Thursday, May 2, 2019


Today was good.  Casey had a hard time sleeping so he went to work early and was able to come early about the time Isaac got home which was nice.  We just played at home today and that was nice.  We walked to pick up Isaac, it was really windy but it was nice to be out.  Oliver and Ruth both had soccer tonight so I went with Oliver and Casey went with Ruth.  Isaac came with me and played with his friend.  I had book group afterwards.  We read the Michelle Obama book and it was really good.  It is a good one to read.  I also finished reading the black tulip and I really liked that one also.  Everyone have a good night and love you.


So ready

I am so ready for the quilt show.  I love that tradition.  I had a good day also and we went to Walmart after work and I got some supplies for teacher appreciation day on Wednesday.  I am going up to Logan and help Rachel.  It has been a fun year to help in the school.  Everyone drive safe and sound tomorrow.  LOVE MOM


I am so glad tomorrow is Friday as well. My day was good. I am excited to play this weekend. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye

Shake and bake

Today was good. I made shake and bake chicken for dinner. It tasted good. Then I worked on my jacket again. I've pinned and repinned alot. But hopefully I get a good at putting the motif puzzle together and I will start to sew it down. I'll post picts once I am further along and it looks better. I am so glad tomorrow is Friday!! Yeah!

Wednesday, May 1, 2019


Today was good. I am glad we are closer to the weekend. We picked icecream flavors tonight. It was fun. Then I worked on my jacket. I have the tulle jacket form I need to add on all the motifs. It's been fun but Jenkins isnt having a great time. Lol he keeps barking and running down stairs and then runs back up and barks again its funny.


Do it

Rachel come down on Friday night.  We would love that.  We can do a movie another time.  It is only playing at the Valley Fair Mall theater.  LOVE MOM


I was just going to ask if I could come down Friday night also with Ruthie.  It will probably be later so you could see the movie before we got there.  Would that be ok?  I was just talking with Casey about what was going on and he said just go down Friday night and I thought that was a good idea.  Today was good I walked this morning and then went to my exercise class.   I bought the wrong felt yesterday and we went and got a different kind and I think it works better for the fortune cookies.  It was cold so I drove to pick up Isaac and when I saw him he asked why did I drive because it was hot.  It felt cold to me.  Oliver had a soccer game this evening and the kids played well and we won.  We have one kid that is amazing and he made all the goals.  The other kids did better this time and are catching on.  Isaac had scouts afterwards and they learned about maps, he had a fun time.  Love you guys.



Things are good here. It is cold here today. It also snowed this morning. I am tired of snow. Oh well at least it mostly melted by the afternoon. I kept thinking today was Thursday, so it kept throwing me off today. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Hump day

I was productive at work today and got a lot done.  It felt nice. I went over to visit Chaz but I came at a bad time so I just left lunch,  Poor kid.  Oliver called me tonight and that was so nice.  He is so cute.  We did go for a walk at the zoo after work.  All the animals were inside so there wasn't much to see  One Gorilla was taking blankets down and covering up.  It was so cute.  Everyone have a nice day.  I think Karen is coming down on Friday night and we are going to go see Captain Marvel.  LOVE MOM

Tuesday, April 30, 2019


I am glad that everyone had a good day.  I am sorry you were dizzy Robin, that is the worst.  Today was good nothing too exciting.  It started to snow in the afternoon so I canceled soccer practice.  Their are some things we need to work on so hopefully we have time before the game tomorrow to talk about them.  We went to Randy's house and cooked the fish this evening.  They tasted really good and it was a fun night.  Have a good night.


Cold Stone

Work was good.  Just the same old same old.  I did walk over and check on Chaz. He was still in recovery so I sat in the waiting room and talked with Jen and James and Jeff and Nancy and Jordan.  They went to lunch and I went back to work.  We met up with Robin after work and cold stone was so nice.  The pictures looked so neat. I think that was a really good idea.  Not much else to report on my end.  It is so cold and it snowed most of the afternoon  It is crazy weather for sure.  LOVE MOM


Work is still staying busy. But I am keeping up so that is nice. It was cold here as well. It mostly rained here but it did snow a bit. I got my laundry done so yeah clean clothes. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


Today was cold. Work went by fast so that was nice. I met up with mom and dad and jeramy for cold stone. I guess we can get the mix ins for our choices. So we tasted every flavor then the sent us home with 10 signature mixes to pick from. It was fun. Thanks again mom and dad. When I got home I took out Jenkins again then I was so dizzy. So I just laid down for the rest of the night. It was nice to relax. Love you guys


Monday, April 29, 2019


I got my dress today. I was really excited. I decided to make the jacket because it will be fun. :) so I went and got a pattern at joanns. I didn't get far but I'm excited. I hope the dentist went well mom. I forgot to ask you about it today. Rachel I totally forgot about the binding. I can buy some at the quilt store or give you money for some. Thanks again for quilting it. You rock. I'm excited you got a smart watch Karen. I hope it's fun. Love you guys



Things are good here in Kamas. Things are still busy at work. It was chilly here today. Ruth's bed looks really cute. I am impressed with your skills Robin. I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye


So I went to work and it was a normal day.  Just so busy but that is getting to be the normal.  I left early and went to the dentist.  I need two teeth pulled and then we need to decide what to put in the holes.  They are going to give me a treatment plan and I guess I will decide from there.  We went to firehouse for dinner and just vegged the rest of the night.  Rachel that is fun you got to go fishing.  That is fun to do with Randy.  Rachel is going to come down early on Saturday and we are going to the quilt show when it opens.  I think that is 10:00.  I will double check that.  Good luck with the thunderstorms tomorrow.  We are going to meet Robin and Jeramy at Cold Stone and work out catering.  LOVE MOM


Today was good.  I went walking this morning and I don't know where to walk anymore.  I need to find a good route without a lot of traffic or people.  I worked out and it was a two hour one but I only stayed for an hour because I took Oliver to school and didn't go back.  A Police officer came to Oliver's school today and he loved it.  They gave him a badge and he wore it all day.  It started to rain when it was time to pick up Isaac so we drove.  We went to the hobby lobby and got some felt to make some fortune cookies for a class party.  I also got three volunteers to bring a snack so we are set.  After dinner we went fishing at first dam with Randy.  It was cold but we had a fun time.  I caught a fish and we kept it.  The little kids were cold so I took them home and Isaac caught two more fish.  He was so excited and had a blast.  We are going to cook them tomorrow.  I have a soccer practice scheduled but it is supposed to rain. I hope that is good weather tomorrow.  Robin, do you have a binding for your quilt or do you want to me to put one on?  I am hoping to have it done by Friday.  Love you guys and have a good night.


Sunday, April 28, 2019


Thanks again Robin for coming up and painting Ruthie's bed.  It looks really cute.  It was fun to talk with Jeremy and Robin and spend the afternoon with them.  It was fun to see Jenkins again and have him up here.  I am glad that you got some rest Mom.  I am excited for Karen and Dad's watches.  I really have liked mine. 


windy day

We spent the night at Karen's house and that was really nice.  We got up and just laid around.  We were all tired. We went to Park City for lunch and groceries and then came home and took naps.  Dad's allergies were bad with the wind.  WOW Robin that bed is amazing.  You are so gifted.  I hope you all had a fun time.  It was so hard to not come up but I don't think I would have been able to survive work tomorrow.  I have a dentist appointment tomorrow to get a treatment plan.  It will be interesting to see what he comes up with.  Then on Tuesday we get to sample ice cream with Robin and get catering all settled.  We are making progress.  Have a nice Monday.  LOVE MOM


My weekend was good. Thanks again mom and dad for hanging out. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...