Saturday, July 25, 2020

Home again

I made it home safe and sound.  I had a really nice visit to Logan.  Thank you so much!  Karen, way to go on your school.  That is neat you are almost done.  Robin, if you need help putting together your smoker let us know and we can come down and help.  Not much else to report on my end.  The fireworks were amazing last night.  We were like right there and they were huge and lasted a long time.  It was way past midnight before we all settled down.  The kids were tired today but we still had a great time.  LOVE MOM


Things are going good here. I turned in my final presentation for logistics, watch the final lecture in my statics class, and then took the final for statics. I just have my final test in management class on Monday and then I am all done. So just studying left to do. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Fun time

We had a fun time last night. We went to the park and watched a movie and they did fireworks. They were amazing and lasted a long time. It was midnight before we got home. Robin came up and we shopped. Ruth has the gift. I am so glad you got your smoker. You will have fun with that. Karen good luck with all your tests and projects this weekend. You are almost done with this semester.

Friday, July 24, 2020


I am glad you guys had a fun day. I made it thru work. It was tough getting stuff done because a lot of people were gone, but I was tough and stayed all day. Congrats on the smoker Robin. I have really enjoyed mine. I hope everyone has a great weekend. Bye


Today was fun. I drove up to Logan and we went to olive garden and shopped. It was fun. Then I came home and I got my stimulas check. It was weird because it wasn't the couple one it was just for a single person. So hopefully Jeramy gets his soon. Then we went to Lowe's and got a smoker. Jeramy was excited. It's in the house so no one takes it tonight lol. Thanks for the fun day. Hope everyone has a good Saturday


Thursday, July 23, 2020


Thanks for coming up tomorrow.  It will be fun!!  Tony didn't sleep well last night.  He needed to use the bathroom and we had a hard time falling back to sleep.  I took Tony to get his second shots and it took forever and we had to wait in our hot van.  They need a better system.  Casey brought us lunch home which was nice.  IsaacWIsaac had hismhis lasttlast magic class today. He has really enjoyed them.  We mowed the lawn this evening, it looks nice.  It was cool and rainy this evening and it was a pretty walk.  We bought some corn fr the neighborhood for tomorrow.  Drive safe.


My Friday

I went into work today and it was nice.  I got a lot done.  We went to Walmart afterwards to get dad a pitcher and then we came home and I fell sound asleep.  I didn't sleep well last night and I think it caught up with me.  I am going to go to Logan tomorrow also but me and Robin are taking our own cars so I can spend the night.  Karen, I am glad the dentist went well.  That is a nice thing to have over with.  Not much else going on with me.  I am super excited to go play.  LOVE MOM


Today was good because it was my Friday. I went grocery shopping and picked up a few things. Then Jeramy helped his friend move a washer. We just relaxed the rest of the night. I will head up for Logan in the morning. Around 8:30-9 ish



My day was good. Work is still moving along. I am jealous everyone gets tomorrow off. I still have to work. I went to the dentist this afternoon and got my cavity fixed. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Hump day

I am with Robin, I am so glad it is a short week.  I had a hard time focusing today.  Dad stayed home and went to the doctor.  He has to go alone. He was upset by that.  The doctor said magnesium might be good for him.  I looked it up and as long as you are really careful it might help.  It does upset your stomach so I am not sure how great that will work for him but we will give it a try.  Karen's computer didn't work so we went to Kamas to support the Geek Squad.  We went to dinner and then TJ Max.  Karen helped me pick out a really cute back pack purse.  It fit everything really well so I am excited to try that out.  Robin your flowers are beautiful.  WOW you are quite the gardener.  I am excited to go to Logan.  Rachel, Ruth's dance was so dang cute.  I am glad you had a good day.  Oliver looks so big in his bed.  It rained a little bit here also and it was so nice.  It was cooler.  I have to go to work early tomorrow to do COVID screenings.  Lucky me.  Rachel, you are amazing.  Way to go on the certificate.  You worked so hard on that.  WOW  LOVE MOM


I finished my data science certification this afternoon.  I learned a lot from the classes and I am really glad I did it.  I had a lot of fun doing it.  Today was good.  Tony wasn't feeling the walk this morning so we didn't got far.  Oliver and Ruth had their last day of the classes.  They had a really fun time.  I was able to watch Ruth do a dance and she was really cute.  She is a good dancer.  It won't let me post the video, it says it is too big.  Isaac had a call with Collin and they had fun talking to each other.  Mom and Dad sent the kids new toys and they loved them.  They had a lot of fun playing with them.  We needed batteries for them so we went to the store and then met Casey for lunch. It was watering day and Tony loves running through the water.  It ended up raining this evening.  Love you guys.


I use Tony to wake Oliver up.


Today was good. Nothing out of the ordinary. Me and Jeramy got food trucks today. It was astro burger truck so nothing fancy. Tomorrow is my Friday and I am so excited. I love not working. 



My day was good. I got up and got my monthly allergy shot. Then I went to work. Work went good just the usual there. Around lunch my laptop got delivered so I powered it up and the keyboard didn't work. So after work I took it back to best buy. They fixed it. The repair place didn't plug in the cable. Mom and dad met yesterday with me and we had dinner. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, July 21, 2020


It was a slow day at work today, I did get laundry done.  I made a zucchini casserole tonight with the zucchini you gave us Rachel.  It tasted really good.  I have another recipe I got from Linda and I am going to try that one as well.  I did go to Smiths on my lunch hour.  I was going to make hamburger soup but I spaced that out and it was too late.  I will make it tomorrow.  I was going to go into work tomorrow but they want me to come and do screenings early on Thursday so I am just going in on Thursday.  Dad has a doctor's appointment tomorrow but they don't let people come with him so I am not sure if he will go or not.  Karen congratulations on getting done with your classes.  It was nice to talk with you today Robin.  Rachel, I think it will be fun to go see Ruth dance tomorrow.  I can't believe they are closing Walmart on Thanksgiving.  I was really sad about that one.  Maybe black Friday will really be on Friday now.  Have a nice hump day.  I am glad I get Friday off.  I am excited to come up to Logan.  LOVE MOM


Today was good.  Oliver had art class and he had a fun time.  They made bubbles.and colored them.  Ruth had princess camp and she had a fun time.  She wore her Tangled dress and she was acting so cute.  I dropped Ruth off and had a half an hour so I went to the quilt store to spend my gift card.  I got stuff to make a cover for my sewing machine.  I ran out of time so I left my stuff and picked up Oliver and then went back to pay.  Kimi found out what gender her baby was so we went over this afternoon and found out.  It is a girl. Love you guys and I hope you have a good night.



My day was good. It was meeting day at work so that I took up most of the day. My laptop wasn't delivered because they needed a signature. So I signed the stupid paper and taped it my door, so hopefully tomorrow I will have it. Other than that I did my management homework. I read my last two chapters on leadership and control. Now all that is left is studying for the final. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


Today was busy but I'm glad tomorrow is Wednesday.  It means we are closer to the weekend. I gave Jeramy a hair cut and printed some things it's been a relaxing night. I read online Walmart is closing on Thanksgiving. It's going to be a wild year. No quilt show and restricted black Friday. I'm ready for 2021 and be done with covid

Monday, July 20, 2020


Thank for the fun birthday weekend.  We had a blast at bear lake, I love it there. Oliver loved the sandcastle we built and has talked about it all day.  We were all tired today.  Oliver had art class this morning and Ruth had princess camp.  I remembered to pick them both up so I was on a roll.  They both had a really good time and were so happy afterwards. Oliver's friend was in his art class he invited him over this afternoon to play.  Oliver had a really fun time.  Ruth made a princess wand and Tony chewed it.  So we went to the hobby lobby after we picked up Oliver and got more suppliers.  I noticed Oliver lost a tooth at the store so he picked a stuffed animal as his prize instead of money.  He is on to the tooth fairy.  Randy, Terri, Kimi and Max took us out to dinner for my birthday.  It was fun.  We came home and took Tony for a walk.  Ruth and Oliver ran too far ahead and Ruth was crying because Oliver wasn't waiting. So now no one can go ahead and we are all sticking together.  Everyone was sad but I think they were all just tired. Love you guys and thanks for the wonderful birthday.



I was tired today but I made it through work.  I wasn't super busy but I got a lot done so that was nice.  We just vegged after work and watched Harry Potter.  Robin that is such a cute hummingbird feeder.  You are so gifted.  I am glad you had some nice time off.  Karen I am glad you went to the dentist.  Not too much longer and school will be done for the quarter.  Rachel, I hope you had a nice day.  You were dropping off and picking up all day.  Dad did change the oil in my car.  That was nice.  Have a good Tuesday.  Karen said it was suppose to cool down a little bit.  That will be nice it is so hot.  LOVE MOM


I had a teeth cleaning this morning. It went pretty good. I did have one cavity though so I have to go back on Thursday to get that fixed. Work was a little slow today. But I made it thru. It was another hot one today. I got half my management homework done. I had to read two chapters. One was on motivation and the other chapter was on what makes a leader. Robin your feeder looks really cute. Good job, I hope that you get a hummingbird soon. I hope that everyone had a great Monday. BYE


Today was good. Work was busy because I was out for so long. But I finally got some things accomplished. Over the weekend I made me a hummingbird feeder. I haven't gotten a hummingbird yet. But I'm hoping soon. I mowed the lawn today and made hamburgers. Hope everyone had a good birthday weekend



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...