Thursday, November 9, 2017


It was really nice weather today and it was good to be outside.  We went on a walk this morning and it felt good.  Oliver had preschool and I signed him up for an extra day.  Just so he has something fun to do, he has been really grumpy.  I had quilt group today and that was fun.  It is fun to talk quilts with people who like quilts.  After dinner Casey took the kids to the jump zone and they had fun until the end when Oliver got upset.  I stayed and sewed and that was nice. 


Oliver had the sharing bag today and the letter was I so he brought an Iron and he wanted to use it when he got home.


My day has been good. Work was good.  Just the usual there. Then after work i decided to go grocery shopping.  I decided to go to Lee's just to be different.  When I got there though they were having a 4 hour sale. It was crazy in there. I got sucked in though.  So I picked up the few things i needed. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday.  Have a great day tomorrow. Bye


Today was good. We had more interviews. It was funny one guy said he left one of his jobs because he was punched. It made me laugh it's something odd to out on your application. I meet up with mom and the gumms. It was fun. Mom I think they ended on 12:00 but it wasn't a solid time. See you all Saturday


Nice evening

We had a nice evening we hooked up with the Gumm gang and Robin.  It was a lot of fun to visit.  We went to Olive Garden and tried their everything you can eat spaghetti.  I wasn't that impressed.  James and Jen have sold their house and bought a new one that is down the street.  Jeff says it is really nice.  We walked the mall and I got a few gifts for my work retreat.  It was nice to walk around.  Dad stayed home and rested today.  I am excited for Saturday.  I thought we could hook up around 10 and go to the train party and then lunch and go back to the train party.  How does that sound?  I am really good with anything.  Bingo will be on December 2nd.  I am not quite sure what time.  Robin do you remember? LOVE MOM

Wednesday, November 8, 2017


Today was good. One of the girls we interviewed we hired on the spot. I'm actually excited for her to start I think it will be really good. We are going to hire 2 so I we have 3 more interviews tomorrow. My bosses wanted me to go to lunch with them as well, so that was fun. I hope Casey gets his job if it's awesome. Is it in Logan? Mom I will meet you at 6 at valley fair mall. Karen luckily there are only a few more weeks till christmas for your tablet. Stay warm everyone!



Man it is getting dark really early now.  I really miss the light already.  Karen I hate being cold.  I hope you came home and sat by the heater.  Rachel that is nice that you kind of got a break.  I am so glad that Casey's interview went well.  I hope he gets the job.  That would be so good for him.  I have hidden the tablet so I can wait until Christmas.  I told dad that is the hard part of buying early you want to play with them and then buy something else.  I had a headache all day.  The day was long.  WE came home and just vegged.  I am going to go to bed early.  Robin I hope your day went well.  I will see you tomorrow at Valley Fair around 6 if that is OK.  Everyone be safe out there.  LOVE MOM


Good job on the Christmas shopping Mom, you should get your tablet early.  Stay warm Karen, that is cold.  Today was good.  Ruthie slept in and slept all night long.  I volunteered at Isaac's school and Oliver and Ruthie went to Randy's to play.  Oliver has been wanting to go up.  Randy said to not pick them up after I was done and just have a afternoon to myself.   It was really nice of him but Ruthie was sad so I picked her up and just stayed up there for the afternoon.  I took Ruth back home and picked up Isaac, Oliver stayed with Randy until dinner and had a fun time.  Isaac had a play date with Henry.  They picked him up and he had dinner up there.  Casey's interview went well so we will just wait and see.  It is always good practice to interview.  I hate it getting dark so early.  It is so hard to stay inside all night. 



Well today wad cold here. It was 15 degrees when i left my house this morning. Then the heater at work wasn't functioning so it was cool there also. They did have someone come fix it in the afternoon but it was cool most of the day. Other than that things are good here. I am glad you got the tablet mom. It will be a long wait for Christmas now. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

We did it

We were watching TV and dad said the tablet he wanted to get me was on sale at Best Buy so we went and bought it.  They didn't have a switch but they said the Best Buy on 21st had 40 of them so we decided to go grab one while they still were around.  So we got a switch for the kids for Christmas.  We were so random.  It was fun.  I think they will like that.  Hopefully that will be fun when it is dark and cold outside.  Work was good, I have had a bad headache all day.  Ruth is looking better.  I am glad she is healing up.  I am glad everyone had a nice day.  Robin, I hope you find someone amazing to work with.  I hate interviewing.  It is hard.  Everyone have a great hump day.  I am excited to go to the train expo on Saturday.  LOVE MOM


Today went pretty good.  Isaac had school and he had a good day.  Oliver had school also and that makes him happy and he has fun.  The little kids slept in this morning so I sewed a bit and finished up the pumpkin table topper.  It is really cute and fun to make.  Ruthie slept really late so me and Oliver did crafts and cleaned his room up.  Ruthie didn't nap this afternoon so I held her and we watched shows.  After school we made sugar cookies and then we frosted them after dinner.  I had young women's and we raked leaves.  We ended up combining with the young men so it went really fast with a lot of people.  We are planning on coming down Friday night late and spending the night for the train show.  It will be fun.



Well it was cold and snowy here again today. Work was good. It is still busy, but not too crazy. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


Today was busy..we had a few people come in today for interviews. I liked one girl but we have a few more this week, so we will see how it goes. I came home and sewed a little. Then I started watching cheers. It's pretty funny. I like it.


Monday, November 6, 2017


In sorry Ruth is sick. That's a bummer. I kept falling asleep on the couch and was out of current events. Today was good I set up some interviews for this week. We have 3 tomorrow. I hope Casey's interview goes well. I'm sorry everyone is losing their jobs at your place mom. It's a crazy world. I am free Thursday night. Everyone have a good tues



Well my day has been good. It snowed off and on all day. Work went by quick whick was nice. Then after work I cooked bacon for BLTs. Then when the bacon was almost done I grabbed my bread to toast and it was all molded. It was fine looking on the top, but the bottom was green. So then I had to go to the store and grab a loaf. I am glad that Ruth is doing better and good luck to Casey. I hope he gets a new job. Have a great Tuesday tomorrow everyone. Bye

Let the shopping begin

I looked for black Friday ads on line and they are out.  Walmart opens at 6, Shopko at 4 and Kohls at 5 Thursday.  I was pretty excited.  Work was good.  The CEO had a chat at 4 and I stayed to listen.  It was very depressing.  They are going to outsource a lot of things and people are going to lose their jobs.  It was hard to listen to.  I hope it helps so people can afford health care.  We went grocery shopping after work and that was nice to have food in the house.  Rachel, I am so glad that Ruth is feeling better.  Steriods can make your moody and hungry.  That is really cool about Casey.  I hope he gets the job.  That would be so much fun.  Robin, I am meeting the Gumm gang at Valley Fair Oliver Garden for dinner on Thursday at 6.  If you want to come, I will buy you dinner.  Karen, I am glad that the snow didn't stick.  I am so not ready for snow.  That is neat you get a turkey.  I can't believe how fast time is going.  Everyone have a great Tuesday.  LOVE MOM


Ruth slept better last night and was breathing better today.  She was even able to talk again which is good.  She was gumpy though and still doesn't feel good.  I messed up and forgot to turn Isaac's clock back so his alarm went off an hour early.  It was kind of nice outside after lunch so me and Oliver played and then it rained the rest of the day.  I needed to go grocery shopping so I went after Casey got home.  Casey got an interview for a new job on Wednesday, I am excited for him.  I hope that it goes well.  I hope that everyone had a good Monday.  It feels like it is going to be a long dark winter.


I took a lot of picture of Oliver today.

I was folding laundry and Isaac asked if he could get stuff from his supply room.  I said yes and he got out all this food and was mixing it together for a science experiment.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

We are home

We are back for the ER, and she is breathing better but still raspy.  The steroids should help a lot.  She fell asleep around 6:30 and then she woke up breathing a lot worse so Casey took her to Intsacare and then sent her to the ER.  They gave a a paper so if she is having troubles again we can just take her to the respiratory clinic.  Other than that is was another day at home.  I had a two hour meeting this morning and that went well.  Then I skipped everything but young women's and everyone else stayed home.  We did more sewing today.  The little kids were helping cut everything out but then they got bored and just Isaac finished.  We made a elephant and it turned out cute.  We did have another disaster Isaac and Casey were making tortillas and Isaac slipped and grabbed the pan and burned his hand, poor guy.  Hopefully this week will be healthier and safer.



Well it feels like midnight right now.  It takes a while to get use to the new time.  We went to visit grandma and she was really tired.  She over slept this morning and so I went and got a pizza for us and we just ate pizza and watched a movie.  We came home and I slept through Harry Potter.  Rachel, I hope that Ruth is OK.  I am glad you took her in.  We skyped with her a little bit and she was breathing a lot better.  I hope they send her home soon.  LOVE MOM


My day has been good. It was a quite day whick was nice. No snow here yet so that was super nice. I made steak and potatoes for dinner. I put it in a pand and cooked it in the oven. It took longer to cook than i thought so i made something else to actually eat for dinner. Then i put the steak in containers for lunches during the week. I hope everyone remembered to fall back and i hope everyone has a great week. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...