Thursday, February 26, 2015


Oliver slept all night last night which is great.  Tonight he only cried for 5 minutes and then played with scout the dog for a while then fell asleep.  It is going really well with him, it is exciting.  He was really happy today and it was nice.  Isaac must of had a runny nose and scratched under his nose when wiping it.  That is all I can think of.  Casey had a busy day today.  His car wasn't working quite right so he had to fix it so he could drive to work tomorrow.  Then he went to Clifton with Isaac to learn how to milk cows and goats.  I stayed with Oliver because he was napping.  Then Casey had to go home teaching when he got back.  We made gyros for lunch and they tasted so good.  I bought some pitas at sam's last night and then today I bought a steak with cucumbers and tomatoes.  It was so good.  That was the highlight of my day.  I hope that everyone stays warm in this winter weather.


I have weird eating pictures today. :)

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