Sunday, March 30, 2014

The weekend

We had a good weekend.  Casey was at the bike class all day yesterday and had a long day.  Me, Isaac and Oliver went to the zoo and did a easter egg hunt.  There were a lot of kids so Isaac only got two eggs but he was alright with that.  I told him at Aunts Karen's he would get more than that.  In one egg was a little chick that he liked.  I also bought him a peacock feather which he really liked.  The had the eater bunny there but he was worried he was going to get him so we didn't get too close.  It was nice to have Mom and Dad here and we had a really good time.  We were spoiled.  Mom the enchilada's were really good.  We both really liked them, thank you.  I was thinking about taking an accounting class to help Casey with the business but I decided to get a book with my credit so I did that.  I think will be a good way to start.  I hope that everyone has a good week, don't work too hard.


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