Saturday, June 2, 2012

Quiet Day

That sounds like a fun day Robin, thanks for the pictures also.  Today was good Casey went down to SLC and worked.  He was able to go on a walk with us this morning before he left and that was fun.  I ordered a pizza for lunch and that tasted good.  Isaac wasn't feeling great after his nap so we watched We Bought a Zoo.  It was really cute I liked it.  After dinner he was acting a lot better.  I think maybe he was just tired.  We played outside the rest of the evening.  I am working on a scalloped pillow.  It is a lot of sewing.  It is taking some time to do it but it is fun.  I have been watching Smash while I sew and that has been fun.  Well everyone have a good Sunday.


PS.  I like this song from Smash

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...