Monday, July 30, 2012

Quiet Night

Love the pillows Karen.  They look really cute on your couch.  I bet they are really soft.  Rachel you had another busy day didn't you.  I hope that is good not to have the house anymore.  Dad made it to DuPont.  I hope it goes well.  It is so quiet here.  I decided to clean a little bit and I went through three boxes of junk and threw away two of them.  I felt like I had accomplished something.  My hall closet is a lot cleaner now.  I was going to iron but I think I will do it tomorrow.  Kyle is having surgery tomorrow.  I think I will go have dinner with Julie.  I was going to do it tonight but she said that it wouldn't be a good night to do that.  I was kind of glad.  It was nice to have a night home.  I agree with Rachel.  I already miss the holidays.  I really have had a good time this month.  I hate to see it go.  WE will have to plan some fun things for August.  I want to go to the fair when it is in Logan if possible.  Karen you are never going to guess what I found while I was cleaning.  All my thread.  YEAH.  I was really excited about that one.  Now I have lots of colors to serge with.  LOVE MOM

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...