Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Random purchase

Dad got taxes today so we took Karen's up to her.  We had a nice evening.  We went to Del Taco so dad could have nachos.  He has been craving them.  Then Karen said she needed a new phone so we went to Best Buy and she random purchased a new phone.  That was fun.  We went shopping at Walmart afterwards.  It was really raining on the way home but it was still light.  I love having daylight.  I am sorry Jenkins has spring fever.  Will he go out on the patio?  I thought he might like that.  Rachel we are going hook up with Robin on Thursday night and go to dinner if that is OK with you.  I was going to give her the taxes.   I thought afterwards we could take Jenkins for a walk.  I thought the kids would like that.  I am excited for you to come down.  It looks like Friday might be rainy.  I hope it isn't.  We are going to take Jared's family to the zoo tomorrow afternoon.  Dad is going to take them and I am going to join up with them a little later.  I would rather use my vacation time for Thursday.  Everyone have a great hump day.  LOVE MOM

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...