Saturday, August 25, 2012

We did it

I think we have found us an apartment.  It is on 39th south and 5 east it is call the Mallard Crossing.  It is going to be on the third floor but I think once we move in it should be good.  It has two bedrooms and a washer and dryer hookup.  WE didn't get to see inside but I saw pictures and it looked really nice.  They have a little park with a playground and a pool.  There is a floor plan on their web site. It was nice and well kept.  It won't be available until the 6th of October but that will be perfect.  I am going to go put money down on it this week.  It think it will be good.  Trax is right down the street 6 blocks away.  I am going to try and take that to work.  It leaves every 15 minutes.  It is also really easy to get onto 7th east and go to work that way.  I had a quiet day after apartment hunting.  We did go to Walmart and get some stuff for dad to go to China.  He leaves at 4:30 in the afternoon.  No one is going with him so it should be fun for him to go where he wants to go.  He will be back on Thursday afternoon.  Well not much else to report.  Isaac looks so cute.  I am sorry you all have colds.    LOVE MOM

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...