Monday, February 23, 2015


Today was a good day.  Oliver didn't sleep well again but Casey helped and that was really nice of him.  Oliver had his doctor appointment this morning and everything is going good.   He weighs 18 # 14 oz (20%) height 28 3/4" (10%)  head (25%).  I asked her about not sleeping and she said that we need to train him to fall asleep on his own and let him cry.  She said to start at naps because it is easier.  We tried it today but I caved and picked him up and he fell right asleep as soon as I held him.  Same thing at bed time.  I don't think that helped so I need to read about it more and not cave I guess.  Isaac had school and I got some sewing done.  When he got home he wanted to run around outside with Casey and Oliver was still asleep so I sewed for two more hours.  It was really nice.  Also I watched the last five years last night and finished sewing a quilt, I attached a picture.  A family in the ward invited us over for dinner and FHE so we did that.  It was a lot of fun and Isaac had a blast playing with their kids.  He had a really fun time.  Good luck tomorrow Mom, I hope that it goes smoothly and everyone stay warm.  Brrr.


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