Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Alive and well

Mom I am good with either option. I can either drive up by my self or drop by and pick you guys up. My day was good. I shoveled snow, did laundry, wash dishes, and shoveled more snow. I am excited for Christmas.  I hope everyone has recovered by then.


I thought the same thing about food poisoning.  It came on so fast and so hard.  I am starting to feel better.  It just sucks to be sick around Christmas.  I hope I am better tomorrow.  Karen are you going up to Logan or coming down here?  I wasn't sure of the plan.  You know I am sick when I don't have a plan.  I hope you start feeling better Robin.  I am glad that Walter is taking care of you.  LOVE MOM

Happy Birthday

Robin, that is funny I had the same picture picked out for the blog, great minds think alike.  I am sorry that Mom and Robin are sick.  It is the worst to be sick on your birthday, I feel bad.  We will make it up to you some how.  I hope that everyone feels better tomorrow, it will be a Christmas miracle.  Today was good.  Casey only work until 12 so swing shift didn't have to work so late.  It was fun, he and Isaac made a snow fort outside.  I had an eye doctors appointment this afternoon I needed more contacts.  My eyes are good and my prescription hasn't changed.  I still have really bad eyes.   We were going to walk the mall this evening but the boys got playing and didn't want to go so we just stayed home.  I hope that everyone feels better tomorrow and that your drive up is good.



I had the flu yesterday, I still felt.crappy today but I am holding food down. I guess everyone on enochs side of the family is sick to. They are thinking it was food poisoning from their Christmas party on sunday. I still feel under the weather so I'm not sure if it was a 24 hour thing. Enoch came over and did my dishes ans bought me lunch. He wad really sweet. I just was a dud all day. I guess I had to work at scheels tomorrow but another girl is also scheduled to come in. So they told me I had to call in or show up. I was mad so I called in. They already had someone and I'm still sick. I was over it. I am excited to see everyone on friday.


Tuesday, December 22, 2015


Who ever is dreaming of a white Christmas needs to stop. We have gotten over a foot of snow in the last 24 hours. Hopefully it will taper off tomorrow. I am sorry you don't feel well Robin. I hope you feel better soon and that you have a great birthday tomorrow. Work was good. I got all the cables done that needed to be done. So now I can enjoy my day off tomorrow. Hopefully I won't have to shovel snow all day. Have a great one.

Weird weather

It snowed all day at work and it was a lot and then I took trax home and there was no snow where we are.  Weird.  I am sorry you got snowed in Karen.  I am so glad someone came and shoveled your snow for you.  Robin, I am so sorry you are sick.  We will come and bring you a surprise for your birthday.  Rachel congratulations.  Won't be too much longer and Ruth will be in our arms.  Isaac is so cute.  He is such a good boy.  You have the cutest kids.  I am excited that tomorrow is my Friday.  I really am excited to play.  Everyone be safe.  Robin do you have any airborne?  I will get your some.  LOVE MOM

Growing Good

I am sorry you are sick Robin, that is the worst.  I hope it is just a 24 hour thing.  I am sorry you got so much snow Karen.  You guys have gotten a ton this year, we really haven't gotten too much.  Today was good.  Isaac wanted to spend his allowance at the hobby lobby on a dragster so we went their and then we went to Walmart and he spent his gift card on a lego.  He said this evening he wants to write Grandma and Grandpa a thank you for all the things that you get him.  After lunch I gave Oliver a nap and it took a while for him to fall asleep.  Isaac was sweet to play for a while.  Randy called and wanted to take the boys and make gingerbread houses and trains.  Oliver was asleep so Isaac just went and had a fun time.  I had a doctors appointment and everything looks good.  She is measuring good, at 38 cm.  I am so glad that she is doing well.  I asked about her size and he said that she is about 6 1/2 pounds and will probably be around the same as Isaac.  I am really happy that she is doing well.  We just stayed home and watched a show this evening.  Everyone have a good day tomorrow and Happy Birthday Robin, I hope that you aren't too sick for it.  I am sorry we are missing dinner, we will make it up to you.


Monday, December 21, 2015

It's here

I think we should meet you rachel or.just relax. Your ready to pop, ruth needs to hang in there for a few more days :). I'm good with whatever it all depends on weather it's suppose to snow 3 feet in the mountains between tues and wednesday. Today walter took me to Texas road rouse to celebrate my bday. He's still feeling sick but getting better. Tomorrow is my friday. I am so excited. Be safe



Well it snowed 6 inches while i was at work today. I am glad that i am off after tomorrow.  I hope everyone has a great Tuesday. Bye

Howling wind

It is really windy here tonight.  The storm is a coming.  The have called off all the big warnings with snow but I still think we will get some.  I met Kay and Julie and Austin and Jen and Rylie for dinner.  The Chinese place was closed on Monday so we went to California Pizza.  Work was good and I am so ready for it to be Wednesday.  Not much else going on with me.  Good luck at the doctor's tomorrow Rachel.  Is Randy going to watch the kids?  Everyone have a great day.  Karen and Robin tomorrow is your last day of work.  I should have taken Wednesday off.  I can slip out a little early.  I am sure everyone will.  LOVE MOM


Well Oliver slept a little better last night but Isaac didn't feel good and didn't sleep very well.  He seemed alright today.  I think his nose is stuffy and it made it hard to breath.  He did sleep in until late and Oliver was in a good mood today so that was nice.  We went and got some honey, we were out and we are almost out of bread so Casey is going to make some tomorrow.  Oliver fell asleep in the car on the way to get honey and then I couldn't get him to nap.  My phone came today, I am waiting to play with it until Christmas, I think it is fun to play with new technology on Christmas.  We went to best buy and got a case and screen protector for it.  I am super excited.  Oliver fell asleep in the car on the way home so we put him to bed early.  It is really nice to have some extra time.  I have a doctors appointment tomorrow and I will ask him about driving to SLC for Robin's birthday and see what he thinks.


Pictures from this weekend.

The boys wouldn't stop moving, this was the best I got.

Sunday, December 20, 2015


We had a good day today.  We spent the morning in our pajamas which is always nice.  We have given away all but 3 of the black berry jellies and we still had some black berries frozen so Casey wanted to make more Jelly.  He took Oliver to the store to get some stuff and brought a pizza home for lunch, it tasted really good.  He was going to stay home from church with while Oliver napped and me and Isaac decided to stay home also, we played hookie.  I found a hot wheel track builder game and Isaac played that all afternoon, it was perfect for him.  We ate dinner and then went to the tabernacle for a free concert, Handel's Messiah.  We were late but we had a fun time.  It started to snow pretty big flakes and the boys had a really fun time walking around.  Isaac didn't want to go but he said that the concert ended up being fun.  Well I can't believe it is almost Christmas.  It should be a fast week.



Today was good it snowed but it melted right away. Then I went over to Walters family party. We didn't stay long because walter still is getting over the flu. For my birthday we are meeting up with Walters family for lunch and then we are free. Hope you guys travel safe the weather is crazy this week.



Well it snowed here off and on all day. I just had a quiet day. I took a nap and it was wonderful. I hope everyone has a great week.

Shop until I drop continued

We went and got grandma and took her to the South Town Mall.  It was a lot of fun and man did they have some sweet buys.  I went in telling dad I was totally done buying for Christmas and ended up with bags. It was fun.  Not much else going on with us.  I am going to dinner with Julie and Kay tomorrow night.  That should be fun as well.  Everyone have a great couple of days.  I am getting so excited for Christmas.  I haven't heard back from any one so I am assuming that ham and stoke potatoes for Christmas Eve and then make your own pizza for Christmas is good.  I have started buying.  I even found some pie tins to make the pizzas.  I thought I would get a really nice tossed salad for Christmas eve and then garlic bread for Christmas Pizzas.  Everyone be safe.  Robin we are still playing for your birthday right?  I am excited to celebrate. I just looked at the weather and Logan and Kamas are in for some really big snow falls.  You guys be safe.  LOVE MOM


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...