Saturday, April 5, 2014
Sorry I didn't blog. I have been trying to get off soda so I get tired and get headaches. I'm a mess. But yesterday walter took me to Olive Garden it was fun. He had a room check this morning. I guess they have to have their room checked and have a drug test. After he picked me up and we went to panda and then gordmans. He bought some new cloths. He got me a new wallet and sunglasses and some saddles I am spoiled, I did drink a coke and it was awesome, tomorrow I have a photoshoot with a new photographer and then I am doing makeuo for my friends sister wedding photos. Oh and I keep forgetting to blog about David's bridal but I don't think I have the job. She called and said she wanted to hire me but there was some one with more experience and said she would call me later I when she has made her final decision and I haven't gotten a call. But it's kinda good I think I've had a bunch of calls for makeup so I am going to focus on that. Well I think that is it. Have a good night
Friday, April 4, 2014
Lone Blogger
We had a good time tonight. Karen came down and we went to dinner and then went to Lowes to look at Fridges for her and then we went to see Captain America. It was a good movie. We are going to Logan in the morning. We will be up there before lunch. Karen won 100 dollars at the luncheon at work today. She is so lucky. Have a great weekend. LOVE MOM
Thursday, April 3, 2014
I choose high fats
I think I would prefer the high fats over the gluten free. Sorry about that Rachel. Good luck with the Doctor tomorrow. I hope you get a clean bill of health. You are looking really good. I am going with dad in the morning to the doctor. I have worked extra hours so I will be able to do that. I am excited to sleep in a few minutes in the morning. His appointment isn't until 8:45. We bought 47 Ronin tonight. It was a good movie. If anyone wants to borrow it you can. Have a great Friday. LOVE MOM
I ate high fats
Today was good work is starting to get busy so that's nice. I am glad tomorrow's Friday. Mom I haven't seen any edited photos from Saturday but they are for posters so they probably are waiting for release times.i went to the gym today but had a huge headache so I didn't stay long instead I came home and ate half my fridge I feel better. Ice cream helps. Well have a good one
I ate a gluten-free, lactose-free, low-carb pizza for dinner tonight. (It was a raw tomato.)
Karen, that would be fun to have you come up this weekend. That works for us. Today was cold again but we were able to play outside for a little bit and this evening Casey pruned an apple tree for a little while. For dinner we order sushi from the black pearl and took it home. It tasted really good. I love it. Casey doesn't work tomorrow which is really nice. It will be good to spend the day with him. I have my 6 week check up tomorrow in the morning also so that will be good to be done with that. I hope that everyone has a great Friday.
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Me either
I don't have any news either. I got all my hours worked so I can come in late on Friday. That is nice. Not much else going on. We did get pizza hut tonight for dinner and it tasted really good. I love the pictures. The second to the last Oliver's hair looks red. It must have some red in it. Karen I am glad you made it to Walmart, I think that chicken will be good. Robin, I am glad you are doing good. I haven't seen any pictures from your photo shoot on Saturday. Did he not post any? Have a great Thursday. I hope it starts to warm up soon. It was so cold this morning. LOVE MOM
No news
Isaac woke up early this morning and never fell back to sleep. So all three of us took a nap this morning and we felt a lot better. It was pretty bad weather again today but this evening is cleared out and Casey and Isaac took a walk. They had a good time. I don't have any exciting news. I hope that everyone has a good night. Here are some pictures from the last couple days.
American hustle
Sorry I forgot to blog last night. It was a long day yesterday. Nothing to crazy just long. I made steak for me and Walter and we watched American hustle it was a dumb movie. Today was better work went by faster. The grommet kid called in today because it was the last day of skiing. I was kinda mad about it. He takes off so much time and doesn't give any notice. But my boss was helpful today so that was nice. Then I did dishes and relaxed. I was tired today. This weather makes me hibernate. Have a good Thursday.
Well the week is half over, yea. Work is going good. I have been staying busy so it has been going fast. I went to WalMart after work to get my drugs and to get stuff to make for the luncheon on Friday. Rachel I was thinking of coming up on Saturday and visiting if that is okay. Well I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
My hair is white, I am afraid you all have white genes in you. Sorry about that one. Today was quiet, that is nice. We did go grocery shopping after work and that felt nice. I was running out of food. I made spaghetti for dinner and that tasted good. Not much else going on with me. Today was so cold and snowy. I have been spoiled with the nice weather last week. Have a great Wednesday. I am working late tomorrow so I can take some time off on Friday to go to the doctor with dad. He has a check up with the stomach doctor. LOVE MOM
Today I was talking about hair color with Isaac. He said I have red hair, Oliver has brown hair and you have silver hair. I think it is time for a hair dye. I have been telling him all day that I have brown hair and I think it is sticking now. We had snow also so we were inside today. This evening I had 10 dollars khols cash so we went and got Casey some shorts. I wanted a maxi skirt but I didn't see an there. I will have to look around. I really like the one I have and would like just a black one now. I hope that everyone has a good night and good day tomorrow.
Well it snowed off and on here most of the day. April showers are here. I am still hoping for rain showers instead of snow showers though. work was good. We got doughnuts. I was a little nervous about them with it being April fools day and everything, but they were prank free. They are having a work Easter egg hunt and brunch on the 19th. It should be a fun time. Hopefully spring will get here before then. Well have a great one. Bye
Monday, March 31, 2014
In like a lion out like 2 lions
I think March is ending in wild form. Grandpa always said March came in like a lion and left like two. I think with snow tonight he is going to be right this year. Work was good today. I got to go out for lunch for helping with the US News. That was fun. Rachel, I am glad you got to play outside for awhile. That always makes the day go by faster. I think Oliver was fussy last night because he was held for two days and wanted more of that. Karen, I thought the recipe for sesame chicken looked really good. I think it will be a good recipe. You can always make your beef and broccoli also. That is good. Have a great April fools day. LOVE MOM
Today was good work was chill, I was going to go to the gym but I was so tired I just stayed in a took a nap I think I made the wiser decision. Well I don't have a lot to report. So I m going to keep it short have a good night
A dyslexic man walks into a bra.
We got a lot of snow yesterday. It all melted today. We were out playing this morning and in an hour it had mostly melted. It was fun to watch. We had good weather until this evening and then it got cold again. We went on a walk this afternoon and it was nice to get out. Casey fixed a bike for his friend so Isaac and him took it to him. Randy and Terry came over and visited for a while tonight. It was good to see them. Karen, it isn't a big deal about the easter egg hunt. We will have a fun Easter either way. Robin, I am glad that you got some food, that was nice of Walter.
Well it only snowed for about an hour here yesterday. So far we haven't got any new precipitation today. Work is going good. I will have to check on the Easter hunt here Rachel. They haven't announced one for work yet. If they don't do one we can always just do one in my backyard. I will see if they are having one though. I need to go shopping to get some stuff to make something for the luncheon on Friday. I found a recipe for honey sesame chicken. I hope that is good. Well I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Sunday, March 30, 2014
I can't believe how much it snowed today. It was crazy. Walter needed food for his place so we went to winco. He bought me a ton of groceries for my place as well. It was really sweet. It was snowing so hard though we could not put stuff in the back of the truck so we had to pack it all in the back seat. We had so much I was under three layers of bags in the front to. He got all the food to his place and while he was gone I made artichoke dip and chicken crescent rolls. Then he came back and we watched Arabian nights. It was fun. I'm glad everyone had a good weekend,
I'm Back
We made it home safe and sound. It was a stormy day. We had a great weekend. The baptism was really nice and we had a great time in Logan. It was nice to be home and just rest for a little while. It is hard to get back to the real world when you play all weekend. Have a great last day of March. LOVE MOM
The weekend
We had a good weekend. Casey was at the bike class all day yesterday and had a long day. Me, Isaac and Oliver went to the zoo and did a easter egg hunt. There were a lot of kids so Isaac only got two eggs but he was alright with that. I told him at Aunts Karen's he would get more than that. In one egg was a little chick that he liked. I also bought him a peacock feather which he really liked. The had the eater bunny there but he was worried he was going to get him so we didn't get too close. It was nice to have Mom and Dad here and we had a really good time. We were spoiled. Mom the enchilada's were really good. We both really liked them, thank you. I was thinking about taking an accounting class to help Casey with the business but I decided to get a book with my credit so I did that. I think will be a good way to start. I hope that everyone has a good week, don't work too hard.
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...