Sunday, December 20, 2015


We had a good day today.  We spent the morning in our pajamas which is always nice.  We have given away all but 3 of the black berry jellies and we still had some black berries frozen so Casey wanted to make more Jelly.  He took Oliver to the store to get some stuff and brought a pizza home for lunch, it tasted really good.  He was going to stay home from church with while Oliver napped and me and Isaac decided to stay home also, we played hookie.  I found a hot wheel track builder game and Isaac played that all afternoon, it was perfect for him.  We ate dinner and then went to the tabernacle for a free concert, Handel's Messiah.  We were late but we had a fun time.  It started to snow pretty big flakes and the boys had a really fun time walking around.  Isaac didn't want to go but he said that the concert ended up being fun.  Well I can't believe it is almost Christmas.  It should be a fast week.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...