Friday, February 27, 2015

Future Scary Writer

Karen, that looks good.  I think that would be a really nice treat, thanks for sharing the recipe.  Mom I am really excited for William Joesph.  If Karen doesn't want to go then I think her watching the boys in Logan would be best and then we can go to fort hall also, yea.  Robin, I have had the last five years song stuck in my head all week.  It is good music.  I think Isaac is going to be the next Steven King.  He loves to tell us scary stories, he cracks me up.  Today was pretty good.  We went to story time this morning and then to the mall to walk around and get pretzels.  Oliver took forever to take his nap and then he slept for a while so me and Isaac just played, it was nice.  We had gyros again and they were so good.  We are addicted.  I started the Android studio program lessons.  I didn't much time and I was slow but I think it will be fun to do.  Well everyone have a great weekend and I hope the snow isn't too bad.


Isaac push Oliver all over the mall

Isaac is a wild man

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