Saturday, June 2, 2012

Nice DAy

We went to the make a wish thing and it was really nice. Shaun from Cache Kids was there and it was really a nice to visit with him. It lasted until 4. They were late starting. WE came back and took Casey dinner. He is so nice to help us out. Karen came down and we played games. I like to do that. I am sorry Isaac didn't feel well. I hope he is OK. It is hot for him. We had thunderstorms all day they would come really fast and leave just as fast. I think we are going to church tomorrow and then go see Margaret. Should be a quiet day. It is always amazing to me how fast a day can go. I am really excited to see the scalloped pillows Rachel. I think they are beautiful. LOVE MOM

Quiet Day

That sounds like a fun day Robin, thanks for the pictures also.  Today was good Casey went down to SLC and worked.  He was able to go on a walk with us this morning before he left and that was fun.  I ordered a pizza for lunch and that tasted good.  Isaac wasn't feeling great after his nap so we watched We Bought a Zoo.  It was really cute I liked it.  After dinner he was acting a lot better.  I think maybe he was just tired.  We played outside the rest of the evening.  I am working on a scalloped pillow.  It is a lot of sewing.  It is taking some time to do it but it is fun.  I have been watching Smash while I sew and that has been fun.  Well everyone have a good Sunday.


PS.  I like this song from Smash


here are some picts I took mostly of isaac. Today was good. did some laundry and grocery shopping it was nice to have a day off. karen came down and we went out for dinner and played games. welll have a good sunday' robin

Friday, June 1, 2012

No house

RAchel I loved the pictures thanks for posting them. We went to look at the house and it was a hundred year old house that slanted and it needed a lot of work. Back to the drawing board. WE went to Park City and walked around the outlet stores looking for a sleeping bag. We didn't find a sleeping bag but Isaac scored with new shirts from old Navy. Karen got him a cookie monster shirt and I got him a dress shirt. It was a fun evening. It is suppose to be hot all weekend. Summer has come. I forgot there was a party for one of the little boys from Logan here in SLC at 2 tomorrow. I wanted to go to that. It is his make a wish party. They invited me a while back. I was glad I put it on my calendar at work or I would have forgotten all about it. Work was quiet today and that was good. Not too much to report. I love Isaacs bike. He will ride that all over the place. Have a great saturday. LOVE MOM

Summary of what I have been forgetting

I keep forgetting to thank you Karen for the sipping cups, they have been really nice to have.  I don't feel like we are running out all the time.  I think I forgot to mention that I finished the bow tie quilt.  It turned out really good.  I am going to keep it for me for a TV quilt.  It is really nice.  I took a nap under it the other day.  I also finished the block of the month for May finally.  I put a picture on at the bottom.  I think it turned out cute.  We ordered Isaac a bike and it came yesterday.  It doesn't have pedals it is a run along bike.  It is supposed to be the first step in bike riding.  He was kind of grouchy yesterday and he would get mad at us when we touched the bike.  He liked it but he wouldn't sit on it.  It will be good for him to start practicing.  I have been working with the push car also.  I put it out on the deck but he just likes to push it around which is fun.  Sorry I am rambling.  Well here are some pictures of last weekend and the bike.  I hope that you are holding up alright Robin.  I hope that Mom and Karen had a fun night.  We had a good night, we rode bikes.  It was hot but it was fun.


Thursday, May 31, 2012


today was good. I straightened my hair today and everyone thought I got my hair done because its been in a pony tail for so long. guess I should get ready more ;) the traffic to lagoon was awful!!! I rolled down my windows so I wouldn't run my AC in stopped traffic and I hated it. I love my air conditioning. that is my one rant for the day. anyway I am way glad tomorrow is friday :) yeah almost done with hell week. have a good night robin

I agree

I agree with Rachel about the house Karen. Of course you already knew that with the comments of the hill. We will going looking again tomorrow night. I hope we find something cute. Well I had a nice time with Kay and her kids today. It was fun at Gardner Village. I bought the cutes pattern to make monster pillows. Sarah said she made them and they were really cute. I thought that might be a fun craft night for us next time we are all together. Just an idea. I also bought Isaac some new books. I love their toy store there. It was fun to play for awhile. I did talk with Julie today and they are going to do surgery to help Kyles Bladder. I am not sure when but I will keep you posted on that one. Well have a great Friday. LOVE MOM


Karen, I have been thinking and I think that it would be good for you to by a house in Kamas.  I was reluctant before but after seeing where you live I think that it would be good to move closer to where you work.  Do what you want I just wanted to throw my two cents in.  Today was good.  I took the garbage out this morning and there were a million ants.  I killed them all but when we went on our walk there were more right next to them.  So I killed them also and they haven't come back.  Not much else is going on.  Casey changed the oil in all the cars tonight, they really needed it.  Everyone have a great Friday.


Almost Friday

I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. Although it seemed like Wednesday all day. Work is moving right along nothing too exciting to report. I hope that everyone had a great Thursday. BYE

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

run around

well today was kinda slow but I made it through. I am glad that its wensday though I am counting down the days till summer is over! well not to much else with me just boring work and work have a good one robin

Watering day

Mom, that will be fun to go to Gardner village, they have some fun stores there.  It is kind of tricky to get there but I think that you will be good if you print off a map.  I hope that you have a good time with everyone.  Thanks for getting the trains and trucks.  He will love them, he is spoiled.  Karen, that is exciting about your spearmint.  I will have to get you some bottles so you can make me some.  Robin, I am glad that tech week is over.  I hope that you get a lot of sleep.  Today was good.  We went on our walk and went grocery shopping.  Isaac completely lost it at the store.  It was around 11 and I think that he got tired.  So I took him home and tried to feed him him before I put him down but he was mad and didn't get much.  He did sleep for 3 hours and acted a lot better after that.  I made chicken for dinner and it was good.  We rode our bikes to lowes to get a bolt for our lawnmower.  Then we got some ice cream.  It was a fun night.  


Half a day

Tomorrow I only have to work 1/2 day. That will be nice. WE are going to meet at Gardner Village. I hope I find it OK. I know the main way to get there. I am going to google map it. I know high tech. I needed gas in my car so we went and got some gas and went to Fred Meyers to walk around. They had a big hot wheels without the spider in it on clearance. I got it. I was way excited about it. They also had those train ones there. I am going back to get a couple of those. They had a ton of them. Well that is my big news for the day. I am glad your oils are coming along Karen. I need to check mine. I will look at Gardner village for some crafts. Any suggestions I what you would want. I will be on the look out. Well have a nice evening. LOVE MOM

Half way

Well the week is half over. My spearmint has been sitting for a whole week. Just another 1 to4 weeks and it should be done. I guess I should fine some cheese cloth to strain it thru. I am glad that your schedule is going to calm down Robin. I love sleep and would miss having it. I hope that you have a fun time with Kay tomorrow mom. Well have a great one. BYE

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

almost done

well today went by fast and that was super nice. this is the last of the tech week though then I don't have to go every single day. that will be super duper nice. I had a fun weekend. I hope this week goes by fast though I am ready for some more sleep ;) robin

Glad it is tuesday

I am with you Karen. It did seem like Monday to me as well. That will make the week short I hope. I am taking 1/2 on Thursday to take Kay for her birthday lunch. I hope it goes well. Someone at work's sister went to the air show on Saturday right in the bad rain and said it was horrible. They wouldn't let you in the hangers and it was so wet and cold. We were lucky to leave when we did. I had such a nice time. It is hard to have everyone back home. I hope Isaac doesn't get up at 6:30 tomorrow. Was story time boring? Maybe he is just a too little yet. He isn't very old. I got my laundry done tonight and tomorrow I am going to iron. I am too tired to do it tonight. I am glad that Isaac like the hamburger pie. It was always one of our favorites. Have a great Wednesday. That sounds good. LOVE MOM
That is true Karen, it does seem like a Monday.  Today was good.  Isaac got up at 6:30 and that wasn't fun, hopefully he will adjust back to normal soon.  We went to story time at the library and Isaac is still not a fan.  He just snuggles into my shoulder the whole time.  He started to cry near the end so we left.  We meet Casey for lunch and that was fun to see him.  Jenn came over and sewed with me.  I only got three tractor tires done but I guess I am making progress.  We had the Shepard's pie for dinner and it tasted really good, thank you Mom.  Isaac really like it.  I need to start making that for him, it tasted really good.  Then we rode our bikes up to Casey's Dads.  Isaac did really good in the bike.  I miss everyone, I hope that everyone had a good day.


Seemed like Monday

Well today seemed like Monday. At least it is Tuesday. I had a fun time this weekend. Thanks for the good time everyone. I hope that everyone has a great week. BYE

Monday, May 28, 2012

Nice Holiday

I am glad you made it home safe and sound. I was worried. Isaac was getting tired of the car. I bet he was glad to get home. THanks for coming down. It was a lot of fun. I hated to see it end. Thanks Karen for letting us come to Heber. It is so pretty up there. Robin got home around 8 and went to bed. She was worn out. Have a nice week. LOVE MOM

We are back

I just wanted to say thanks for the fun weekend.  Everything turned out so good and I had a really nice time with everyone.  We made it home in one piece.  I was worried that Isaac would loose it but he did great.  It feels good to be back home.  I hope that everyone has a good week and thank you for everything.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...