Monday, December 21, 2015


Well Oliver slept a little better last night but Isaac didn't feel good and didn't sleep very well.  He seemed alright today.  I think his nose is stuffy and it made it hard to breath.  He did sleep in until late and Oliver was in a good mood today so that was nice.  We went and got some honey, we were out and we are almost out of bread so Casey is going to make some tomorrow.  Oliver fell asleep in the car on the way to get honey and then I couldn't get him to nap.  My phone came today, I am waiting to play with it until Christmas, I think it is fun to play with new technology on Christmas.  We went to best buy and got a case and screen protector for it.  I am super excited.  Oliver fell asleep in the car on the way home so we put him to bed early.  It is really nice to have some extra time.  I have a doctors appointment tomorrow and I will ask him about driving to SLC for Robin's birthday and see what he thinks.


Pictures from this weekend.

The boys wouldn't stop moving, this was the best I got.

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