Friday, June 12, 2015

I made it

I haven't worked a full week in like a month.  It was tough but I made it.  I had to cover administration this afternoon.  I am looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow.  Drive safe everyone.  LOVE MOM


Yea for the weekend. I did finish mowing my lawn after work today. It was a quiet day at work today. There were quite a few people out on vacation today. I am excited to see everyone tomorrow. Bye

See you tomorrow

The boys slept in really late today so I worked on the binding and got the baby quilt done, yea.  Everything is wrapped and ready to go.  We went to story time this morning and that was fun, it is good to go somewhere cool.  Oliver took a long nap and we just played in the basement.  Isaac said he just wanted to play at home today so we did.  We will see everyone tomorrow.  It will be fun. :)


Thursday, June 11, 2015

Rained Out

We had a fun time camping but it started raining and the tent we borrowed from Randy leaked so we had to head home.  It was fun though.  Before we left Oliver was napping so I took Isaac to a reptile and snake thing at the library and it was really neat and they gave a good show.  They had some huge animals.  We invited Randy and Collin up to roast hot dogs and marshmallows with us and they came up and it was fun.  We ended up just going up green canyon and it was a great spot.  The kids were excited and had a fun time.  We brought their car seats out to sit around the fire and they liked that.  Around 8:30 it started thundering but we had checked the weather and it wasn't supposed to rain much.  So Randy and Collin left around 9 and we got ready for bed and turned on a movie and it started to rain.  Oliver fell asleep and everything was going good but the tent started to leak and the rain didn't let up.  So we called it around 10 and came back home.  It was a lake in the tent.  We are going to try again with Casey's tent next time because it doesn't leak when it rains.  We just borrowed their because it was bigger.  Today was good.  After Oliver's nap we went to the splash pad and it started to rain, we have the worst timing.  So we came home and it cleared up.  Isaac and Oliver got wet again.  Isaac turned into a mud monster so the boys took a bath before dinner.  I am going to finish up the baby blanket for this weekend tonight I hope.  I just need to put the binding on.


I did it

I made it to Friday.  I haven't worked a full week in a long time.  It felt kind of strange.  It didn't rain here at all.  I went to dinner with Kay and Julie.  They sure had a nice time on their cruise.  Julie looked really good.  We went to Target so I was able to get some treats for this weekend. I am getting already for the shower.  Everyone have a great Friday.  Robin, I think that is funny you get to blog at Scheel's.  I am so glad your computers are working again.  I am always amazed at how everything I do is computer related.  Rachel, I hope you had a fun time camping and Karen I am glad you got some of your lawn done.  LOVE MOM

Almost Friday

Well it wasn't raining when I got off work, so I started mowing my lawn. I got halfway done before it started sprinkling. Since heavy rains have been following it I stopped and put the mower away. It never really rained a lot after that but in lost motivation to finish so I guess I will finish that tomorrow. Other than that my day has just been the usual. I hope that you had a fun time camping Rachel. Have a great Friday tomorrow everyone. Bye


Today was good. Nothing to exciting. Our computers started to work again so that was nice. I worked at scheels tonight so I'm bored per usual. Well not much else with me.


Wednesday, June 10, 2015

No rain

We had no rain here.  We did go out and get a gift for Marissa tonight.  We are set for the baby shower.  I did forget a card but they sell those at the hospital.  I can pick one up there.  Not much else going on with us either.  I am glad you got some rest Robin.  Are the pills helping you feel better?  I have been worried about you.  Have a great Thursday.  This week sure has gone by fast for me.  LOVE MOM


We have made it halfway thru the week. Yea! It rain here this afternoon for about 2 hours. Lots of rain, thunder, and lightening. It also made the power flicker a couple of times. After work I went to Park City and got Panda Express for dinner. I didn't feel like cooking and it sounded good. I hope that the Anderson camping trip was fun. Have a great Thursday tomorrow everyone. Bye


Sorry I didn't blog last night. I went to the gym and it made me so tired. I feel asleep watching a movie. Today was ok. The computers are still on the fritz so It was frustrating. I was lazy and just wanted a chill night so I didn't do anything crazy. I started watching phych for fun. Have a good one


Tuesday, June 9, 2015


Robin, you could cook at my house also.  It could be your job.  We just had spaghetti for dinner.  We had a pretty good day.  We went to Sam's this morning to get some wipes for the baby shower on Saturday and had hot dogs their for lunch.  Oliver took a long nap and I sewed for a while.  When Oliver got up we went swimming, it felt really good to cool down for a while.  We got home in time for Casey to go to scouts.  We went and got ice cream when he got home.  The boys love to sit in his car when we gets home.  Tomorrow we are going camping so I wont blog but I will again on Thursday.  Wish us luck.


Full time cook

Robin, I think we are going to make you the full time cook.  That sounds so good.  I love your picture of Sheldon, that is exactly how I feel.  Not much going on with us.  I had a busy day at work.  We hired a new data entry person, so I trained her most of the day.  I did get my laundry caught back up.  I won't have to go buy new socks.  I can't believe that it is hump day already. This week is going by so fast.  Everyone have a great day.  I am looking forward to Saturday and getting together.  Enjoy the rain.  LOVE MOM


Another day done. It is super windy here tonight. I looked at the weather and a storm is supposed to be on the way. Things are going good here in Kamas. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, June 8, 2015


I'm glad you guys had a good time and made it safe. Today was good. Our computers are not working that great and everyone is on the verge of popping. My boss came in and said looks like since we can't work we are playing skype bingo. So we will see what tomorrow holds. I put a roast in the crock pot. Walter came over for dinner. I asked him what else sounded good and he said cooked onions. So I ended up Making the roast into philly steaks. I just made onions and green peppers and put some au ju sauce in while cooking the onions.  Walter loved them. Well not much else with me have a good tues.

Ready for another road trip

I am ready for another road trip.  Robin any suggestions?  It was a lot of fun.  It was sure hard getting back into the real world.  I would love for you guys to sleep in SLC anytime.  We watched Jupiter Ascending tonight and it was a good show.  It is on Vudoo for everyone to watch.  Have a great Tuesday.  It was hot today.  It was 86 in our apartment when we got home.  I think we might have to leave the air on when we go to work.  Thanks for the fun weekend and the pictures.  I need to start taking pictures.  They are so much fun to look at.  LOVE MOM

We're Back

Thanks for the fun trip, it was so nice and worked out so perfect.  We made it home this morning no problems.  We ran some errands when we got home and got Isaac his power train tracks finally and signed him up for swimming lessons.  Randy called and wanted to go fishing so we went over around 5 and went to second and first dam and Collin caught one fish and let Isaac real it in.  Then Isaac really wanted breadsticks so we went and got pizza and breadsticks.  It was fun.  Here are some pictures from the trip.  It was such a fun time.  Isaac really wants to sleep in Salt Lake City again.



Well I hope that Rachel and crew made it back to Logan safe and sound this morning. My day was good. I so wanted to sleep in this morning, but I was good and got up anyway. Work went good. I counted my mosquito bites and I have 15 of them on my legs. There are itchy. I also got the rickets for the derby so we are good to go. I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...