Saturday, July 9, 2022


 What a fun day I had. We started the day in Kamas. It was so nice to to be outside and work. I love that. We came home and had naps and then went to Alyssa party. Her house is nice but I like Robin's better. We went to chili's and that was an experience. I went to lagoon with the Anderson gang. I like going in the evening. We ride a few rides and walk around. Have a nice Sunday We are going to.lehi for a little while. Love mom


 Mom and dad came up last night and this morning they helped me fixed my roof. I had some tiles blow off. I have attached before and after pictures below. Then we went to Park City because mom and dad's new phones weren't making calls. They got fixed and we went to lunch. Then I came home and took a nap. It was nice. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Friday, July 8, 2022

New phone

 I am blogging on my new phone. I am so glad it was free. We went to dinner with Karen and I showed cover was bent. That was weird. I am excited to play tomorrow. Everyone drive safe. Love mom

Thursday, July 7, 2022


 I walked this morning.  Then we went to swimming lessons.  The kids are doing really well. I haven't been swimming with them and just reading which is nice.  They had their hour and I sewed.  Then we went to the jump zone.  It was super crow and the kids were bored so we didn't stay the whole hour.  Then we had to stop by the grocery store on the way home.  I got a second interview for Monday.  I also may have a job at a fabric designing place but the hiring person has been out of the office this week.  Love you guys.

Almost friday

 I am with Karen I wished it was friday.wotk was good. Not busy but I kept busy. We went to orson gygi after work. It was fun to walk around. We are going to kamas tomorrow after work and stay the night and patch Karen's roof up. Saturday Alyssa is having an open house on Saturday. I think we are going to go to that. Robin I am glad that jeramy is doing good. Give him our love. Rachel I am glad you got a second interview. Way to go I can't believe Luna is going to the toddler group. She is just so little. Love mom


Jeramy is doing good. He looked through jobs but wasn't sure how to add his resume. So I helped him after work. I deleted half of them because he was just adding anything and I think he should be more picky. So that's our new deal he's going to like the jobs he thinks are nice and I will read through them and make sure he's not selling himself short. I also not sure if I blogged about it because it's been wild. They are moving Luna to the toddler class in two weeks. It made me sad she's growing up but she will have fun with the kids her age over infants. Hope everyone has a good Friday



 I kept hoping today was Friday but alas it was only Thursday. At least tomorrow is Friday. I hope Jeremy is doing okay and isn't too stressed. If you guys need anything just let me know. My day was good. I am still applying for jobs just incase. It is a slow process for sure. I hope everyone had a good day. Bye 

Wednesday, July 6, 2022


 I am so sorry Robin.  That is so ridiculous to have worked their for twenty years and not cut him some slack.  That is crazy.  I am sorry.  That makes me so mad.  I wonder if he could contest that.  I bet he can find something else easily.  My interview went well.  The did call at before and said I missed the interview.  I said it was for 2:30 and I double checked it.  They had the time wrong on their end some got it straightened.  The people interviewing were really nice and it made for a fun interview.  I also got a call also from the county with an offer to write police transcript but I am going to turn it down.  We had swimming lessons this morning.  The kids are doing well.  I had physical therapy and we are going to extend it out four more weeks once a week to get my pinky moving better.  I hosted book group at my house and we had a fun time.  It is fun to get together.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel 


 It felt nice to be half way done with the week. Work was good and then we went and picked up drugs. Robin I am so sorry that jeramy lost his job. We are not far if you need us. That is funny you got bit. That hurts so bad. Karen congratulations on your interview. That is so stressful. Rachel congratulations on your interview. A lot of changes are coming in our lives. Everyone be safe. Prayers are with you all. Love mom


Jeramy got his write up today and because earlier this year he called in to many times when we went down with covid. The decided to let him go. They said it was to many points with the accident. His phone was a work phone so we went to Verizon and added him to my plan so he is back up and running. So he's now on a job search too. Other then that not much else. Luna bit me for the first time and her top teeth are coming in. It hurt lol



 I think my interview went well. I am with Rachel though, I am glad the interview is over. It stresses me out. I took the day off so I really don't have anything else to report. I am glad your interview went well as well Rachel. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Tuesday, July 5, 2022


Jeramy hit a thing at work so they wrote him up. He's fine. Since he's a manager he doesn't need to ride a forklift so he's just going to walk for a while till it drops off. Work went well for me everyone is on vacation so it was quite. A lady I work with her daughter is having a baby and they invited me to the baby shower. I don't think I will make it but I made a blanket and month circles. I'm still trying to figure it all out. I also made her a wristlet since it's her first grandbaby. Luna is wild and running all over the place. We drew with chalk outside to wait for Jeramy to get home from work. It was fun. Good luck with your interview Karen



 I was tired this morning so I didn't walk.  The kids started swimming lessons and that was fun.  We stayed and swam outside afterwards but the water was so cold.  Ruth had gymnastics class and Isaac had violin lessons.  They both love them.  We cooked the steaks from whole foods but the grill caught on fire and burnt them a bit.  We cut off the burnt parts and Casey cut his finger.  Tiffany sent Ruth a half birthday card and she loved it.  Ron had a pool party for his company and he invited us to it.  Me and Casey didn't swim but the kids did and had fun.  Good luck tomorrow Karen, I am excited for you.

Love Rachel


 Work was quiet. One of my bosses got covid on her French cruise. I felt really bad about that. She was so excited to go. We did go grocery shopping after work. Robin I hope jeramy is ok. I feel bad for him. He said every time some one went to hr they got gunned. I am wondering if that is what happened. Rachel I am glad swimming lessons went well. It was so hot. Good luck Karen I hope the interview goes well. Love you all mom I forgot to wish Rachel good luck on her job interview also


 Sorry I didn't take any pictures this weekend, so I have nothing to post. I had a fun time thanks everyone for the fun 4th. My day was good. It felt like a Monday, but that just means the week will go by faster. Tomorrow is my interview at 1. Other than work nothing too wild and crazy here. I hope that everyone had a great Tuesday. Bye

Monday, July 4, 2022

happy fourth

I hope everyone had a good 4thbof July. It was so nice to have some down time. I glowforged a bit and then the fireworks started so Luna and Jenkins were all over the place. Hopefully tonight is the last night

Fun times.

 We sure had a good weekend. Karen thanks for letting us hang with you all weekend. We loved going to.lehi and had such a good time in Logan. Isaac's party was so fun. I love fireworks. Karen bought a couple for a grand finale and they were just like the ones you go see. We came home today. I slept while.katrn drove. Thanks again Karen. It is hard going back to the real world. Robin good luck with tomorrow with jeramys work. Karen good luck on Wednesday and Rachel good luck with your job interview. Love mo

Happy 4th of July

 We had a really fun time this weekend.  Thank you for coming up and having such a fun party.  We miss you guys.  I am worn out from staying up late.  Me and Casey took a nap after everyone left which was nice.  We went to Randy's and had ribs which were good.  We came home and worked on the stump some more.  We dug up a horse shoe and Oliver was so excited.  We start swimming lessons tomorrow and that will be fun.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...