Saturday, January 26, 2019


Karen came down for lunch and we went to Fuji's it was really good then we went to Kohls to spend my free $5.00.  I got some super deals and I was really excited.  I got me a new robe.  Then we went to Michaels and I got Karen a diamond bead to do.  They are really fun.  We went to my work party and it was nice.  I got a Kohls gift card.  I am pretty excited about that one.  I don't know for how much but we will have fun spending it.  I am sorry that Isaac fevered.  I hope he is OK.  There is something going around.  The hospital is full.  RSV season is alive and well. I like the hair cuts.  Ruth's hair looks a lot better.  Robin, I hope your date was nice.  Thanks for coming down Karen.  Not much else to report.  We did go to Costco and I got me some vitamins.  I am hoping they will make me not so tired.  LOVE MOM


Isaac fevered all night poor thing so we just stayed home today and let him rest.  He was feeling better around lunch time so we went to an antic store and then took some lunch home.  I cut Ruthie and Oliver's hair and they looks a lot better.  Ruth's hair was looking like a mullet so I trimmed up the back.  Casey and Isaac programmed for a bit and had a fun time.  I hope that everyone had a good Saturday.  Love you guys.


Friday, January 25, 2019

Short Week

Well it didn't seem like a short week but it was.  I was really busy today but I think I am starting to get a handle on some of it.  At least I hope.  I am glad everyone had a nice day.  Good luck with your date tomorrow Robin.  I hope he is fun.  Rachel have fun seeing the elk.  That sounds like a fun day.  I am glad that Ruth is having some success.  She will get the hang of it.  I hope Oliver is having fun with his helping toys also.  Karen drive safe.  It will be fun to hang out.  We have a work party tomorrow night.  Kind of a farewell party to the CI team.  I hope it isn't too sappy.  I feel like I have to go because they said my big present is coming later so I think this might be the later part.  Wish me luck on that one.  It is at 5:30 tomorrow.  Love ya MOM

Made it.

Today was good it went by fast so that was nice. Jenkins was smelly so I gave him a bath. I watched funny girl and sewed the rest of the night. Everyone have a good weekend.



Last night before bed Isaac said his throat hurt and when he woke up this morning he didn't feel well so he stayed home from school.  I am glad he did but I don't think he is super sick.  He did need some rest.  We did have a good day.  Me and Ruth went to the store and got some medicine which was fun.  I took the little kids in the backyard and we shoveled the deck and the trampoline.  It was a really pretty day and it felt nice to be out.  Isaac worked on his lego while we were out.  We made cookies which was fun.  We did Isaac's stretches and the boys were cute when they were working on their balance.  Today went fast and it was nice to not have to go anywhere.  Ruthie did poop in the potty.  She had a accident in the morning but in the afternoon she said she had to go so I brought her prizes in and she went.  It was a miracle.   If everyone is up for it we are going to hardware ranch tomorrow to see the Elk.  We haven't been in a couple of years and I thought it would be fun.  Robin, I am excited for you.  I hope that he is a awesome guy tomorrow.  Karen, have fun in SLC.



I am glad that the weekend is here. My day went good, i stayed busy so it went by quick. After work I cooked dinner and did my dishes. Tomorrow I am going to hook up with mom and dad for lunch. I hope everyone had a great day and i hope Ruth popped in the potty. Bye

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Meet up

Today was better at work. I got alot accomplished so that was nice. I met up with a guy today scott. We just went to beans and brews. It was fun, he was a nice guy. We are going to see a movie on Saturday morning. I'm so glad tomorrow is friday. I need a day off lol


So tired

I have been so tired lately so I decided to take the day off and rest and I slept the whole day.  It was weird.  I hope it makes me feel better.  So not much going on with me other than I just slept a day away.  I am glad Ruth finally got a toy, I hope Oliver got his helping toy also.  Karen I am glad you got your hair trimmed.  Robin, I hope you had a nice day.  LOVE MOM


My day was good. I was tired though. Work went good .i think I am getting caught up a bit. Then after work I went to Heber and got my hair trimmed. Then I got a few things at Smith's. It was super crowded in Heber. But I think that is because Sundance stated today. So I am definitely avoiding Park City . I hope everyone had a great day .Bye


Today was good.  While Oliver was at school me and Ruthie went and bought some thread.  When we came home we played pretty ponies.  She was really happy today, I think that she slept better last night which was nice.  Oliver's teacher said that he could use some work holding a pencil so we have been trying to work on that in the afternoons.  Isaac's friend was coming over after school and I didn't think they would want to walk so we just played outside for a while then drove to the school.  Ty and Isaac wanted to walk home so I let them and we drove back.  They must have ran the whole way and were out of breath when they got here but had fun.  He is a good boy and it was fun to have him over.  We did Isaac's stretches after he left and that went well.  Casey worked late and I was cooking when he got home.  He asked Ruthie how she was and she said she was pooping so he ran her to the toilet.   She hadn't done much so we were trying to get her to go in the toilet.   I finally brought her prize bucket in with her so she could look at it and in a couple of minutes she picked what she wanted and pooped.  We made a big deal about it and I hope that we have turned a corner.  Love you guys and I hope that you have a great night.



Wednesday, January 23, 2019


Work was good.  I think I am settling a little bit and that feels nice.  They hired someone for my old job and that is good.  I think that will help.  We cleaned off all the snow off my car.  The snow from the trees had fallen on it and it was buried.  Karen did they give you a nice raise with your evaluation?  I am with you Rachel, I hate the ice.  It is so hard to walk anywhere.  I love your quilt.  Robin I hope Jenkins is surviving the cold and snow.  I have been working on my diamond beads and I am getting faster at it.  Have a nice Thursday. Oh I forgot to tell you that Kay has cataracts and they are going to operate next month on one eye and then do the other eye later.  LOVE MOM


Today was good.  Ruthie is still not pooping in the correct place.  Oliver was so cute and helpful with her today.  He really wants a prize from the box so he is there for her.  I worked out this morning and Oliver had fallen on his face and got some turf in his eye.  It eventually came out but it must of hurt a lot.  He had school and we went to the store while he was gone.  We walked to picked up Isaac and the sidewalks were covered in ice so it was hard to push the stroller.  We did Isaac's exercises and stretches.  He wasn't excited to do it but he did do them.  I think it will help.  Isaac had scouts tonight and Casey was nervous about his leaders so he went with Isaac and the little kids wanted to go.  I stayed and sewed and it was fun.  Casey stayed and played with the little kids at the church and they had a fun time.  Isaac had fun at scouts and I think it will be fun for him.  I finished my solid quilt and I really like it.  It was a lot of fun to make.  Love you guys, you are the best.



Today was ok. I'm still training the new girl  so I feel like I'm falling behind. But she's catching on so that is good. I came home and cleaned my floors. It feels nice. Then I quilted a bit. I'm almost done I'm finally on the boarder. I'm excited.



It was cold again here. It did snow a bit here this afternoon as well. At least that made it a bit warmer outside. Work was good. I had my yearly review. It went good. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, January 22, 2019


Work was so busy. I'm training the new girl and it's taking up so much time. I know at the end of the day it will be awesome but the next few weeks will be rocky. It was so cold today but it was pretty at night with the big moon and fresh snow. But I dont like the ice. Have a good Wednesday



Today was so pretty outside and I kept thinking why it couldn't have been like this yesterday.  The van door was frozen shut when I went to drop Isaac off at school so I held up the line while I figured how to get Isaac out of the van.  Oliver had school and we ran errands then went to story time while he was gone.  Ruthie is cute at story time and sings all the songs.  We met Casey for lunch which was fun.  Oliver and Ruth love the mail box Mom got them and have played with it all day. I took Oliver and Ruthie up to Randy's so he could watch then while we were at physical therapy and they had a fun time there.  Isaac did well and we learned a bunch of stretches to do everyday.  It will be good to do.  Everyone remembered us and said hi which was nice.  Isaac had a loose tooth and Casey helped him pull it out tonight.  He looks nice having that tooth gone.  Isaac said he knows that we are the tooth fairy which is good because I didn't have any cash.  He is ok with getting it tomorrow.  Ruth pooped in her underwear twice tonight, she is driving me crazy.  We looked all the prizes again to give her some motivation.  Love you guys and have a great night.



I couldn't sleep last night but I was on fire at work today.  I think things are calming down a little bit and that helps.  They gave me another huge project today so I think I am going to keep really busy.  Karen, I hate snow plows.  The can make such a huge mess in front of houses.  Rachel, I am glad that Isaac can just do exercises to help with toe walking.  He is such a cute boy.  Robin, I love the pictures of Jenkins.  He is such a cute and suborn dog.  He fits right in.  Not much else to report on my end.  I made nachos for dinner and they tasted good  I am glad that tomorrow is hump day.  LOVE MOM


My day was good. Work went good . I did have to run homa at lunch because my pump battery was low. It would have made it the end of the day, but I decided to run home and change it. When I got home the snow plow had dumped a ton of snow at the end of my driveway . So I had to shovel that. Then  i threw something in the microwave and changed my battery why it was cooking. Then I had to shovel in lunch and then run back to work but I wasn't late so that was good. But other than that it was just the usual for a Tuesday. I hope everyone had a great day .Bye

Monday, January 21, 2019

No Aquarium

It was a weird day.  We woke up to snow and decided to go to McDonalds for breakfast and then go to the aquarium.  The roads were horrible so we decided to go home for a couple of hours and let it clear out.  It was 3 before the snow stopped so we went to target and goofed around and Rachel went home. It was a nice day but just not what we planned.  Karen are you OK?  That hurts to fall like that.  If you need us to come up and help we can do that.  Everyone be careful tomorrow.  It will be really icy.  I am glad they let you go home early Robin.  LOVE MOM


I am sorry that you fell Karen, that is the worst.  Jenkins is cute Robin, thanks for the pictures.  Their was a ton of snow in SLC.  Dad didn't make it to work because of it.  We went to McDonalds for breakfast and then decided to wait for the snow to stop and for the roads to be cleared before we went to the aquarium but by the time the snow stopped it was too late to go.  It was nice to spend the day with Mom and Dad.  They were really sweet to have us.  Ruthie pooped in her underwear about a 10,000 times.  Even when we made it home she got the rest out in her pants.  Hopefully tomorrow will be better.  Thanks again Mom for the fun weekend.  Love you guys.



My picts were not downloading in the app so I had to download the pictures in a different post


I'm sorry you hurt your hip Karen. The ice is brutal. It snowed about 6 inches here. I went in late to work to wait for the snow plows. Then they let us go at 2. So it was nice to go home a bit early. I sewed for the majority of the night. I have the white parts done on my quilt. That was exciting to have that finished. Hopefully it's not too icy tomorrow



Well ot snowed a lot here. I shoveled before work, but only about an inch. There was ice and i slipped. So my hip was sore all day. Work was quiet. A lot of people didn't get to work. Then after work i had about a foot i had to shovel. I am glad that tomorrow is suppose to be a non snowy day. I hope everyone had a great Monday. Love ya

Sunday, January 20, 2019


My day was good. I finished making my soup. So that was good. Other than that i was just lazy. I have to work tomorrow. I am jealous everyone else got it off. I hope you have a fun day . Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...