Thursday, January 26, 2017

Nice day

I had a nice time sewing. The pillowcases we fun. It snow all the way up here. I am with Karen I am so ready to it not to snow. Drive safe Robin. Love mom


Robin that sounds awesome for tomorrow.  If you want to get up here around lunch time and then we can work after lunch.  If you want to spend the night that would be awesome, we would love to have you.  Karen, I am glad that you went to the doctor about your toe, I hope that it feels better.  Today was fun.  Mom and Dad came up and Dad watched the kids all day which was amazing of him.  Me and Mom went and sewed with my quilt group.  A lady had 50 pillows cases to make so we helped her sew those and it was fun.  Tonight we all went to Lowes and got paint and flooring for Isaac's room so we are ready to go.  Thanks for coming up Robin and drive safe.



Today was good nothing to crazy. I had to work scheels tonight. I'm over this working business. :) I'm sorry about your foot karen. I'm glad the doctor fixed it up... I am taking tomorrow off to go to logan. I wasn't sure of the plan. Would it work if I drive up around 8-9? I wasn't sure if you wanted me to spend the night or not. I don't have to work at scheels till 3 on saturday. Well have a good night



Well my day has been good. I only worked half day and then i went to the foot doctor.  He dug out the irritant and said I should be good. It snowed most of the day here. I hope it is finally finished. Since I had half day off I got my mail box dug out. I hope everyone had a great Thursday. Bye

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

My Friday

Well I made it through work today.  It was tough because I was ready for my vacation.  The roads were so bad this morning.  Dad finally dropped me off a trax and I went to work and he went back home.  He did do all my laundry so that was really nice.  Karen good luck at the doctor tomorrow for your toe.  I hope it isn't anything too bad.  Robin I am glad you made it safe in the snow.  Rachel, I am excited to sew tomorrow.  LOVE MOM

Sick Day

Isaac threw up a couple more times in the night so we kept him home from school.  He didn't throw up today but he wasn't a hundred percent and was pale.  I think he will be ready to go back tomorrow.  I was tired today Ruthie didn't sleep the night before and Isaac didn't sleep last night.  After lunch the boys were watching a show and I took a little nap and it made me feel a lot better.  Casey was going to go skiing this last weekend but it never worked out so Nate came up today and they went skiing this evening.  Casey was excited.  We made cookies after dinner but Oliver was insistent on taking a bath.  He is getting pretty good at getting undressed so he got undressed and I gave him and Ruthie a bath.  Me and Isaac were about done with the cookies so it worked out.  So they went to sleep early which is good I think they were all tired.  Thanks for coming up tomorrow Mom and Dad.  I am excited to sew and to get Isaac's room ready.  Thanks Robin for coming up Friday, it will be fun.



Well it finally stopped snowing here, but not until this afternoon. But at least it stopped. Work was busy today, but I made progress so that was good. I am glad that the week is half over. I hope everyone had a great Wednesday. Bye


Today was ok. It was slow at work so it went by long. I'm working scheels tonight so it's a slow night too. Not much else with me.


Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Good day

I had a nice day at work.  I got so much done.  It felt really nice.  I need a couple more of those days.  We went to the pharmacy and then to Walmart after work.  I love to look at all the Valentine stuff.  I always have.  It snowed most of the day here but nothing too bad.  The roads were always good so that is nice.  Robin are you still planning on Logan on Friday?  We are going to leave on Thursday and I am going to sew with Rachel on Thursday with her group and then paint on Friday.  It is suppose to be super cold again.  At least the snow is going to stop for awhile.  Nothing else going on with us.  It is nice that it is staying light a little longer.  Karen your soup for lunch was yummy.  LOVE MOM

More Snow

We got more snow last night but they had school today which was good.  Isaac had a good day at school and the roads weren't too bad.  I had to shovel a bit because the van got stuck in the driveway and Ruthie hate being outside but I got it done.  Oliver really really wanted the train Hiro as a master track so after we picked up Isaac we went to get one but they didn't have it at Shopko.  I will probably have to order it online, maybe for his birthday.  Casey had scouts and I had young women's.  I just brought the kids to the church and he took them home when he was done, it worked out good.  Isaac threw up on the way home with Casey.  He had been complaining that his stomach hurt earlier.  I hope that he is feeling better tomorrow.  Ruthie had something bothering her last night and she didn't sleep well.  Thanks for everything and enjoy your day tomorrow.


Oliver and Ruthie played trains together without fighting

The mailbox


Well I really don't have anyrhing exciting to report. Work was good, just the usual for a Tuesday.  I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, January 23, 2017

Snow Day

We had another snow day today and you are right Mom we have a lot to make up.  Isaac loved it though and we had a day off and it was nice.  He stayed in his pajamas all day.  I had Oliver just walk around without a diaper all morning and he did really well peeing in the potty.  At lunch I put underwear on him but he peed in those.  I am just going to keep trying in the mornings.  When Ruthie was sleeping we went out and went sledding down the deck.  Isaac loved it and it was fun to be outside.  Oliver had a hard time in the deep snow so me and him went in and watch Isaac from the window.  We did watch a ton of Thomas again.  We skipped Martial Arts and are just going to go again on Wednesday.  Casey took us out to dinner at the Mediterranean place and it was so good.  We both forgot our wallets though but they were nice and I left my phone and Casey ran back and paid.  Isaac and Casey went sledding the back yard a bit before bed, they had fun.  I hope the storm isn't


You guys got hammered

Karen, you and Rachel were buried this time.  We got a little snow but nothing too bad.  It looked really bad around 2 but the roads cleared off pretty fast.  I can't believe how much snow we are getting.  Rachel, Isaac is going to have to go to school until July just to make up missing all these days.  Work was OK and I went early so I left early also.  I think me and dad have a stomach bug.  We just took it easy and hopefully we will be better tomorrow.  Robin that is fun you got to go home early.  I am glad your work is quiet for a little while.  Did they love your bulletin board?  Hopefully tomorrow won't be such bad weather.  LOVE MOM


Today was good for a monday. We are starting chinese new year so we are finishing our last little bits before the factory's close for a while. Then I worked at scheels. They said because it was so slow I could go home early. I was jazzed. The huge storm is coming tonight they were predicting. Everyone stay safe



Well we got a bunch of snow here. We got over a foot altogether.  Work was good it went by pretty quick for a Monday. After work i went to pull in my driveway and there was more snow than I thought so I got stuck. So i dug my car out snd parked it in the street while I cleared the rest of my driveway off. I hope the major snow is done with. Well I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Quiet day

Well I kept waiting for the snow all day but we never really got any.  Which was nice.  I slept in and took an nap.  We did go over to best buy and walk around.  We got a new DVD player for our bedroom.  The one we have is a google Sony one and they aren't supporting it any more so we can't get UTube or any thing else that is fun.  We bought the one exactly like our living room.  I started reading my book Karen and everytime I started reading it I fell asleep.  I guess I really need some rest.  I have to work early tomorrow.  I hope the roads are good.  I am sorry about Ruthie's eye.  That is so hard when they fall.  I hope it gets better really soon.  Robin, I love your bullentin board.  That turned out just the way you wanted it.  Have a nice Monday.  January is almost over with.  LOVE MOM

Lazy Sunday

Today we went to church and it went pretty well.  Ruthie looks so cute in her puffy dress.  Isaac gave a talk in primary and he did a really good job.  He went up and read it all by himself.  I taught in Young women and that went well also, it was a lot like Sunday school so that helped a lot.  Then we just played inside and relaxed.  Oliver watched Thomas the train all day long and Casey and Isaac made cookies.  Ruthie fell and has a black eye now, poor thing.  We did work on Isaac's room and started to Spackle it.  Isaac is so excited for his new room, thank for all you help guys.  I hope that everyone has a good Monday.  This should be a fun week.



Well my day was good. It did snow for a while, but not very much. I did get my dishes and laundry done so that was. Then before dinner my visiting teacher stopped by for a visit. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...