Friday, January 25, 2019


Last night before bed Isaac said his throat hurt and when he woke up this morning he didn't feel well so he stayed home from school.  I am glad he did but I don't think he is super sick.  He did need some rest.  We did have a good day.  Me and Ruth went to the store and got some medicine which was fun.  I took the little kids in the backyard and we shoveled the deck and the trampoline.  It was a really pretty day and it felt nice to be out.  Isaac worked on his lego while we were out.  We made cookies which was fun.  We did Isaac's stretches and the boys were cute when they were working on their balance.  Today went fast and it was nice to not have to go anywhere.  Ruthie did poop in the potty.  She had a accident in the morning but in the afternoon she said she had to go so I brought her prizes in and she went.  It was a miracle.   If everyone is up for it we are going to hardware ranch tomorrow to see the Elk.  We haven't been in a couple of years and I thought it would be fun.  Robin, I am excited for you.  I hope that he is a awesome guy tomorrow.  Karen, have fun in SLC.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...