Saturday, April 4, 2015


I am glad everyone had a nice day.  I had a nice one also.  Karen came down and took us to Fuji's and then we went to Seagull Book and got some new color books for the boys.  We also went to Lowes and I got a new HEPA filter for out air filter.  It does make a huge difference.  Dad is still not a 100 percent so we just vegged the rest of the day.  I took a huge nap and it was nice.  Karen thanks for fixing my light.  I love your towels Robin they are darling.  Rachel, that is neat you have a swing set for the boys.  They will love every minute of it.  I hope they have a nice Easter.  LOVE MOM

Last Minute

I didn't do my Easter shopping until tonight after the boys went to bed, I am the worst.  We had a fun day today.  We went to an Easter egg hunt at the mall.  It was pretty crazy but Isaac had a fun time.  he only got one egg but he was super happy about it.  The had bounce houses all over the mall for free.  He did one that was a giant slide.  He did it a lot and Oliver walked around, they both had  a good time.  We had lunch their and then came home and gave Oliver a nap.  I put most of the swing set together and Casey tightened it all when he got home.  Then we just played the rest of the afternoon but it was fun.  We did the remote controlled car outside and that was fun.  After dinner Casey finished up the swing set and the boys love it.  It was so much fun and Isaac was laughing and being so cute.  Isaac and Oliver and really playing well together.  I am glad that everyone had a good day.  Happy Easter tomorrow.



Walter is looking at apartments this upcoming weekend. He was excited so we went to ikea and looked at furniture. It was fun I haven't been to ikea in a bit. Then he had to get back because he has. Curfew. I worked on month towels. I did may flowers and june. I also took  a nice nap... quite productive. Have a good night



Well my day has been good. I meet mom and dad for lunch and picked up my taxes. Then we went to Lowe's to get a filter for my fridge. I also helped mom fix her broken tail light. It was just a burned out bulb so it was pretty easy to do. Then I came home and have just been watching movies. I hope that everyone has a happy Easter tomorrow. Bye

Friday, April 3, 2015

I did it

I made it to Friday.  That is a good thing.  Dad picked up our taxes and we are all getting really nice returns.  That is fun.  We took Robin's over to her house and took her to dinner to the Poorboy's.  It is a sandwich place.  It was good but I think I like firehouse better.  It was fun to try something new.  Tomorrow we are going to Karen's to deliver her taxes.  It is fun to bring good news.  Dad is feeling a little better.  He still stayed home and took it easy.  I love the swing set Rachel.  You will never have to leave your back yard again.  If Oliver isn't sleeping well he can always come back to our house and sleep.  He did do OK here.  LOVE MOM

Day off

Today was nice. I didn't have to work. So I woke up and went to Joanns and bought some fat quarters for the monthly towels. Then I went to Walmart and bought cleaning supplies. I then drove to the mall and got glitter toes. My toe nails are now pink and glittery. I like them :). I decided while I was there to get hot dog on a stick. It was tastey. After that i came home and deep cleaned... i have my bedroom left but i did alot. Mom and dad dropped my taxes off tonight and took me out for dinner. It was fun and tastey. So today was productive. Karen your monkey bread did look yummy. Good luck on your slide rachel.



Good job on the monkey bread Karen, that looks really good.  You will have to make that for us the next time we get together.  Today was good.  It wasn't as cold as yesterday which was good.  Oliver didn't sleep well but he took a 4 hour nap again so that was nice.  I put together the swing while he was sleeping and Casey worked on the lawn swing.  The boys had fun playing on the slide this evening so that was fun.  I hope that everyone has a good weekend and gets some rest.


Thursday, April 2, 2015


Today was good I worked until one. Then I met up with Walter for lunch he took me to baza grill. It was really good. Then we watched netflix. I am so happy to have a three day weekend, Walter is busy all day tomorrow so I am going to sleep in and seriously deep clean my apt. It needs it soooo bad. Thanks for letting us use the to guy mom and dad. I can pick them up whenever it's easy for you.


Monkey Bread

Well my monkey bread looks good if nothing else. My day was good. It was cold here also today. It also snowed here this morning. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I am so going to take a nap this weekend. Thanks mom and dad for getting my taxes. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye

Better day

I had a better day.  Work wasn't so crazy and I got a lot done.  Dad didn't feel very good so he stayed home today.  I am not sure what he has but ibuprofen is his friend right now.  It has been the only thing that has really helped and he is feeling a lot better.  It is really cold out there.  Back to normal weather.  There was snow in the mountains today.  Karen I hope your bread turned out.  The tax dude called today and said the taxes were ready.  Dad is going to pick them up.  He said that the girls were going to be really happy with their returns.  Dad is so funny he didn't ask how much they were getting.  I guess you will be surprised tomorrow.  Have a great good Friday.  It feels anticlimactic since we did all the fun Easter stuff last weekend.  I did have a good time however so I am not sad.  Have a great day off Robin.  I hope you get to sleep in until noon.  Rachel I love the pictures.  The one of Oliver standing on a stool with a tool and the door open made my day.  You are going to have to watch him.  He will undo your whole house.   LOVE MOM

Baby Animals

It was good to have Casey back today.  He was sore from all the hiking but had a really good time.  His friend drove him back last night so he spent the night and left this morning.  We took him to breakfast at Einsteins which was fun.  Then we headed to baby animal days.  We waited a 30 minutes to drive the train and then we did the wagon ride.  By that time it had gotten really really cold so we left after that.  We didn't see much.  The swing set came today.  We picked it up after dinner and Casey and Thomas started putting it together.  We were in winter coats by that point and Oliver didn't want to be outside we went in.  We will finish putting it together tomorrow, hopefully it will be a bit warmer.  Isaac was so excited about the swing set.  He was really cute about it.  Well Casey goes back to work tomorrow.  So it is back to real life again.  I hope that everyone has a good Friday.


Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Hungry hippos

Sorry that lady was rude mom. You should have told her off. Lol today was busy but at work we had another holiday and we played human hungry hippo, me and my partner won, it was an interesting game. I put pictures below I found on Pinterest, I didn't take any of us since I was playing. I worked at scheels tonight. Tomorrow is my last day of work. I am also taking a half day. Me and Walter are going to meet up for lunch since I don't have to go back. Friday I have off so I am going to clean and go through stuff and get rid of old cloths, it will be nice. Well have a good night 


Long day

It was really busy at work.  Just trying to get all caught back up.  It was so worth the time off.  Dad worked late so I went to scouts and the stake primary leader came to get money and she was all huffy and said that we were doing it all wrong and not going to round table and that we should have collected the money and raised funds. I didn't even know what was going on. I just walked away.  I was afraid I would say something I shouldn't.  Like take this job and shove it.   It was really not pretty and I was locked out of the building and it was cold.  So I said we couldn't do the activity outside in the cold and wind and they went home.  It was not a happy night.  I did go grocery shopping and that was nice.  Casey called and said he was going to Logan.  He said he had a fun time.  Not much else going on with me.  I feel like I am catching a cold.  I love the dollies Robin.  That is an amazing machine.  Karen good luck with your monkey bread.  That is good stuff.  Have a nice Thursday.  LOVE MOM

It's cold again

It was good to be back home today.  We played and cleaned and took naps in the afternoon.  It was a cold day up here also but we still played outside for a while.  Oliver is loving the little trampoline downstairs, he is jumping on it a lot.  I forgot to add a picture of Isaac asleep in the car after Karen's house.  He was worn out.  I hope that your new sound system is working good Karen.  I love the dollie Robin, that is pretty amazing.  You have an amazing machine, fun.   Casey is on his way home, it will be good to see him.  He sounded like he had a good time.



Well it was chilly and windy here most of the day. Work was good. Nothing to exciting to report. I went to Walmart after work and got stuff to make monkey bread. I am glad that the week is half over. I had a headache today. I think it was a combination of wind and allergies. There is a chance of snow here after midnight so maybe that will help the allergies for tomorrow. Well I hope everyone had a great Wednesday. Bye

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

I pity the fool

Today was good work went by fast so that was nice, I came home and embroidered, I finished Walters
Moms doilie. I also am done with moms, I put a picture of moms. My neck is still stiff I think I sleep with to many pillows so I might take a few off tonight. Tomorrow I work at scheels so nothing to exciting, hope you have a good wendnesday don't forget it's April fools day



Robin, I am glad your neck is feeling better.  There is nothing worse than having a stiff neck.  Thanks for the fun time.  It is so quiet here tonight.  I am ready to play again.  I hope that Isaac is feeling better.  Poor little guy, his stomach was bad.  It was hard getting back to work today.  I only worked half day.  I am glad that you made it back home Rachel safe and sound.  Not much else going on with me.  We did watch the first Hobbit tonight and it was good.  Dad has it on VooDoo.  LOVE MOM


Well things are the same here in Kamas. It was warm here today, but it is suppose to cool off the rest of the week. Work is going good. I am glad that the week is half over tomorrow. Have a great Wednesday tomorrow everyone. Bye

Back Home

Robin, you are the youngest one of us.  Your not old.  Karen I really like your TV also.  It is awesome.  Thanks everyone for such a fun time.  It was nice to get together.  Here are some pictures.  I was really sporadic at taking them so I don't have every event documented, sorry about that.


Monday, March 30, 2015


Sorry I am old and didn't make it all Sunday. Thanks for the fun time. It was good to see everyone. I liked your TV Karen it was very nice. My neck is still tender. But work was good. I amworking extra hours because we get Friday off for Easter and I want to leave early on Thursday. I just relaxed tonight and worked on sewing projects. I have moms all put together it just is drying so I will take a picture after I iron it out pretty. I hope your sewing class is fun mom and Rachel, 



Well my day was good. I was tired though. Work is going good. Nothing too exciting to report. I hope everyone had a great day. Robin I hope that your neck is feeling better. Thanks for the fun weekend everyone. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...