Friday, April 5, 2019


I made it also. Work was busy but I made it thru. I will see you all tomorrow. Bye

I made it

I am so ready for the weekend. Work was quiet and I am getting caught up. Monday is payroll so I will get up early for that on Monday. That will be fun to go to dinner with Jeramy. I am excited to play tomorrow. See you around 10. No rush. Love mom

Made it

Today was better. I cared in yesterday because I still felt crappy. I left a bit early today because I could. I did my laundry and gave Jenkins a bath. It felt nice to putter around. I will meet up with you guys at 10. Jeramy said he can come to dinner. See you tomorrow


Thursday, April 4, 2019

Feels like friday

Rachel made it down safe and sound. We played at
Liberty park and that was a
Lot of fun. We ate at spaghetti factory and that tasted good. After we went and got the kids new shoes. They are so
Cute picking out what they want. Tomorrow I
Am working and Rachel
And her friend from
Logan are going to the zoo. Karen I am so proud of you congratulations. Robin I hope you are feeling better. I hate throwing up. Love mom


Well I did it. I turned in my paper work at work to get on the tuition program. Got approved and got registered for classes. I am all set. Robin I hope that you are feeling better today. Rachel I have to ask, did you get a picture of the naked trampoline experience. Work was good today. Tomorrow we have a luncheon so that should make the day go by fast. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye

Wednesday, April 3, 2019


Today I woke up feeling crappy. I basically barfed all day but I still went to work. Me and jeramy went to a paint night. I figured if I could make it through work I could sit and paint. We didn't stay for pictures because I was done. I will post pictures tomorrow. Jeramy also came up and took out Jenkins for me so I could lay down. It was really sweet. Love you guys



Mom, just let me know when you can leave work and we will be there.  If you don't want to leave early their is no stress.  It rained here too, it is the worst luck to have it rain all of spring break.  I think this happened last year too.  I walked this morning in the rain and it wasn't too bad.  We went to the work out class.  Isaac brought some googly eyes he won at the fun park.  They were missing after class and we couldn't find them anywhere.  When we were leaving we saw a kid playing with an eye.  So we asked him about it and he gave it back and told us where he found it.  We found the glasses and fixed everything so Isaac was happy.  We ran some errands and then met Casey for lunch.  We went to Lee's afterwards and got ingredients to make something from Isaac star wars cookbook.  While we were making them and cleaning up Oliver and Ruth became naked outside on the trampoline, crazy kids.  So we read books and then it started to rain so we watched a movie.  Casey cleaned the headlight and changed the oil in the van tonight so we are set.  Thanks for having us.  Thanks for the zoo tickets Robin, it is fun to go.


They looked like the picture so I felt like that was a success.


My day was busy. I got my school advisement done. If I follow that schedule I would finish in three years and one semester. I looked at the list of transfer classes and I think that I can get 2 more classes taken off. Hopefully. That would be 3 year to finish then. Then work was moving along good until 10 minutes before it was time to leave. Then a machinist came up to ask me a question. He was making an R&D part that I had told the R&D machining department it wasn't ready to make. But apparently the production manager had it show up on his list so he had the production machinist start making it. So I had to finish redesigning it and get the print to the production manager so that they could remake everything tomorrow. So I stayed about an hour late. Oh well I can either take the over time, sleep in tomorrow, or leave early on Friday. I will probably leave early but I haven't decided yet. I hope that everyone had a great Wednesday. BYE


So it poured rain all day.  It looked so pretty out my window.  Jared's family said they still wanted to try the zoo so at 230 we met up and it was beautiful.  The sun came out and the animals were all busy.  The lion was roaring. It was a nice time.  Drive safe tomorrow Rachel coming down.  I wasn't sure what the plan was but I am sure we will get organized for tomorrow.  I told them at work that I would be leaving early.  Not much else to report on my side.  Congratulations Karen on finally getting an advisor.  I will look over the classes.  Robin, I hope all is going well with you.  LOVE MOM

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Random purchase

Dad got taxes today so we took Karen's up to her.  We had a nice evening.  We went to Del Taco so dad could have nachos.  He has been craving them.  Then Karen said she needed a new phone so we went to Best Buy and she random purchased a new phone.  That was fun.  We went shopping at Walmart afterwards.  It was really raining on the way home but it was still light.  I love having daylight.  I am sorry Jenkins has spring fever.  Will he go out on the patio?  I thought he might like that.  Rachel we are going hook up with Robin on Thursday night and go to dinner if that is OK with you.  I was going to give her the taxes.   I thought afterwards we could take Jenkins for a walk.  I thought the kids would like that.  I am excited for you to come down.  It looks like Friday might be rainy.  I hope it isn't.  We are going to take Jared's family to the zoo tomorrow afternoon.  Dad is going to take them and I am going to join up with them a little later.  I would rather use my vacation time for Thursday.  Everyone have a great hump day.  LOVE MOM


You are too cool Karen, good job.  That sounds like a fun night.  So fun.  It was cold and raining today.  The kids slept in and stayed in their pajamas until lunch.  We went to the fun park and it was a good time and killed an afternoon.  We did the soft play and played games, then they wanted to roller skate so we did that.  Isaac is ok at it so he could do it on his own.  Oliver stuck with it and was the last to quite.  He like to go on the carpet because it wasn't as slippery.  Ruthie left after a little kit and played on the soft play.  Nothing else too exciting going on.  Love you guys.



Today was good. Work went by slow but I made it out alive. I'm tired today for some reason. Jeramy came over and I made tacos they tasted really good. Jenkins has been barking alot lately I think warm weather hit and he wants to go out all the time. Hope everyone has a good Wednesday


New phone

I got a new phone tonight when mom and dad came up. It is fun. Work went good today. I got an email from the college and I am getting advised tomorrow so I will let you know how that goes. Then  after work mom and dad came up and dropped off my taxes. Then we got my phone and went to Walmart. Thanks for coming up it was fun. I hope everyone had a great Tuesday.  Bye

Monday, April 1, 2019


I'm glad you guys had a good time on your trip. My weekend was fun. We went and got massages and went to a comedy club. Jeramy went to church so I made a baby quilt for his friend. She had a boy named Oliver. We are going to their house on Saturday so I am giving it to her then. Jeramy came over today and took me grocery shopping. It was sweet he bought me a ton of food. I'm set for life. Jenkins is hanging in there. I think spring struck and needs a yard to run in lol.

Love you guys

Back to the real world

I made it to work today and it went well.  I have a lot to do but nothing to wild and crazy.  We stopped by Kohls after work and I got to shirts on clearance.  That was fun.  We came home and I made ramon noodle casserole for dinner.  It tasted really good.  I sure had fun this weekend.  Thanks for all the pictures.  I didn't have any either.  I need to be better at that.  I am glad you got pictures with Leona.  Karen, I hope your sugars get better.  I was watching the weather and this March was the wettest March in 36 years.  I thought that was interesting.  Everyone enjoy the rain tomorrow.  Robin, I hope you are doing well.  LOVE MOM

Spring Break Day One

Today was good and it was nice not to have any school.  I went walking this morning which was nice.  I convinced the kids to go work out this morning and they had a fun time playing.  We set up the bad-gammon net, the kids had a hard time playing it but we will just practice.  They played with the bubbles and rocket they got yesterday.  I had to go grocery shopping after lunch and no one wanted to go so I went by myself and Isaac watched them.  It worked out good.  We walked to the park and played until dinner.  Ruthie is getting so big.  She climbed out of the canal by herself and she climbed to the top of the playground so she could go on the slide.  Oliver was cute to help her.  Casey had to work late but he came home for dinner.  Oliver got hurt by a thistle on the way home so Casey went with the boys and they pulled it out.  Then he went back to work.  The kids went to bed really easy and it was a nice night.  Love you guys and thank you again for the fun weekend.  You guys are the best.  I hope that your massage went well Robin.


No pictures

I didn't take any pictures this weekend so I don't have anything to post. Oh well I had a fun time. Thing are good here in Kamas. Work went by pretty quick for a Monday. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Pictures from this weekend


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...