Saturday, February 28, 2015


I am so glad we went to Kamas and helped Karen.  She had two leaks and mold had taken over.  We fixed one of them and the other one was the dishwasher so we fixed the one and cleaned up the mold and kidnapped her and she bought a new dishwasher.  It is silver and a Maytag.  She is staying with us and we will take her home tomorrow.  I am sorry Isaac fell on his knees that picture is so cute.  Karen is going to have to hand wash her dishes for a week.  She said she is not going to be able to cook or use real plates.  Robin I hope that work was good.  Not much else going on with me.  LOVE MOM


I feel liked we have been spoiled having so many fun things going on every weekend.  It was weird just to have a normal day today.  I am sorry you had to get a new dish washer Karen, I hope that you got a great deal and it is awesome.  Today was pretty good.  Isaac has been talking about troublesome trucks alot we we went to red balloon toys and got them for him, it was 50% off which was awesome.  Oliver had a hard time falling asleep today, both for his nap and bedtime, the little stinker.  We were walking around waiting for Casey to come home and Isaac fell and scrapped his knees, he didn't cut them but still needed band aids.  He was pretty sad.  I attached a picture.  Well good night and have a good day tomorrow.


Friday, February 27, 2015


Karen those treats look amazing.  Save one for me.  Rachel I am glad you had a good day.  Robin did you want to go see William Joseph next Saturday?  I am thinking of getting taxes done over the next week.  I would like to start getting them into the tax guy.  It was a crazy busy day.  We went to Reed's funeral for our lunch hour.  It was nice to see everyone from Dugway.  I miss them.  They were good friends.  We went back to work and then had a work party.  We went straight from work to the party.  It turned out really nice.  We didn't get home until 9.  Karen we are going to sleep in a bit and then I will call you and make a plan.  I hope it doesn't storm too much.  Everyone have a wonderful weekend.  LOVE MOM


Those look good Karen I might have to make a batch for work. Today was good. I am glad it's Friday. Monday all the factories will come back so that will be nice to have things getting done. At work they had a raffle I put my tickets in the least favorite items so I would win. So I won a Starbucks basket ( the picture didn't work I will add it later) and a gift card to a chocolate place. I guess they sell toffee, so that will be fun. They also had a silent auction but everything was to fancy for my paycheck. They had earrings with a minimum bid of $300 and the value of $900 and they were ugly. No one had a bid for that. Then I came home and worked on the never ending costume. I'm over it. I am ready to be done. It's my goal to finish it this week, I hope it happens. Well have a good weekend


Future Scary Writer

Karen, that looks good.  I think that would be a really nice treat, thanks for sharing the recipe.  Mom I am really excited for William Joesph.  If Karen doesn't want to go then I think her watching the boys in Logan would be best and then we can go to fort hall also, yea.  Robin, I have had the last five years song stuck in my head all week.  It is good music.  I think Isaac is going to be the next Steven King.  He loves to tell us scary stories, he cracks me up.  Today was pretty good.  We went to story time this morning and then to the mall to walk around and get pretzels.  Oliver took forever to take his nap and then he slept for a while so me and Isaac just played, it was nice.  We had gyros again and they were so good.  We are addicted.  I started the Android studio program lessons.  I didn't much time and I was slow but I think it will be fun to do.  Well everyone have a great weekend and I hope the snow isn't too bad.


Isaac push Oliver all over the mall

Isaac is a wild man


Well my day has been good. I am glad that it is the weekend. Work is still going good. I saw on KSL that Spock (leonard nimoy) died today. I hope that the weather is nice enough for you to come visit tomorrow mom. If not we can just play another weekend. I was thinking of making this for the St. Patrick's day luncheon on Friday. What do you think.

St. Patrick's Chocolate & Mint Cheesecake Bars Recipe

Ingredients Edit and Save

Original recipe makes 24 servings Change Servings


  1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees F (165 degrees C).
  2. Beat cake mix and butter with an electric mixer on low speed in a bowl until crumbly, 3 to 5 minutes. Set aside 1 cup for topping.
  3. Press remaining crumb mixture into bottom of an ungreased 9x13 inch pan.
  4. Place in preheated oven and bake until edges begin to crisp, about 10 minutes. Remove from the oven and cool slightly.
  5. Beat cream cheese and frosting with an electric mixer on medium speed in a bowl until smooth, 3 to 5 minutes.
  6. Drop eggs one at a time into the cream cheese mixture and beat until blended, 2 to 3 minutes.
  7. Pour in 6 drops green food coloring, or more for a darker color; beat until color is blended, about 2 minutes.
  8. Beat in creme de menthe candy flavoring until thoroughly blended, about 2 minutes. Taste and add more flavoring if needed.
  9. Pour batter over the chocolate crust in the 9x13 pan.
  10. Sprinkle 1 cup reserved crumb mixture over cheesecake batter.
  11. Top with 1 cup chocolate and mint morsels; reserve remaining morsels for finishing touches.
  12. Place the pan in the preheated oven and bake until set, 42 to 45 minutes.
  13. Remove pan from oven and cool completely.
  14. Cover and refrigerate until chilled, at least 2 hours.
  15. Pour reserved chocolate and mint morsels into a small microwave-safe bowl. Microwave morsels in 45 second intervals; stir until completely melted and smooth.
  16. Pour melted chocolate into a resealable plastic bag.
  17. Clip a small bottom corner of the bag. Gently squeezing the bag, drizzle melted chocolate over the cooled cake through the clipped corner.
  18. Cut cake into bars to serve.

Well I hope everyone had a great Friday

Thursday, February 26, 2015


Today went well. It snowed the whole funeral. It was cold. But it went well then we went to chuck a Rama for lunch. I feel like we were running everywhere. I am tired but tomorrow is friday so that will be nice. Stay warm


The planets?

William Joseph is playing next Saturday night in Pocatello.  Does anyone want to go? I will get tickets.  Dad said he would watch the boys for us.  I doubt if we will have to listen to the planets this time Robin :)  Karen we got a lot of snow today.  The grass was covered when we left work.  I had to stop at Zurchers on the way home and get table clothes for our work party tomorrow night.  Me and dad are going to that.  Doug has a winter celebration every year.  Robin I hope the graveside services went OK.  The snow was kind of bad today.  Was it nice to have a day off?  Rachel the pictures are cute.  I am so glad that Oliver slept through the night.  That will make you feel better.  I hope Casey's car is OK.  If the weather is nice we are going to Kamas to look at Karen's dish washer to make sure  it isn't leaking.  Everyone have a great Friday.  We are going to take a long lunch and go to Reed's funeral.  I am glad we decided to go.  It will be nice to see everyone.  LOVE MOM


Oliver slept all night last night which is great.  Tonight he only cried for 5 minutes and then played with scout the dog for a while then fell asleep.  It is going really well with him, it is exciting.  He was really happy today and it was nice.  Isaac must of had a runny nose and scratched under his nose when wiping it.  That is all I can think of.  Casey had a busy day today.  His car wasn't working quite right so he had to fix it so he could drive to work tomorrow.  Then he went to Clifton with Isaac to learn how to milk cows and goats.  I stayed with Oliver because he was napping.  Then Casey had to go home teaching when he got back.  We made gyros for lunch and they tasted so good.  I bought some pitas at sam's last night and then today I bought a steak with cucumbers and tomatoes.  It was so good.  That was the highlight of my day.  I hope that everyone stays warm in this winter weather.


I have weird eating pictures today. :)


Well there was a little bit of snow here today. None of it stuck though. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. Work went good. I have been staying busy so it goes by fast. Well I really don't have much to report. I hope everyone has a great day tomorrow. Bye

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Good Work

Robin, I am glad you made it through the viewing.  Those are hard.  I am glad the flowers showed up.  I hope they were pretty.  Good luck tomorrow on the graveside service.  That isn't so hard.  Are they having a dinner afterwards?  Rachel, how did Isaac get a big scab?  I am glad he ate Ravioli and that Oliver fell asleep on his own.  They are doing good.  I love the shoes.  He will like those.  Good luck with milking cows and goats.  Karen thanks for finding the idea for recycled robots.  We made them tonight at cub scouts and they loved them.  It was a big hit.  I got pizza boxes yesterday when I picked up my pizza and we are going to make those solar ovens.  We are going to wait until it is warmer outside so they will cook.  I am glad you made it to Walmart.  It is suppose to snow this weekend.  Not much else going on with me.  I worked an hour over today to make up time.  LOVE MOM

He did it

We have been trying to have Oliver fall asleep on his own but me and Casey keep caving and rocking him but tonight we did it and Oliver fell asleep on his own.  I am so glad and I am hoping that this is the start of sleep for us all.  Today was good.  This morning I wanted to get out of the house and Isaac wanted to go to petsmart so we walked around their.  It was fun and the boys like seeing all the animals.  Then Isaac had school and I sewed.  Casey fixed his car all afternoon, the steering is loose and it has white smoke coming out of it.  We had ravioli for dinner and we told Isaac if he would eat one we would get icecream.  So he did it, yea, and we got some icecream.  I forgot to say that we got Oliver some new shoes yesterday.  I attached a picture, they are cute.  Tomorrow we are going to Calleens so Casey can learn how to milk a cow and goats so he can watch the animals next week while they are gone.  Good luck tomorrow with the funeral Robin, that is a long day.


Isaac has a big scab under his nose.

New shoes


Today was good. At work they did a mini fashion show for our sales reps for the fall 15 collection. It was good to see. Then I went to Walters grandma's viewing. They loved the flowers they put them on the sign in table. Thank you. Well I am taking tomorrow off they are having a grave side service. Well have a good night



Robin I hope that the funeral stuff went okay. My day was good. It went by quick. Then after work I went grocery shopping. I figured it would be good to do it today so that I wouldn't have to go thru the chance of snow the rest of the week. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


Today was good nothing to exciting. We went to loli cup. It's a chines drink place. It's the place that puts tapioca beads in the bottom of the drink. It's weird but it tasted good. Then I worked at scheels. Tomorrow is the viewing so hopefully it'd not to bad. I really don't like viewings but I guess it's life. Have a good one


Bubbling Boilers

Mom, I am glad that your teeth went well, yea.  Today went pretty good for us.  Isaac only wanted tamales this morning and we were out so we went shopping and got some.  It was fun to walk around.  Oliver slept all night and was happy today.  It was nice to see him happy again.  Jenn couldn't sew today so we just played.  Casey's Mom is going away to California next week so Casey is going to help and milk the cows and goats for her.  He should have fun doing that.  I think we are going up Thursday so she can show him what to do.  Well I hope that everyone sleeps well and have a good day tomorrow.


I didi it

The teeth thing went well.  They want to redo them however because that one side is close to the bottom it is hard to make that work.  They put a whole in the back of it.  That is what happened last time also.  They wanted me to go back tomorrow for all day but I told them I had to go to work.  I can't take it two days in a row.  I was wondering about taking the 10th of March off and then I could play a little bit before our sewing class.  I will think about it.  We got a lot done however so that was nice.  I got my hair cut, dad new shoes and backpack, and just had a nice day.  Thanks everyone for thinking about me.  Have a nice hump day.  LOVE MOM


Mom, hope that your teeth thing went good today. Sometimes things like that are super annoying. My day was good. It was still cold here though. Rachel I like your quilt. It is really pretty. I am impressed with your skills. Well I really don't have much to report so I will sign off. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, February 23, 2015


Good luck with your teeth mom. Thank you for the flowers they will love them. I love your quilt Rachel. I was going to be productive but I took a nap instead. I work tomorrow at scheels so nothing to exciting going on


So Cold

Winter came back with a vengeance that is for sure.  It was so cold and windy.  They had lunch out today and that was good.  We went to that place by the Library that Robin says is good.  I really liked it.  I was too full to try their award winning desserts.  I am glad that Oliver checked out and did have an ear ache.  I thought for sure that was why he wasn't sleeping.  Good luck with letting them cry.  I always caved.  Did you try the teddy bear?  I thought for sure that would help.  I guess you could try a bottle.  I hate to start that habit but it might be worth a try.  I ordered flowers from all of us for Walter's grandma.  I thought you would like to know.  Thanks for wishing me luck tomorrow.  I am a little freaked out to go.  I almost called and canceled today.  I am glad that dad is going with me.  Me and my mouth.  What a mess.  Love the quilt Rachel.  That turned out beautiful.  I think the border looks really nice with those colors.  LOVE YOU GUYS MOM


Today was a good day.  Oliver didn't sleep well again but Casey helped and that was really nice of him.  Oliver had his doctor appointment this morning and everything is going good.   He weighs 18 # 14 oz (20%) height 28 3/4" (10%)  head (25%).  I asked her about not sleeping and she said that we need to train him to fall asleep on his own and let him cry.  She said to start at naps because it is easier.  We tried it today but I caved and picked him up and he fell right asleep as soon as I held him.  Same thing at bed time.  I don't think that helped so I need to read about it more and not cave I guess.  Isaac had school and I got some sewing done.  When he got home he wanted to run around outside with Casey and Oliver was still asleep so I sewed for two more hours.  It was really nice.  Also I watched the last five years last night and finished sewing a quilt, I attached a picture.  A family in the ward invited us over for dinner and FHE so we did that.  It was a lot of fun and Isaac had a blast playing with their kids.  He had a really fun time.  Good luck tomorrow Mom, I hope that it goes smoothly and everyone stay warm.  Brrr.


Roll over

Well I got my 401K roll-over going today. It is annoying but I got to get it done. It was super cold here today. It was 7 this morning. I am really missing the warm weather. Work was good. Mom I hope that you teeth appointment goes good tomorrow. I hope it isn't traumatic. Well I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Cold and Windy

Man it was cold and windy here also.  We had a nice day with grandma.  Thanks Robin for the Left Fork idea.  She loved that place.  We went to the Chinese Market on State street and 3300 and it was a lot of fun.  We went to Walmart afterwards and I got me a pair of shoes.  I left mine at Rachel's house.  I sure had a fun weekend.  The birthday party was a lot of fun.  He was so cute.  I think Oliver has a bad cold. It is hard to suck a binkie and breath.  Makes it hard to sleep.  Dad ordered him a Kindle Fire tonight.  He is so excited to make that program.  Karen, grandma wants to go to a movie.  I told her you would love to go with us.  Robin let me know Walter's grandmas name and I will get some flowers ordered for her.  Did you see on facebook that Reed Carlson died?  He has been really sick.  Have a great Monday.  Last week of February.  Thanks again for the fun weekend.  I sure had a good time.  LOVE MOM


Today was good I just worked. Here's some of my picts. Have a good one.

More Pictures

Thank you everyone for making Oliver's birthday so wonderful.  I had such a nice time and really appreciate all of your coming up and helping so much, thank you.  Oliver didn't sleep well last night.  I think that when we mess up his routine he doesn't sleep well at night, that is my theory.  I put Oliver down for his nap early today and we just skipped sacrament meeting and that gave him a good nap.  It worked pretty good.  Isaac had to give the scripture in primary so I helped him do that.  It was so cold and windy up here.  I am missing the spring weather.  Here are some pictures.  Thanks again for such a fun birthday party.



I had a fun time at the party. Thanks everyone for the nice time. I hope that everyone had a great day today. I had a nice day I even got a nap. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...