Saturday, October 2, 2021


 Sure had a fun day. Thanks everyone for the fun time. Rachel made it home safe and sound and Karen is on her way home. She isn't coming to Logan tomorrow. Drive safe tomorrow robin. Love mom

Friday, October 1, 2021


 Be careful of bed bugs.  They spread easy and they are impossible to get rid of.  Today was good.  I walked and went to exercise class.  I talked too long afterwards and we had to hurry and get ready for kindergarten.  I helped in Ruth's class and that was fun.  I ran to the store after I was done.  Isaac had a orchestra lab in river heights.  We dropped him off and went to Ryan's place park to play.  It was a lot of fun.  We picked up Isaac and went back to the park for a while.  Casey got a gift card to rei so tonight we ordered me a fancy new winter coat.  I am excited.  It will be warm and nice.  Ruth lost her tooth today so went and got ice cream.  We will see you guys tomorrow.




 Today was busy but the big meeting was over with at noon so the afternoon was quiet. I am working from home on Monday so that is going to be nice. Robin next time I am giving you the money to get an exterminator. That just looks miserable. Poor guy. Good luck with your second shot. Everyone drive safe tomorrow.  Karen came down and we went to the pie for dinner and then Costco. Love mom


Yesterday Jeramy was bit by a bed bug. he took a shower at his mom's house to make sure they were all off of him before we left Because he could feel a bite. It looked like a mesquito bite to me. But as the night went on it got bigger. He took some Benadryl and put hydrocortisone cream on it. He's allergic to bed bugs. This morning it was double the size and really red and itchy. So we went to urgent care and he got a shot and some antibiotics. It's still pretty swollen and hot to the touch. Then we ran over I had to get my second COVID vaccination. Luna has been starting to move her legs like she is trying to figure out walking. So I was holding her up and she was super focused on jeramys Costco bag from the pharmacy. So we took out all the medicine and gave her the bag. She loved it, it was really funny. 

Thursday, September 30, 2021


 My day was good. It was cold here today. Work is still moving along. I really don't have anything exciting to report. Have a great Friday tomorrow everyone. Bye


 It was busy but I didn't get a lot done. I am glad tomorrow is Friday. I am looking forward to the weekend. Dad said Luna was darling and they were watching a movie and the song would come on and she would just squel. He had a fun day. I made spare ribs for dinner and they were good. I am sorry tony is swollen. I wonder if you could put some batitracin on it. Karen is coming down after work. Drive safe everyone. I did get tickets for the aquarium for one. Love mom


 Today was busy.  I walked this morning and delivered the packets to the primary kids. Tony wound seemed swollen so I call the humane society this afternoon and they said he just probably licked it and to take him to the vet if we are worried.  Me phone hasn't been connecting to the cell phone provider.  I was waiting until it opened at 10 to take it in.  Isaac threw up at school so Casey picked him up.  He just was constipated.  I gave him a laxative and he felt better this afternoon.  Casey came with me to the phone store so we could call Karen if we needed to.  Thanks for your help Karen.  I had promised to eat lunch with Oliver so we did that.  It doesn't take long so Isaac just worked on homework while we were gone.  Oliver was a wild man and so are his friends.  It is so crazy there.  I attached a video.  I studied while Ruth was at school.  Isaac did origami. He is liking that.  I cleaned the house.  I wrote my part of the primary program and that feels good to be done with.  Ruth had dance class and she loves that.  We went to panda for dinner.  It was nice not to cook.  Love you guys.




Dad was sweet and came down to watch Luna today. We had to go down to Jeramys moms, she had bed bugs and they were not dying. So we had to steam, clean the carpets and respray the whole place. It took longer than I thought it would take but we got it all done. Hopefully they all died, I hate bugs.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021


 Those are cute pictures Robin, Luna is cute.  Good job with your test Karen, you are so smart.  Good luck with your meeting Mom.  Today was busy.  I walked and went to exercise class.  I have been feeling a lot stronger which is fun.  Yesterday we decided as a primary presidency to make conference packets for the kids.  Kathy had a cute idea so we did it.  It took all day for me to get everything together.  It was a lot of work but I think the kids will like it.  Isaac had orchestra after school so we picked him up and looked for costumes.  We didn't see what he wanted so he may wear an old costume Saturday and order the one he wants online.  He wanted frizz and fries on the way home so we picked it up.  Tony is feeling better.  He is eating really well and has energy.  He is bruised pretty badly and that worries me but I think he will be ok.  We are going to take him collar off and not have him wear it anymore.  I hope he heals ok.  I am not going to walk him until next week and then short walks.  I got a digital copy of the kids school pictures today and they are cute.  Ruth's headphones were broken so we ordered her some new ones.  They came today and she loves them.  Love you guys.




 I made it to work and I wasn't very motivated but I did make it to the end of the day.  I wish I was going to babysit also tomorrow but I promised that I would help with the board meeting.  They made it virtual and it takes two people to run presentations. It is a big meeting.  They were going to go to Deer Creek for two days in a fancy hotel and now they have to listen to two days of virtual meetings.   Dad is super excited to babysit.  I hope there really aren't a lot of bed bugs.  They are so hard to get rid of.  Karen way to do all that and get allergy shots and ace your test.  You are amazing.  Rachel Tony made it a week.  He should start feeling a little better now.  I bought tickets for the aquarium for 1:00.  I thought we would go to Fuji's at noon and then hit the aquarium at 1:00.  That sounds like a fun day.  I did order a meat tray for dinner with potato salad and a green salad for dinner at my house also.  Have a wonderful Thursday.  LOVE MOM 


 Well I got up this morning and remembered that I hadn't gotten my allergy shot this month yet. SO I went and got it this morning. It makes me tired but I ma not doing too bad so that is good. Then I went to work. It has been busy but I am keeping up mostly so that is good. After work I cam home and took my engineering economics test. It was easy and I got an A so yeah for me. After that I watched 2 lecture videos for my industrial modeling class and then did a homework assignment. Phew! Busy day but I got it all done. Robin your pictures are really cute. I hope that everyone had a great Wednesday. Bye


We decided to go up in American fork canyon and see the trees. I thought it would be fun to take pictures of Luna's lion costume. Then we came home and made hamburgers for dinner. Dad is coming down tomorrow to watch Luna. Jeremys mom has bed bugs and we have to go steam and clean everything. 


Tuesday, September 28, 2021


 Today was good.  I walked this morning without Tony.  It felt good to go but I missed Tony.  Me and Ruth went to the hobby lobby and looked around.  Then we went to pepperidge farm and got fish crackers.  The kids are eating a ton of them.  The lady their thought I was Ruth's grandma so that was flattering.  I studied while Ruth was at school.  I finished quilting quilt while the kids had there hour.  I just need to put on the binding.  After homework we started watching national lampoon's vacation to get ready for our trip.  We bought Disneyland tickets today which is exciting.  The lion suit looks good on Luna, she is cute.  The aquarium sounds fun.  The kids want to spend the night Saturday.  I am glad you are feeling better Karen. You should take vitamin c.  It really helps me feel better faster.  Love you guys.




 Today was busy. I went to cafe Rio to get lunch for a meeting and got other people and me lunches also. It tasted good. I was in meeting the rest of the day. Crazy. Robin I love Luna's outfit. Karen I sure hope you are over that cold. I am going to get tickets to the aquarium for Saturday afternoon. I thought that would be fun and Luna is the perfect age. I will buy them tomorrow night if that is ok. Robin called and dad is going to go babysit Luna on Thursday while jeramy and robin kill bed bugs at jeramy mom's house. May the force be with you. Rachel that is fun you went to pepperidge farm. I have fond memories of that place. Weird I know. Have a nice hump day. Enjoy the rain tonight and the cool weather tomorrow. Love mom 


I was tired today I couldn't sleep. We have Luna's lights on with Alexa and at 5 in the morning her lights randomly turned on. I think Alexa lost connection. Luna lost it she was so pissed. But I finally got her to sleep again. We just took it slow today and picked up olive garden for dinner it tasted good. Luna's Halloween costume came today. She's going to be a lion. I didn't didn't put the whole costume on just the hat she loved it.



 My day was good. It was meeting day so it went by pretty quick. I took my last antibiotic tonight so hopefully my cold will still continue to get better. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Monday, September 27, 2021


 Well I made it to work today. Shocking I know, but I feeling better so hopefully that will just continue. Work was busy getting caught up on all the stuff I missed while I was sick. Then I cam home and worked on school stuff. I live an exciting life I know. I hope that everyone has a great Tuesday tomorrow and I am exciting for the haunted house on Saturday. Bye


 Work was quiet and I am caught back up that felt nice. I was tired all day. Go figure. I did go get a mammogram tonight. They had an appointment at 7. It was nice not to have to leave work early. I did order a meat and cheese platter for Saturday. Thought that would be fun. Not much else going on with us. Love mom


 Today was good and nothing too exciting happened.  Tony can't walk for a week so I felt bad going without him so I slept in.  I think tomorrow I will just go without him.  We went to exercise class and that was fun.  I just studied while Ruth was at school.  Isaac had orchestra after school.  His friend Josh is playing also so that is fun.  Tony is feeling better so it is hard to keep him still.  I hope he heals ok.  I cut Oliver's hair today and he looks good.  Casey got a new driver's license today.  He cut his hair yesterday so he wouldn't look homeless in his picture.  Love you guys.




Jeramy has this week off. So it was nice to have him around. Luna grew her 0-3 month clothes are really tight now. She looks different too. She is starting to giggle it's a cute giggle. I decided that for my house I am going to do floating ghosts. I sprayed them with glow in the dark paint. But tonight they were not glowing. So I need to come up with something to have them glow. I need to make some more for the other side of my house. But I thought I could put them up as I finish them.

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Quiet day

 I hate it when the babies have a blow out when you are out somewhere. It is so hard to clean them up. Yeah for general.conference. we need to have a conference call and make a plan. Karen good luck catching up with school. I am glad you are feeling better. We had a really quiet day. We did make it to.winco and that was good. We have ice cream again. Every one have a nice last week of September. Love mom


It turns out that next week is general conference so we can decorate day without anything else going on.  Thanks again for coming up an decorating.  Thanks for doing five nights at Freddy's.  The kids are excited. Isaac reminded me that he needs a costume for Saturday to go with Karen so we will get that tomorrow.  I had meetings all day.  We are getting the primary program put together and it is stressful.  After I was done we went to Randy's house for dinner.  It was fun.  The kids got super hyper playing with Ivy and had a fun time but it was crazy.  I was telling them how fun the violin is and Teri had a full size one she let me borrow so I can practice.  It was nice of her.  Yesterday I started quilting my sea quilt.  I decided to do a bubble pattern.  I hope it turns out.  I attached a picture.  Love you guys.



Yesterday we went to Jeramys neices wedding. It was good. We went to wingers after for dinner. Luna was fussy so I was having her sit on my lap. I felt something warm run down my leg Luna had a blow out. So I ran her to the bathroom and changed her onesie and cleaned her up. While I was doing that Jeramy paid so we could head home. We put her in her car seat and by the time we got to the car she was a mess again. So we did what we could. So today I did alot of laundry and cleaned her car seat. I was tired so we took it slow. 


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...