Saturday, August 25, 2012
We did it
I think we have found us an apartment. It is on 39th south and 5 east it is call the Mallard Crossing. It is going to be on the third floor but I think once we move in it should be good. It has two bedrooms and a washer and dryer hookup. WE didn't get to see inside but I saw pictures and it looked really nice. They have a little park with a playground and a pool. There is a floor plan on their web site. It was nice and well kept. It won't be available until the 6th of October but that will be perfect. I am going to go put money down on it this week. It think it will be good. Trax is right down the street 6 blocks away. I am going to try and take that to work. It leaves every 15 minutes. It is also really easy to get onto 7th east and go to work that way. I had a quiet day after apartment hunting. We did go to Walmart and get some stuff for dad to go to China. He leaves at 4:30 in the afternoon. No one is going with him so it should be fun for him to go where he wants to go. He will be back on Thursday afternoon. Well not much else to report. Isaac looks so cute. I am sorry you all have colds. LOVE MOM
A nice cool day
Today was good. It was nice to have Casey home this morning and then he left for the SLC. We all have a bit of a cold. Just a sore throat and runny noses. It isn't too bad though. Isaac was in a really good mood today and we had a fun day. I have a couple of pictures of Isaac. He likes to stand in front to the swamp cooler and the second one he was playing outside. I hope that apartment hunting went well for you today Mom and tell Dad good luck in China.
Friday, August 24, 2012
Good Friday
RAchel there are some boxes marked sewing stuff in the garage. See if my roller is in there. You can use that one. Obviously I am not using it. I had a good day also. We went to the Valley Fair Mall tonight to get dad some shirts for his trip to China. He is for sure leaving on Sunday and then coming home on Thursday. I am glad we get to look for apartments tomorrow. We need to do that. Not much else going on with me. I am glad it is the weekend. Have a nice quiet weekend because next weekend we are going to play!
Uh Oh
Today we were playing around in the sewing room and my roller tool fell on the floor and broke. Casey said that he can fix it, but it still made me sad. I had a bus day. I had a baby shower tonight for Casey's cousin so I went to Walmart this morning. I meet Jenn afterward and we picked up the first part of the Thanksgiving mystery quilt that we are doing. It looks like it will be fun. We meet Casey for lunch. My visiting teacher came in the afternoon. Terry picked me up and we went to the shower tonight. Casey watched Isaac and they had a fun time. It was a good day. Casey is going down to SLC tomorrow to work. They asked me to give the closing prayer Sunday so I hope I can make it there in time. That is all my news. Everyone have a great weekend.
Yeah for the weekend
i am glad that the weekend is finally here. It was payday today so that was nice. i am going to get my oil changed tomorrow. Should be exciting I know. Work was good. I played with solidworks animation. So it was fun to figure that out. Well I hope that everyone had a good Friday. BYE
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Rachel, I am impressed. You are on fire. That is a lot of stuff you have done. Salsa is a lot of work. It looks beautiful. I love the table runner that is really neat. I could really use some new pot holders. That would be really good Christmas gifts. Just a thought. Karen we need to find you a gun now. So you can conceal it. :) My day was good. I was kind of tired so I bought me a coke a lunch. I know I live on the edge. I did laundry and was going to go look at an apartment but Robin showed me a better way to look for them so I am going to try that tonight and see if I can have better luck at finding something. I might be homeless soon if I don't get moving. Rachel, I like the crafts you came up with, good ideas. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday also. I asked for next Friday off so I will come and pick you and Isaac up for a fun filled weekend. I am excited for that LOVE MOM
your awesom
your awesome rachel I love the table runner thanks :) I"m glad your permit is coming karen that will be fun. I made bread last night for work and they like it so that was fun. I am so glad that tomorrow is friday :) yeah. well not to much else have a great night
I suck at crafts and painting
Congratulations Karen, you are almost legal. Casey got his finger prints taken today so he is ready to send it in. Today was good. We are swimming in Blackberries, we have a ton. I made hash browns from potatoes from our garden for dinner and they were really good. I have attached pictures of the salsa I made last night. I also made the crafts I needed for this Sunday. I am a horrible painter but the other two projects turned out good. Thanks Robin for helping me think of new ideas. I finished the top of the Robins table runner and I really like it. I need to put a back on it now. I have decided I am going to make pot holders out of the scraps so they will match the table runner. I am going to make everyone pot holders. I know that Karen needs them. So I got the insulated batting today and I am just going to make a bunch. Well that is all that is on my mind. Here are some pictures, I am still working on the painting on the frame.
Well I check my credit card statement and my concealed permit fee got proceeded yesterday. So hopefully I will get it soon. I also finally got an email saying that dad's saffron is shipped. I was beginning to wonder if it would ever get here. Work was good. Nothing too exciting. I do have all your costumes Robin. I will bring them with me next time I come up. Well I hope that everyone had a good day. BYE
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Mom, I am glad that you got to see the baby that sounds like a fun night. I am glad that Kyle got to see the baby also. That sounds fun to make bread Robin and going out to lunch with everyone is always a fun time Karen. My day was good. They are having a super Friday in October and I had to think of a couple of projects. I was supposed to have them made for Aug 30 but I got an email today saying it was moved to this Sunday. So me and Isaac headed over to the hobby lobby to get stuff for them. I hope that they don't turn out stupid. Casey got his photo taken for his permit and we were going to up to the university to get his finger prints done but you need an appointment so he made one for tomorrow. We went up and visited Casey's Dad and they are doing good. They took Grandma Anderson to the old folks home last week so they had a break. I made salsa tonight after Isaac went to bed. I am just water on the water boil, the last stage. It tastes really good. I like it. It was a lot of cutting. I will post pictures tomorrow. I am glad that everyone had a good day. That is fun. :)
News and more news
I went and saw Hayden tonight. He is a really cute baby. I got to hold him. It was really nice. I went with Kay and saw her new floor and new washer and dryer. They are really nice. Then she drove me in her new car. It was a lot of fun. Tomorrow Jed is having his surgery. Me and dad went and bought him a Jamba Juice gift card and a book. We put all our names on the gift. I thought you would like to know. I guess that wasn't as much news as I thought. Today Kyle has to go get his stitches out and they let him go see Angela and the baby at the hospital. It was really neat. I was so glad he got to see the baby. Not much else going on with me. There is rumor that dad is going to China on Saturday. I will keep you posted on that one. Have a nice Thursday. LOVE MOM
today was good . I worked and then made some almond bread. it made a ton of bread though I am going to bring some to work tomorrow. well not to much else have a great night
Well the week is half over. Yeah! i went to lunch with some people from work today. It was fun. It did rain a little bit this afternoon. Not a whole lot but a little. Work was a little slow today, but not too bad. I am enjoying smoke free air. I hope that you get some sleep Robin. I am glad that Lagoon is almost over for you. That should help a little but. Well I hope that everyone had a great Wednesday. BYE
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
livn the dream
sorry I forgot to blog. I fell asleep and forgot. today was good. I am tired I worked at lagoon and worked at sugar house early. My boss asked me to do a show a pioneer. it starts the 4th and goes till the 29th. I am so tired today that it seems like a lot but I think I will do it because it will be good money and fun. I;m sure I will sleep one day :) have a good wensday
Lovin the berries
That is a cute saying. THanks Rachel for the new sayings. I will fight for the quilt. I am sure any one of us would love it. All I can say however is my birthday has already passed and there are two others before me. It is just beautiful. I will even replace fabric for it so you can make a new one. See if Karen and Robin can beat that one! I had a busy day. WE did go to Sam's and get dad some CO Q 10. It was nice to walk around. I had a nice time. I called on a few apartments and left messages. The hunt begins. I did find one and called but they said they wouldn't wait until October. Work was busy but I felt like I got a lot done so that was nice. It looked like it might rain. That would be nice to get the smoke and pollen out fo the air. Have a great hump day. LOVE MOM
Ain't that the berries! (that is mighty fine!)
Today was good. Isaac was really happy today and everything went well. We had story time today and he did the best he has ever done. It was really nice. I finished the quilt that I used the strip ruler that Karen got me for my birthday. I like how it turned out. I used Mom's fabric so that you for that also. I need to quilt it but if anyone wants it when it is done you can have it. I was thinking of putting soft fabric on the back if that entices anyone. The weather was nice today so we spent a lot of time outside. We rode out bikes and got ice cream this evening and it was a lot of fun. Well I am glad that Angela had her baby, that is exciting.
Well the week is moving on. The smokiness is lot better here today. I am glad because it was really bad here recently. Work was good. Nothing too exciting to report. I am glad that you like the explanation Rachel. I live to serve. Well I did go grocery shopping after. That is nice to have over. Have a great one. BYE
Monday, August 20, 2012
50 sayings
Looks like this month on the blog is going to be one of learning. 50 sayings should keep us all laughing all month long. I had a busy day and then we went and looked for apartments tonight. We will keep looking for that perfect place. I know it is out there waiting for us. The old folks apartments look good but they still are under construction. No one can live in them yet. We will talk with someone and see if they will be liveable in October. It would be the ideal spot for easy to work. Not much else going on with me. I have forms meetings all day tomorrow. Should be a day where I get enough work to do for a month. That will keep me busy. LOVE MOM
Southern Saying
Karen, you crack me up. You are so funny. Thanks for looking that up, it made me laugh. Your awesome. I am sorry about all the fires around you. That is so scary. That sucks about your power. Today was good for me. We just did our normal stuff but I feel like I got a lot done. I was cleaning up his sand and water table and he made a pool out of the lid for the table. It was really funny. I attached a picture. I also have my own Southern Saying that I found "Sun don't shine on the same dog's tail all the time. (the tables will turn)". I found 50 of these beauties.
Well my day was good. It went by pretty fast as well. I was tired but I blame the power. 2 hours before my alarm went off the power keep going on and off every 10 minutes. It was annoying and hard to sleep thru with everything turning off and then 10 minutes later turning back on. Oh well hopefully I will have more consistent power tonight. There is a fire up by Strawberry Reservoir. They said at work that they had closed strawberry because of the fire. Robin this is for you. I went to wikipedia and got this for you "The song even added a new term to the American lexicon: "Whistling 'Dixie'" is a slang expression meaning "[engaging] in unrealistically rosy fantasizing".[88] For example, "Don't just sit there whistling 'Dixie'!" is a reprimand against inaction, and "You ain't just whistling 'Dixie'!" indicates that the addressee is serious about the matter at hand." Now you know what "You ain't just whistling Dixie" means. Well I hope that everyone had a great day. BYE
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Really Nice Weekend
Thanks for the great weekend. Thanks Karen for letting me come to the big party. I had a really nice time. Thanks Rachel for coming down, I had such a nice time. And thanks Robin for winning in Monopoly. That was a lot of fun. Have a great week. Don't work too hard. It should be a quiet one.
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...