went and looked at the apartments close by my work. I liked them I am 98% sure I am going to move there. I just am having a hard time deciding how big to go. they are both 1 bed room but one is bigger but 80 dollars more. sigh well have a good one robin

I owe my soul to the company store

I am with you Robin, I have had a hard time getting into the Olympics also.  We tried to watch it last night but the commercials and all the build up annoyed us.  Isaac only took a hour nap so I didn't get much sewing done.  We did got to the pool in the afternoon and that was fun.  Isaac wasn't as into it but it was alright with me.  We got a letter in the mail from the IRS and we owe more money for the 2010 tax year so Casey set up a payment plan with them.  So we went out to dinner to Fredricos to do something fun.  Casey is excited for the class Saturday Karen, it will be fun.  I am glad that Dad made it home safety.


Almost a weekend

I am excited for the weekend also.  Have a fun party Karen.  That is fun.  Dad made it home safe and sound.  He was asleep when I got home so I went to read for awhile and I feel asleep also.  It is hard to wake back up.  Work was good.  Not much going on.  I like that.  Just lots of work to do.  Keeps me busy.  I don't have any more news than that.  Have a great friday.  LOVE MOM

Yeah its almost Friday

Well my day was good. I finished a project I was working on. So that was nice. We are having our company month end party tomorrow and I volunteered to bring chips. But I did remember to get them last night when I went to Walmart, so I didn't have to go to the store again. I am glad that the weekend is almost here. I am going to take a nap sometime. Well I hope that everyone has a great Friday. BYE

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


well today went on forever for me. i worked at lagoon tonight to so it made it even longer. I like your towel karen. :) well not to much else everyone is way into the olympics this year but I can't get into it. I will have to focus more and be a good sport. well not to much else night robin

Lazy night

I had a good night.  I was sewing and broke the thread and I couldn't remember how to rethread it so I thought I would sit for a minute and think about it and I feel sound asleep.  That was good.  I opened the case and the instructions are on there.  I will sew again tomorrow.  I had a busy day at work.  I think that is going to be the norm.  That is OK with me.  It makes the day go by faster.  Not much else to report.  I do like your tea towel Karen.  It is really cute.  Isaac does communicate very well.  He is so smart.  I thought for sure you were getting a new calling in church with the bishopric coming over.  It has been hot outside.  Have a great thursday.  I can't believe it is August already.  LOVE MOM

Watering day

I really like the tea towel Karen, good job.  Your stitches are very even.  Today was good, Isaac was in a better mood and we had a slower paced day.  We went to the park at 10 and meet people from the ward.  It was fun to talk to everyone.  We were there for an hour and Isaac was bored.  He kept coming over to me signing all done and bye.  His nursery leader was there and said that he was a good communicator.  We meet Casey for lunch.  We spend the afternoon in the basement and it was nice and cool.  The bishopric came over and visited us tonight.  They asked how you were Mom and Dad.  Casey mowed the lawn tonight also, it looks so good after it has been mowed.  I hope everyone has a nice evening.



Well my day seemed long. I don't know why it just dragged. I stayed busy at work and then after work I went to Walmart to get chips for the month end party on Friday. I also got buttons for the eyes on my tea towel. There is a picture of it at the end of my rambling. I am sorry that you couldn't find Isaac's shoes. I hate it when I can't find things. Well I hope that everyone had a great Wednesday. BYE

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Weird day

That is strange you couldn't find his shoes.  Oh well now you have a lot of back ups.  I am sorry he wasn't happy.  That makes for a long day.  My day sort of was the same.  Afternoon I messed up my excel spreadsheet and had to call IT to see if they could go back and re do my save.  They could so tomorrow I will start again on my additions.  That was stressful.  I did have a nice evening though.  Me and Robin went to Cafe Rio and that tasted so good.  We went to Fred Meyers to look at tables and they had some really cute ones.  They were having a lot of sales so we bought Isaac a batman PJ's with a cape.  Dang cute.  I am glad you are liking Tea Towels.  They are lots of fun and I think they make really nice gifts.  Dad called and said he had a really good day and things went well. That was a good thing.  Not much else going on.  Kyle did good through the surgery.  The doctor said it went well and he hardly lost any blood but he had a lot of infection and the outcome was wait and see.  I hope he does good.  Have a great Wednesday.  Almost half way done.  YEAH  LOVE MOM


We had a rocky start this morning but the day got better.  I could not find Isaac's shoes this morning and Isaac was upset about something.  Maybe he wanted to go back to SLC.  He wasn't happy about something.  I ended up going to shopko at 9, all the other shoe stores open at 10 and I wanted to go to story time.  They had some cute shoes so I got him two pairs, a canvas pair and sandals.  Then I went to Sams to get some bacon and they are only open for exclusive members in the morning,  I had no idea.  He let me in since it was close to when I could go in.  Isaac did a lot better at story time and that was nice.  I made bacon and tomato sandwiches for lunch and met Casey and that made things start going better.  I sewed with Jenn and that was fun.  I sewed the tails on 5 more kites, it is looking good.  I signed up for the next mystery quilt in the afternoon and got some hornet traps.  I think that it will help the hornet problem.  Isaac was in a lot better mood in the afternoon, he was happy and nice.  It was a lot better.  I am sorry you are working so much Robin, it is almost over.  I am glad that you are making tea towels Karen, I am glad that the fabric is getting used.  Good job cleaning Mom, I always feel better cleaning things.


Good Bye July

Well tomorrow is the first day of August. July went by really quick. It is kind of stormy out side right now. I like it when it lightening and thunders. I am making a tea towel out of the fabric Rachel let me have. I think that it is looking cute. Thanks again for letting me raid your fabric supply Rachel. That sucks that you have had to work so many days in a row Robin. Hopefully you will get a night off soon. Well have a great Wednesday tomorrow everyone. BYE

Monday, July 30, 2012


I am tired tonight its my 4th night at lagoon i'm kinda burned out. I am glad everyone is doing well have a good tuesday robin

Quiet Night

Love the pillows Karen.  They look really cute on your couch.  I bet they are really soft.  Rachel you had another busy day didn't you.  I hope that is good not to have the house anymore.  Dad made it to DuPont.  I hope it goes well.  It is so quiet here.  I decided to clean a little bit and I went through three boxes of junk and threw away two of them.  I felt like I had accomplished something.  My hall closet is a lot cleaner now.  I was going to iron but I think I will do it tomorrow.  Kyle is having surgery tomorrow.  I think I will go have dinner with Julie.  I was going to do it tonight but she said that it wouldn't be a good night to do that.  I was kind of glad.  It was nice to have a night home.  I agree with Rachel.  I already miss the holidays.  I really have had a good time this month.  I hate to see it go.  WE will have to plan some fun things for August.  I want to go to the fair when it is in Logan if possible.  Karen you are never going to guess what I found while I was cleaning.  All my thread.  YEAH.  I was really excited about that one.  Now I have lots of colors to serge with.  LOVE MOM


Thanks for the pictures Karen, I really like how they look on your couch.  The look really nice.  Today was pretty good.  We went on a walk this morning and meet Casey for lunch.  Calleen called Casey today and said that Leona was staying with her and she wanted us to sign the house over to her.  So they came over about 1 and talked.  Isaac woke up around 2, he was kind of grumpy today.  I feel bad because he seems to always be grumpy when she visits.  Casey got off at 3:30 and we went over to the ups store and got the papers signed and notarized.  Calleen picked all the plums that were out over the basketball court.  I think that is what they are.  I have never given that tree much thought so it was good to see the fruit being used.  Then they had to go back and feed the cows.  Isaac was upset tonight, I think that he must be tired.  He went to bed really well and was excited that Casey put him to bed.  We have eaten all the chicken which surprised me, it was good.  Thank you.  I hope that everyone had a good day.  I think that this week is going to be long without any holidays.



Well I don't know about Issac but I slept really well last night. It was hard to wake up this morning though. Work was good. The engineering meeting was long this morning though. It was 2 hours and 30 minutes long. I had a fun time with Issac also this weekend. You can leave him with me anytime Rachel. I am glad that you had a good time camping. Well I have attached a picture of how cute my pillows look on my couch. Thanks for making them for me Rachel. Well have a great week. BYE

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Fun time

RAchel I am glad that you had a good time.  You looked so good when you got home.  I was glad it turned out.  We had a great time also.  Anytime you want a babysitter I am there.  I had such a good time.  He is such a good baby.  We made it home safe and sound and it is always too quiet when I am here with out everyone.  Teresa came over and visited with me for awhile, while Jed had to work.  It was nice to visit.  Dad leaves at 7 in the morning so he has to leave here around 5.  That is going to be one early morning for him.  He comes back on Thursday.  I am going to go take Julie to dinner tomorrow night at the hospital.  Kyle has his surgery on Tuesday.  I probably will take her to dinner that night also.  I will see.  Not much else to report.  I sure had a good week.  Man I could do this every week.  I know I am sure we will eventually need to rest but it has been so much fun.  Thanks you Robin and Karen for driving me to Logan.  I am so spoiled. 

Thank you, Thank you

Thank you guys so much.  You took such good care of Isaac and we really appreciated it, thank you.  We had a really good time.  I didn't take a lot of pictures but here are two of the lake.  Thank you again for everything.  I really owe everyone big time.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...