Friday, September 8, 2017

Happy Anniversary

Happy anniversary mom and dad. My day was good.  I was glad that it was Friday today. Good luck at orientation tomorrow Robin. Try to stay awake. Have a great one. Bye


Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad, I completely forgot.  Congratulations on your last night Robin, that is fun. Karen it is the start of your birthday week celebration, yea.  We are headed down tomorrow and it will be a fun day.  Today was good.  We rode bikes to school and it is getting cool in the mornings.  Oliver wanted to ride his bike so he rode it to the library for story time.  It was fun but hot on the way home.  Isaac gets out early on Friday so I gave Ruthie a late nap so we could pick him up so we all just rested when we got home.  We got costa vida for dinner and it tasted really good.  Casey finished mowing the lawn and we rode our bikes to the park and played until dark which isn't very long any more.  Everyone have a good night and see you tomorrow.


41 years

Well today was our 41 year anniversary.  We have been married a long time.  We went to Yellow Finn for dinner and it was really good.  Congratulations Robin.  That is scary and amazing all at the same time.  You have been at Scheels a long time.  Good for you.  Rachel drive safe tomorrow and I am excited to play.  LOVE MOM

The end

Today is my last day at scheels. It's nice to have over. I feel like the night is taking forever though. It's been a long week in general. I'm tired. Tomorrow I have oreintation at lagoon it should be done by 11. Then I'm a free bird. It will be nice. Habe a good night


Thursday, September 7, 2017


I had my make up test at lagoon. It was alright. Nothing fancy. I didn't take any pictures.because I only did one person because the others were rehearsing and I am going to do something different on him for the show. I got the dates they are the 15 17 or the 22 or 24th. So whatever works best for everyone. I think Sundays are.your best value :)



Well my day was good. We had the luncheon today. They had burgers and hot dogs. After they still had a bunch that they hadn't cooked so I grabbed some. So next weekend when everyone comes up for the hot air balloons we can have them. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye

Clothes party

WEll tonight Kay picked me up and we went to Julies for a clothes party. They were T-shirt dresses and they were 55.00.  I thought that was way over priced but it was nice to see everyone.  Austin got a job and he is starting on Monday. Johnny is getting a vacestomy tomorrow also.   That was all my gossip.  Robin, I hope Lagoon was fun tonight and that you got to do a lot of  makeup.  Karen thanks for getting those hamburgers.  We will eat them next weekend up at your house.  We don't have a lot going on this weekend.  I am up for plans if anyone has some.  LOVE MOM

Sewing class

Sorry I didn't blog last night, it was too late.  Yesterday was a good day.  We went to the fun park for story time in the morning and they had flour to play with and the kids really liked it.  Ruthie took a long nap which was nice.  We picked up Isaac on our bikes and then we met Casey at the cheese factory and he took the kids and I went to SLC for my sewing class.  It was fun to go and I am glad that I was able to make it.  Today we rode bikes to school.  They have a thing now if you ride all of September you could win a bike so we are going to do it.  Oliver had school today, he wasn't excited to go but he was great once we got there and he had a fun time.  He tells me everything they do which is fun.  We made salsa with our tomatoes and had that for dinner.  Casey mowed the lawn and me and the kids walked to the park and it was fun.  They were happy.  I can't believe it is Friday tomorrow and it is almost Karen's birthday.  Time is going fast.


Wednesday, September 6, 2017


My day was good also. I didn't sleep well last night so I was tired today also. It was still busy at work so that kept me awake at least. It is the monthly luncheon tomorrow at work so that should be fun. I hope everyone has a great day tomorrow. Bye


Today was busy. I still feel tired but I guess that is just life. Tomorrow I have a makeup test at lagoon so that should be fun. I don't have alot else going on. Have a good night


Hump day

I had a hard time believing it was Wednesday today.  That was nice the week is going so fast.  Work was good.  Dad stayed home with his kidney stone.  It did good all day.  It takes forever for them to pass.  I am not sure what he will decide to do tomorrow.  It is so hard to know if it will hurt or just move along.  The smoke is starting to bother me.  I am ready for the hurricane winds to move it out.  I guess it might not make it from Florida.  I did call Jeff and Chaz is home and doing OK.  Not wonderful but OK.  I am going to a clothes party at Angela's tomorrow night and Kay is picking me up and we are going to dinner.  Have a nice Thursday  LOVE MOM

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Back to the real world

My day was good, it wasn't as busy as last week and that felt nice.  I got a lot done.  It is so smoky here.  The fires have to be pretty bad to have that much smoke.  That was nice of your VT to bring by jam Karen.  Rachel, Oliver looks so cute in his pictures.  I can't believe he is in preschool.  I am in denial still.  Robin, I am so glad you are almost done with Scheels.  The count down is so close.  Dad thinks he has kidney stones so he isn't feeling really great.  I think he will be home tomorrow for sure.  Our anniversary is Friday.  41 years.  That makes me sound really old.  My hair didn't look too bad today so that was good.  I was worried.  I even got a compliment.  Go figure.  Rachel drive safe and have a wonderful time at class.  LOVE MOM


Well my day was busy today at work. It was meetings and projects all day, but I made it thru. Then after work I sliced more peaches to dry. My visiting teacher made jam with the blackberries I gave her so she brought me some over. I thought that was nice. It is really smokey here today. I hope they get those fires out soon. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


We rode bikes this morning to school and Ruthie cried on the way home and Oliver was mad that she was looking at him.  Oliver was excited to go to school and wore his backpack all morning.  He did really well and told me things that he did which was fun to hear.  I laid Ruthie down for a nap while he was gone and sewed for a hour which was fun.  She never fell asleep though.  It was hot riding bikes home but we survived.  Casey had scouts tonight and I had young women's, a girl taught us how she does jump roping, she is really good.  Tomorrow I am coming down for my sewing class, it is probably dumb but it will be fun I think.  Everyone have a great night.



Today was good. Work was busy but time went by fast and after a kind weekend at.scheels it was refreshing to have something to do. Ha ha I came home and did nothing. I was really nice to just relax and take a nap. I hope everyone had a good day back from the holiday.


Monday, September 4, 2017


Well my day was good. The bottom of my sliver drawer had pulled the staples out. SovI pulled it out and out some nails in. It should be good now. I am still drying peaches. They are huge so it takes a whole tray to dry one peach. I took some of the blackberries over to my visiting teachers house today because there was no way I could eat them all. Then she came over to see my painted kitchen.  Then we played outside with her kids.  Other than that it was a quiet day.  I hope everyone has a great week bye

quiet day

WE had a quiet day.  I slept in and then took a nap.  We did go get our hair cut.  I think the person was stoned because my hair may never look good again and dad was a cone head.  I fixed his hair but mine is so short it will take several weeks to be able to do anything with it.  One side sticks straight out.  I see a lot of moose in my future.  Robin you made it through hours of Scheels.  I am glad that is almost done.  Rachel congratulations on selling the car.  That is sweet.  I am sorry the jeep is taking so long to get fixed.  I feel bad.  Karen, I hope you got all your peaches dried.  Grandma called today and said one peach filled her whole bowl.  She said it was wonderful.  I could have used a couple more lazy days but I will be good and go to work tomorrow.  I will call Oliver and see how school went.  He will love it.  I love that almond braid Robin.  You spoil the people at your work.  LOVE MOM


I worked at scheels today. It was a long day if that was my day job I would go mental. My last shift is Friday. I decided to make small bread twist for everyone at work. It's for tangled it suppose to look like a hair braid. It was so fun to cook I decided to make the almond twist bread as well. Just for everyone because it was nice to be up an doing.something fun. Hope everyone has a good tues.



Today was good.  This morning after breakfast me and the kids rode out bike up to the park and played until it was too hot.  Then we went grocery shopping which was good to have food again.  Casey worked on the Jeep all day and got a lot done.  After Ruthie's nap we went to get some free cupcakes with a coupon I had to get out of the house but they were closed and shaffers were closed so it was a bust, Isaac said that labor day is the worst because everything is closed.  We just put on a movie and it was nice to sit for a while.  Casey sold the Mercedes which is fun and spent the evening with us.  We cooked brauts and had a picnic in the backyard.  Then we rode bikes and got ice cream.  Oliver wanted to go to the park again so we rode up there and stayed until it was dark.  Oliver starts preschool tomorrow, I think he will have fun.


Sunday, September 3, 2017


Today was chill i just worked. Nothing exciting. It does help knowing it's my last weekend. I think it will be nice to have scheels over with. Next week lagoon opens so it will be right back to busy town soon. Hope everyone has a good labor day.


Nice day

I slept in late today also.  It felt really nice.  I am going to do it again tomorrow as well.  We went out and visited Grandma.  Kristen has her baby last night.  So her kids where there.  Those peaches are huge.  We had them  for dinner tonight and they were yummy.  We got home and watched little evil and it was pretty cute.  Might want to try watching that one.  Not much else to report.  I am glad that everyone had a nice day.  Robin just think no more Sunday's at Scheels  :)   LOVE MOM


My sunday has been good. I slept in this morning whuch was nice. Then I cut up peaches to dry. The peaches I got in Brigham Cuty were huge, so one peach filled one tray. I will have to dry more tomorrow.  I also have peaches and cream whuch was yummy. I had a fun time playing in Logan yesterday.  Have a good one everyone. Bye


Today was good, nothing too exciting.  We went to church after lunch and that went good.  The kids did good and the new crafts Mom got kept them busy.  Casey worked on the Jeep afterwards and the kids watched a movie.  After dinner me and the kids rode our bikes to the park and they had built a new park, it was so crazy.  It was fun but it got dark so early.  Kelly came over to help Casey with the Jeep so I am going to sew Karen's quilt.  It should be fun.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...